Daily reminder.
Daily reminder
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It's a dreadlord corrupted by holy light
Naaru is the true plague of universe, only degenerated lightcucks would deny it, fucking drenei dick suckers.
I don't see why this isn't possible, it's not like demonic fel magic is the opposite of light magic. Demon's don't draw their power from Shadow, that's Void Lord shit, the things Sargarry's Legion is ultimately striving to destroy.
literally how? if this is legit, what's the excuse for not having undead paladins?
There is an undead paladin, whenever he does anything he goes through severe pain because he's essentially killing himself, he's just real fucking faithful.
>corrupted by holy light
I think you mean blessed, heathen.
the entire expansion is about reverse corruption.
except for shadow priests they are going balls deep into corruption for some old god pussy
Well Deadlords were only part of the Legion becuase it was good for them. I can imagine some of them turning againts it and joining the Naruu instead.
Dreadlords are not mindless puppets of the Legion after all.
Actually turns out that Undead Paladan is Sir Zeliek in Naxxramas, one of the 4 horsemen. His body is undead and is being controlled by the lich but throughout the fight he's all like "Fucking run man I don't want to do this".
Sir Zeliek.
Also Night Elves are very likely going to be able to become Paladins in the near future as there is a Night Elf champion for the Paladin order Hall, she's like a battle priestess of Elune or some shit.
Fel magic is not shadow magic. The light is opposite of the void lords and works against the Undead. Fel Magic is opposite of Arcane. There is nothing preventing someone from using Fel and Light together, there is everything preventing you from using Light and Shadow together, which is why you can't use any light spells when you are in Shadow form as a priest.
>holy dreadlord
Good, it's about time that the Light did some shit instead of constantly getting wrecked by the Void and the Burning Legion. If even a naaru can get corrupted and become a void god, why can't the light do some corrupting or purifying of its own?
>feeling light's crippling corruption
>scared and ready to burst into tears
>horrible abuse continues for hours
>light loses conrol, violating every part of my body
>whispering to my ear
>"no one will believe you"
Wasn't there a story about uther meeting "the light" or whatever. It was a creature
>Also Night Elves are very likely going to be able to become Paladins in the near future
Not this xpac.
Yes, just like how the Void lords manifest themselves in the world as the Old Gods, the Light manifests itself in the world as the Narru. Behind the Narru is a creator being.
Blizzard likes to continue to reuse this concept. It's basically the same as Diablo's creation story. Two beings, one of light and one of dark, meet in the void and their fight causes the creation of the world itself.
I'm not so sure. It would be and easy change to add in 7.2, since they said they want something more substantial than just another Raid tier, in the vein of 5.2. New Race/Class combinations are a major change and would shake things up a bit.
Just have to wonder what the new one for Horde would be.
How many more expacs until blizzard ruins the old gods and makes them a bunch of dudes that were wrong by thrall or varian and are just very angry or some bullshit?
So if naaru can go dark and turn into void gods, can a void lord or an old god go light and turn into a naaru?
according to Xal'atath the Naaru were created by the void but betrayed them
>believing daggerfu
>Patch dropped a while ago and I still can't decide between Demo or Affliction
Fuck sakes. I thought wow lore was irredeemably dumb when I quit in LK, but it seems they managed to get exponentially dumber somehow.
Don't look if you think OP's image is dumb.
If fel and void magic can corrupt beings, why can't light purify them? Why is one ok and the other isn't?
go affliction m8. trust me. I do mythic+13 in beta with it and its godtier Sow the seeds, spam agony onto everything, shards fordays and while doing 900k aoe dps. other people at 500k ish. will possible be nerfed but will be op as fuck while it lasts
That's fake though.
Motherfuck Blizzard
So glad I'm done.
That's actually kind of cool.
Because extreme corruption shouldn't be repairable, just like real life, in the very literal sense.
I still can't decide what i want to play for Legion. The game feels so empty despite Roleplaying servers
if you can't trust your talking dagger that wants you to turn into a tentacle monster who can you trust?
Dreadlords were never corrupted in the first place, they are native to Fel.
So the Light is corruption for them.
it's an UNcorrupted dreadlord
the burning legion corrupts races that join its fold, this is what a dreadlord that hasn't joined the legion looks like
Because people can't wrap their mind arounder the new changes in lore. Legion being like good/bad guys. W.e. it takes to stop the void lords. Illidan returning was obvious, he never was actually a bad guy. Him being picked as a holy fuck kinda confuses me though. I understand he is willing to do w.e. to save his home, even if it means killing his entire army. How is that shit good? The lore changed and buthere'd but not as bad as people claim
When you're born evil good is considered corrupt.
This is a universe with magic and where people can be brought back to life and shit, not all real life scenarios apply to Warcraft. Besides, the naaru are beings of pure fucking light don't you think they'd be able to pull something like this off?
Dreadlords were never corrupted, they are the original Burning Legion, they are the species that began it.
Nigger, dreadlords are demons, therefore they are corruption. They've started all that legion shit along with Sargeras.
Bullshit. Nathrezim were already a race of demon vampires or whatever
Light isn't supposed to be a distorter. It's pure and natural. It makes no sense for it to do something like that.
Dark is the corrupter, the power that distorts and twists beings physically and mentally, because it isn't supposed to be natural.
we ever going to punish grommash for his crimes against draenor? namely the genocide of draenei and the purging of orcs he deemed unfit for fighting?
Planning on
>finishing up EPL
>going to Badlands
>Burning Steppes after
42 right now.
I remember a plagued dude in icecrown that not even a Naaru could save, they have limits
>Have always played Destruction Warlock since back in Vanilla though thick and thin.
>Really enjoyed the Ember system from WoD and had fun playing the class.
Then they go and scrap that for shitty soul shards again. To me the spec feels so clunky next to Demon and Affliction. And 3 shards for rain of fire is fucking nonsense.
I might not be playing it the best and maybe it gets better with the Legion stuff. But right now i am not very optimistic about the spec as i always feel starved for shards while when i tried out Affliction and Demo i always had some at the ready.
EPL caravan quest line is great, finish it.
Read chronicles m8. Fel is the result of light and void fighting each other.
Alright. Working on that one. At Boys Will be Boys.
Dranosh Saurfang needs to be cleansed and brought back out this xpac
I'd rather not. I'm aware enough of how retarded WoW lore is, I don't need a reminder.
Hopefully we never revisit anything that WoD did ever.
>punish Garrrosh
Nigga he's dead
Fel isn't dark, it's chaos, stop confusing it with shadow magic. Also, stop thinking of light and dark how you have been conditioned into it by previous examples.
The light is just another type of magic, no different then any other magic out there.
Anyone else getting connectivity issues?
>being this bad at reading
get your eyes checked, m8
Was that really something that could be considered lore though? Crusader Bridenbrad was a tribute to that guy that died of cancer, seems to me like the quest line was more a metaphor for all the treatment he went through in real life that proved ineffective.
Rain of fire does a ton of damage now too. I see what they wanted to do with rain of fire. Rof with cataclysm sweet Jesus that aoe burst. But I do miss embers as well. But I still like destro. I even loved the possibility of Shadow burn lock which is good until artifact talents. Fun as fuck in pvp.
Servers are getting DDoSed again. Apparently changing WoW to the western style Sub model in China wasn't popular.
I was not prepared
Hallowed are the Ori.
>you can still see grommash's iron horde in blasted lands, executing prisoners and dumping their bodies into pits
Haven't played since shortly after ICC was released. Used to main a Combat Rogue. Heard they changed it to the point it's almost unrecognizable.
What's the damage?
It wouldn't be the first time something was retconned, but if it's ingame then it's canon till metzen needs more corruption to jack off to
At least your missing nothing important. I feel like the Legion invasion is game of thrones status. "Winter is coming" or in this case "legion is coming"
Every few months im struck with the heavy urge to resub and fuck around as a pally again. Save me from myself please.
Combat is a Pirates of the Carribean reference now.
It's okay though because the new Assassination is fucking amazing.
>Garrote out of Stealth
>Hemo as their first talent
>They have an ability that make their Bleeds tick 400% faster every 45 seconds
True. I'm just leveling a new character and it's enjoyable enough for now.
Metzen doesn't even work on WoW anymore bro.
>Combat is a Pirates of the Carribean reference now.
Is it actually fun, though? Combat was fun as fuck in Wrath and I'm not gonna lie, these Relic weapons or whatever have me kinda interested. If only I wasn't so firmly rooted in FF XIV, I'd almost consider coming back.
Just resub man and find yourself a comfy guild. Wow is fun as hell when you have a a fun raiding guild. Good times
Post characters you miss.
you'd like the new melee animations then. paladins especially get a lot of cool glowy attacks to play around with. but you probably shouldnt resub.
I'm pretty much on the same boat. I've just finished panda land for mount farming and going back to alt rogue. I have like 2 level 100 token crap but it's not worth it, especially in this drought.
>Is it actually fun, though?
If you like RNG, sure. It's terrible DPS though
>Combat was fun as fuck in Wrath
Literally what. Combat was boring as fuck in Wrath. Combat was ALWAYS boring as fuck.
is this some /wowg/ meme? they sure love their namefags over there
don't bother, 97% of Sup Forums are casual shits who havent even completed LRF. trying to convince people that hard work and dedication pays off in this day and age is pointless. shitters will stay shitters and they'll say wow sucks when they dont even bother looking for people to play with.
"Outlaw" is what its called now. But people mostly call it the pirate spec. Its fun but its really RNG dependent on things like double hitting your main skill or getting good buffs on the dice.
He'll walk past pop his head in the door and shout he had a dream that Illidan was a paladin and surrounded by light corrupted dreadlords and to make it happen.
C-Can I post frozen throne Arthas?
No. It's just a simple screencap.
Go for it.
>heavily RNG-dependant
>horrible DPS
Friendly reminder that the only people who think Illidan as a champion of the Light is "out of nowhere" and "lore breaking" either didn't play TBC or weren't paying attention
It's okay. Assassination is literally the best Melee DPS in the game, with by far the best tier bonuses in T19.
tfw no plate red cloth headband mog to play a human warrior or paladin cosplaying as him with
I'm like. Mormon. I'll always be happy as fuck with what I have and I want Sup Forums to see its possible to be happy. No matter how many times they slam the door on my face, I'll always be back with a smile because it's possible to be happy. Just need to work for it
From my perspective the light is evil
Shame it (along with a bunch of other bandannas) doesn't clip properly with a lot of the new models
so illidan literally being outland's hitler is his path to redemption and becoming jesus? interesting choice. jesus just helped the sick and poor instead..