Nyehaeh there's the New Vegas Thread
Nyehaeh there's the New Vegas Thread
you tried
Damn you, I was gonna start one with a better quote.
Well, here's some OC for your thread.
Lads, I just started a play through for the first time in years. My last play through was on the 360 in which I got essentially holistically completed the game. On my main character, I believe I went with either the NCR or Yes Man (it was years ago so i don't recall). However, on this play through, I just listened to all of Caesar's "speeches" regarding his legion, and I would like to know why he isn't the overwhelming choice. NCR is out of the picture so how does the Legion compare to Yes Man and Mr. House?
>Download Fallout Character Overhaul
>Get it to work with Fallout 3
>Pic related happens
WTF I hate Moira now.
Legion is the most viable choice without Courier interference. They can hold their own realistically and viably, but they have dire consequences for the Mojave in the long run. Caesar is ruthless and his rule would not be much different from that of the Russian tsars of old. He brings law and safety at the cost of freedom and technology. House is a technocrat at heart and will bring law and safety immediately, and tech beyond your wildest dreams in less than a decade. It's pretty well canon that if House succeeds then New Vegas will be the first spaceport of the new world and colonize the stars. Yes Man is whatever you want Yes Man to be. It's headcanon the faction. Both House and Yes Man require considerable input from the Courier to be viable options for the Mojave.
nothing is 100% clear choice when it comes to factions. everyone has its ups and downs, and its part of the charm of the game. you're never 100% sure that you're on the good side
ncr has the most flaws imo, seeing the shit they pull across the mojave, from jacobstown to freeside. it's the same corrupt democracy that we see today in the world. mr house looks like a father elijah on steroids who is much smarter, less emotional, and immortal to boot, so please no (people obsessed with tech seem completely fucked in the head in this game). yes man is the most ambiguous, and depends a lot on what type of person is your courier. legion seems like a ticking time bomb. i see it as the best choice but if caesar dies, what then? it will crumble and go to shit, which would end up being worse in the long run than any of the other endings
Thanks for the input so far lads. I'm going to bed soon but any additional response are welcomed. I'm imagining myself in the couriers position now, and I'm trying to think, bar Yes Man (too ambiguous), who would be the best ruler of the Mojave. I feel as if a mix of Caesar's autocracy and Mr. House's "technocracy" would be ideal for the survival of the human race. I feel that humanity needs the "hard reset" that was the near nuclear annihilation of 2077, and I don't think that humanity has learned from its mistakes enough to give them complete technocratic control coming from tribalism. Also, is House immortal?
Basically, it seems like the Enclave were the good guys. Is this assumption true?
You should make your own decision for your courier. If an autocratic technocracy is what you want, then House is your man if you don't want to go Yes Man. He is, in fact, immortal as would be the courier under House. Your stats as Courier could also put you in House' position under Yes Man, or possibly even better as House' defining canon stats (his intelligence and charisma) aren't really all that great and it really came down to luck for him (He has a whopping 5 INT, 1 CHA, and 10 LK. He does have 10 PER though which enables him to see pattern quickly I suppose).
Enclave soldiers/personnel were the good guys. The Enclave leadership was fucking awful at best, genocidal at worst.
>you didn't hate her before
>Also, is House immortal?
Definitely not. He's extending his lifespan beyond what's possible, but he would eventually die, unless he can do something about that. He has/had plans, but needs the chip to achieve em and improve the technology that kept his life going on.
Hell no. Enclave just wanted to purge "muties" (aka, anyone who wasn't them) and keep MURRICA and the world to themselves, repeating errors from the past.
>why he isn't the overwhelming choice
Because without Caesar the Legion is absolutely nothing.
His heir is a complete meathead who only thinks of war instead of building a proper nation.
The moment Caesar passes away the fortunes of New Vegas and the Mojave will be wasted with Lanius who'll no doubt try to expand west and fight the NCR in their home turf.
>try to expand west and fight the NCR
Caesar is going to do that anyway
Doubt he'll live that long tbqh, securing the Legion's authority in the entire Mojave and rebuilding Vegas to fit his dream of turning it into a new Rome will take years or maybe even decades.
Bad game. Play Fallout 2 instead.
Too many memes, play Fallout 1 instead.
Too derivative, play Wasteland instead
Too virtual, go make a real wasteland.
Any mods that make game feel more like a shooter? With no bullet sponge enemies and almost impenetrable power armor.
Project Nevada
Install Fallout 4
I want shooter with sidequests, not sims with guns.
>His heir is a complete meathead who only thinks of war instead of building a proper nation.
this. im a legion fanboy and this worries me, especially because caesar himself tells you this
Caesar planned for the short term for so long, he probably forgot about the NCR altogether after a while. He left himself with no heir, and though the NCR is scattered and disorganized in the Mohave, back home they will not suffer from supply loss or communication error.
How The Legion expects to beat them is odd. Maybe it's because they so thoroughly FUCKED the NCR in the Mohave that they expect it would be the same back home.
Not bloody likely.
Generals belong on /vg/