Look at this shit, 10,000 healing and 12 eliminations. I could never dream of getting that with any other character.
Lucio is the best support hero
I get that with zenyatta on a slow match
I also get that with ana
What's your comp rating bud
But mercy would enable your teammates to gain more than 12 extra elims with a res or two and focused healing
L A D.
Those are both really easy to get if you're solo supporting as Zenyatta.
Fuck, many of my Zenyatta games looked like that before he was made overpowered.
What's your point m9
>meaning anything
You dont get healing that high if your team is doing well
Probably faggot Genjis and Dvas sittng at a corner before a chokepoint and and plinking at the other team the whole game
I found out last night that there is a glitch that lets Genji literally break the server. I lost 2 games then was about to win my 3rd but then the server closed when the hill was on 100%.
Why is this allowed?
It's not. They are permabanning people who do it
You know eliminations just means contributed to their death right. Thats really easy to get to high numbers with lucio.
If you're not at least getting bronze you're playing incorrectly
Lucio is easily the most boring hero to play, unless you're on a map which easily allows him to blow people off the edge. I'd even rather play Mercy.
Nope he's a lot of fun and he's extremely useful on any map
>my opinion is everyone's opinion
You need to be 18 or older to post here
It's incredibly easy to be effective as lucio. He's the demigod of objective time. Wall riding and being an incredibly hard target is pretty fun, but he's incredibly one dimensional, even by overwatch standards. Dude gets boring to play as after a few dozen levels, even if you can maintain a 60% winrate by just running to the objective and jumping around spamming m1.
haha true
Lucio is high up there on the tier list furendo
>my opinion is everyone's opinion
Can't happen because everyone's opinion on this fucking game is different, nerf this, buff that, yadda yadda
fan fact - about 50% of all teams lose on Numbani
crazy, I know
>12 eliminations
I literally just played a game with 35k and 24 eliminations,14 being objective kills.
I know, I'm calling out the fact you said "Nope he's a lot of fun" like you're opinion is correct, while his isn't.
So now I know you're under 18 AND a retard. zz