Trying to beat this once and for all

Have any of you NOT killed Benny?

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I'll forgive all kinds of people in video games, even evil monsters too.

But fuck man, I'm not going to let someone live who SHOT ME IN THE GODDAMN HEAD.

yes, i didn't kill him on my first playthrough

I didn't. The game was so awful I never played that far.

I don't understand the question

Why did Benny have to kill the Courier again? Weren't they just robbing him of the platinum chip? I don't think I've gone through a playthrough without killing him. My favourite kill was beating him to death with my fists while he was tied up.

>Shoots you in the head and betrays you when you're willing to cut a deal with him
Fuck this piece of shit

>don't kill Courier
>they go to Vegas and explain how they lost the Chip to some faggot in a suit
>House knows he's been betrayed

Probably would have worked if House didn't already have Victor in Goodsprings to keep an eye on things

I'm more of a "an eye for an eye" guy

How far did you get?
>Leaving loose ends when you are betraying someone.

It's like you want to get killed.

i prefered sleeping with him and killing him after

He shot me through the head, I always repay it with a sawn off shotgun to his face.

i crucify benny every time

Sometimes I begin a new playthrough just to blow his head up again, grab the platinum chip, dump all points in a single stat and close game.

I'm generally a nice guy, so in my first play through I let him go. And every play through after that I gave him an Honorable death in the Arena.

>not making Meyers the Sherrif
>not immediately killing Vulpes in Nipton
>not sabotaging the irradiated subhumans' rockets to crash
Just how wrong were you guys on your first playthrough?

I always shot the cunt regardless of the playthrough.
I am fond of shooting him in the head, cutting it off and leaving it in the toilet.

I like fighting him in the arena, give him the fighting chance he didn't give you.
Of course he doesn't really have a chance because he gets fucked up every time, but you know honor and shit.

There's really no reason to let him live, but if you want to fight your way out, I suggest a stealth boy and a lot of c4.

Best way to help meyers is get him the pardon, but still get the ncr to move in. That way you won't have to worry about a loose cannon who is a stranger to everyone else, but he will still help the townspeople and advocate for justice. Unfortunately he just walks around and never moves in to a home.

Killed him with his own gun. Ring a ding ding you're fucking dead Benny eat shit.

>Start up a new character.
>Decided this time to play as a complete bravado cowboy character completely bent on revenge.
>Guns and melee skills.
>Would take on any quests I could when wandering because part of me just wanted to be done with it all and figured going out in helping folks was the only good way out.
>Never liked Victor. Something about that robot just rubbed me the wrong way. He never tried anything when he followed me but I kept him out of my way.
>Make many friends along the way. NCR loved me even though I was adamant at best with them.
>Come to new vegas and pay my way in like an honest and hard working man.
>House was the most respectable scum villain I'd ever done met.
>Head to the tops casino.
>Explain my situation to the gentleman at the front desk. Walk up to Benny's suite with an arsenal of weapons that would make the old world proud.
>Walk through the doors and start talking to Benny if only to get some answers.
>He tries to weasel out of his long overdue justice.
>I may have let him live with only a fwe broken ribs if he wasn't such a dog.
>I rush him with my fists. Anyone can use a gun or a knife. He would die knowing who was the better man.
>He pulls out his little pistol. He's on the floor b before he has the first shot off. The old ranger in novac taught me that.
>Pummel him in the corner for a bit before he gets up and scrambles over to the bar.
>Ragdoll him again. Now I'm beating his skull against the bar.
>All the while, aint that a kick int he head was playing over the radio
>The last of his hitpoints dropped.
>I leave his corpse be.
>Exit the tops casino and walk into the wasteland.

It was a good playthrough.

>not joining the leagion

>not making Primm Slim the sherrif

Independent towns are always the best option.

I want to fuck Tatsumaki's throat


I might have let him go in Vegas, but then he had a bunch of his faggots try to kill me in the suite, and ran again instead of just apologizing or giving me an explanation. Slimy little fuck had to die after that.

>not having THE BEST Sheriff of Primm


The worst thing is that even if you give him a stealth boy and untie him he usually dies anyways.

unless you pick the Wild Wasteland trait.

What does that change?

>Was getting caught a part of your plan?

Oh shit, what happens then?

>he didn't side with Legion
Degenerates like you deserve to be lashed to a cross.

Could you even do that? What skills did you need?

is it time?

30 science, thats it



I want her to crush my head with those delicious legs

So I have a bunch of questions:

A) Why the fuck would you ever side with those Legion lunatics?
B) Can I do all the companion quests or do they lock each other out or something like that?
C) Why is Boone such a little whiny bitch?
D) Can you target individual body parts with melee (perhaps once you reach a certain skill level)? I'd like to one-hit decap shit.

a- legion will make the wasteland great again
b- side with the ncr for companion quests, a few of them (arcade and boon) dont like the legion
c- muh wife
d- dont know

I'm pretty sure you can't target body parts with melee weapons.

I told him I'd help him but then I shot him in the head.

>A) Why the fuck would you ever side with those Legion lunatics?
this is an 18 and up board intended for an audience of WHITE americans
please go back2reddit

A) Best chance at restarting civilization, Caesar speaks of Hegelian dialectics- thesis, antithesis, synthesis
B)To finish each companion quest, you need to side with NCR, and NOT Van Graffs
C) because his qt was sold into slavery by some old bitch and he probably has PTSD from his tour in the NCR
D) As far as I know, you can't without mods.

Memes. Most of their content got cut, so there isn't a whole lot to them now.
You can, which doesn't mean they can't get locked out. But you'll probably be fine.
What would you do if some double niggers had taken your wife, user?

And here I thought that NCR are the good guys.

What would be a good build for a Legion playthrough?

forgot to mention arcades quests can be easy to fuck up (wrong speech choices, side with house/legion, ect.)

So I've never sided with the Legion but out of curiosity is the interaction or ending different depending on gender? I vaguely remember them being all "women are useless" and so on. Like could you be a female Courier and surpass Caesar and rule the legion? That'd be kinda cool.

A) Legion is the best choice, if you actually join the legion and speak to Caesar you'll realise he is a highly intelligent man and even intends to abolish the slavery later when he's got a good foundation for his civilization laid out. Which doesn't matter to me since I couldn't care less about slavery and/or slaves.

B) Some compadres dislike le ebin Legion

C) That's a man who had his wife kidnapped, enslaved, tortured, possibly raped and then shot by himself unknowingly while he was trying to snipe legionares.

Cut him some slack.

D) No.

A) Only contrarians pick them, if the Legion was more developed in the game then maybe I'd change my opinion but as it stands right now they're basically raiders.
B)Yes but if you do dumb shit some companions will leave you.
C)Wife killed by Legion and he is bald

any build for legion is decent. i like doing unarmed in full legion armor

>And here I thought that NCR are the good guys.
be a female Courier and surpass Caesar and rule the legion? That'd be kinda cool.

No, you only get a medal.

Enjoy receiving Lanius' thundercock a few years down the line when he gets the mantle of Caesar and he wants you as his wife.

>if the Legion was more developed in the game
We really would have needed that eastern side of the river in the game, could have shown us the other side of the coin and made the overall situation much less black-and-white.

You don't rule the Legion whether or not you're a man. Either Caesar stays the leader or Lanius takes over, pretty sure there's no difference for gender.

Yeah, exploring the cities controlled by the Legion would've been neat.

>A) Why the fuck would you ever side with those Legion lunatics?
If you really hate drugs and value security above all else (their territory is pretty safe by most accounts). That's about it.
>B) Can I do all the companion quests or do they lock each other out or something like that?
Most of them aren't exclusive, yeah.
>C) Why is Boone such a little whiny bitch?
Because muh wife
>D) Can you target individual body parts with melee (perhaps once you reach a certain skill level)? I'd like to one-hit decap shit
No, don't think so.

I hope future installments of this franchise will have better scale to everything.

>Uh oh 5 guys have taken our """"base"""" and we 4 guys need your help to take it back
>Uh, oh these 5 tiny ass maize """"fields"""" will feed all our troopers
>Uh, oh bring these codes to those 6 radio guys who sit alone in a tent in the most ass backwards location possible
>Uh, oh those 20 Fiends are killing our whole army!!

>not sabotaging the irradiated subhumans' rockets to crash

For what purpose?

Faction-wise going melee with any other skills works.

It doesn't matter too much, though. I like to role with my traditional high medicine, repair, and guns character. You need to pass a high-ish medical check in most Legion playthroughs.

>he thinks the NCR are good
They mean well but the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

>Which doesn't matter to me since I couldn't care less about slavery and/or slaves.

make america great again

Women aren't useless, they just aren't as good as men when it comes to masculine activities like conquest.

In my first playthrough I just banged him because I could

I used Black Widow to kill him in his sleep the first time, just because it's probably not something I'll ever get to do in real life.

Keeping space clean.

>play moralfag
>no option to imprison him for life

They crash either way. ;_;

I mean, they're probably gonna die as soon as they land, or get stuck in orbit for forever before crashing and dying.

you can crucify him and he'll hang there forever

It's a game my nigger.


Crucifixion is pretty painful lad. Apart from the whole bolts into hands and feet thing; there is no comfortable resting position and you get to feel how the bolts dig into your hands, then come the back pains, muscles pulls in the arms and shoulders, thirst, nausea from the sun. And all this for the hours on end that it takes for your body to just give up.
Overall, crucifixion is a fate worse than death.

Hey, if Benny didn't want to get shot in the head, he shouldn't have made a game out of it in the first place.

The Legion crucifies people with rope, not nails or bolts.
I'm sure it's still pretty unpleasant though.

I tried sneaking him out of the Legion place but that was pretty hard and he died a lot.

I'm going to save Benny!~

>Benny gets caught despite his Legion disguise because of his hairstyle
>you can infiltrate the Fort in disguise just fine, even if you're a woman

I thought supermutants were sterile?

No, Boone shot his wife knowingly, it was the least he could do, putting her out of misery.

If you didn't kill him on your first playthrough you're a cuck

Well then, remove the bolts into hands and feet part and you still have the rest. Actually, since you're not bleeding out or get a spear to the liver, you're probably gonna live for a while longer, maybe until you die of thirst, meanwhile your body will be slowly tearing itself apart due to the awful position it's in. Still not a good time.

>if you want to save him the entire legion instantly becomes hostile and all he does is phase out of the game never to be seen again if you get him out

not sure what I expected but I was let down, would've been interesting if saving him changed the game up

I slept with him and let him go. I also tried to help him escape from the Legion but it was fucking impossible so I just punched the shit out of him in the arena.
>Could be worse

>I slept with him

>not killing him the moment you see him and razing New Vegas to the ground.

Taxi driver ending few.

Please refrain from posting gore, thank you.

>tfw Saitama gets with her ugly sister
How can he fuck up so much, user?

You're supposed to die to the whole legion becoming hostile to you. I'm pretty sure it's a joke option to see how hard the legion destroys your profligate ass.

People forget that the majority of deaths from crucifixion come from suffocation because the constant pressure on your chest eventually caves it in.

Crucifixion is one of the great symbols of the Roman empire because it's a well-engineered and civilized way to be fucking savage and barbaric.

Why aren't there any fallout 4 threads as good as this one?

>if you actually join the legion and speak to Caesar you'll realise he is a highly intelligent man

Ha ha.

If you talk to Caesar and don't suck his dick for the entirety of the conversation, you easily see he's an immensely insecure narcissist whose entire empire is founded on the fact the Followers and the NCR didn't treat him like the genius he thinks he is.

Legion relies on Caesar and raiding the other settlements, you fucking autistic. That's the way they get their resources. The game basically states that when Caesar (who has a tumor) dies the legion will collapse on itself.

Of course there is also the implication that if the Courier fixes his tumor Caesar will actually get his shit together once he has Vegas, since it can serve as his Rome.

I don't see what the slaves even DO if they aren't fucking farming.

Legion needed to be more fleshed out.

And the Benny subplot should've went somewhere if you decide to save him. At the very least, meeting up with him afterward and having some kind of exchange before his NPC magically disappears from the game world.

>Legion needed to be more fleshed out.

That was the intention but of course


>And the Benny subplot should've went somewhere if you decide to save him

That was intended too, and can be modded back in.

He tries to kill you, because Benny is a cunt, and never think otherwise.