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I went to the gym 3 days ago and my arms hurt

Be sure to stretch before engaging in rigorous physical activity.

I want Zarya to bench me

But can you diddly lift more than Isley?


>3 days ago
go everyday you retard or else your arms are going to keep hurting each time you go back.

I still can't get over Zarya's model. It's just a muscular dude with girly facial features and bolt-on boobs.

Actually, no you can't. But nice try though, I commend your effort.

kind of defeats the point doesn't it?


That's a myth. Stretching doesn't help at all.

yes it does if it increases bloodflow and correct stretching increases bloodflow.
many people do not have correct bloodflow so stretching help but not necessary otherwise.

you need stretch everyday however to keep body in stretchy condition.

>Rio Olympics
>Russian Weightlifting


This. There's no real femininity to her.

the fuck is that

You're supposed to warm up with light weight, how much you need to warm up depends on your age. It won't be relevant to anyone on Sup Forums but old ass niggas who still lift might need like half an hour of warming up.

>there are people so triggered by pink hair that they spent hundreds on boxes just to get this skin

She isnt real, she cant bench anything that is real and i can bench her whole fucking universe if it was rendered on screen so i guess that makes me a fucking god.

Screw her character design why didnt they make her pretty?


>tfw strong and tall women turn my dick into diamonds

Shame there's so few of them.

What Zarya could have ended up looking like, but they chose a different design instead.


>I like to make things up to upset myself

>Sup Forums still gets unironically triggered by Zarya

Every woman must look like my moeshit animes xd

I'm glad people like you never leave your mothers basement.

No you can't because you're fictional

Sup Forums is reverse SJW's

I prefer the default Zarya. I like her pink hair

What does it have to do with moe or anime?

>face is less anime than the actual in game model
>makes this post for some reason
Are you retarded?

i just want zarya with her red fingernails

>landwhale triggered by the fact that a drawing is more attractive than her

that character has no balance in their design and looks stupid.

I'm glad she didn't end up looking like that

Doubt it. The worlds strongest woman can't compete with the millionth strongest man. A woman with larger muscles than a man doesn't mean they are stronger. Male and female bodies treat muscle and fat differently. A woman can be 25-30% body fat and look fantastic, while a man would look like a pudgy shit.

Bit of an autistic answer, but its true.

>gives worst fitness advice possible

Her feet are awfully tiny and maybe the shoulder is a bit too big, but other than that I don't see a problem with it. What's exactly not in balance there?

Maybe it's the eye shadow that's making her look like a dude.

You don't stretch before lifting weights, otherwise you are at a higher risk of injuring your muscles, actually.

Remind me, which website is it where people make a huge deal out of nothing and are perpetually triggered over shit that normal people don't care about?

Zarya was revealed in March 2015 and OVER a year later Sup Forums is still mad. Because short pink hair.

That design is the Major from Ghost in the Shell with minor changes. It also shares many, many similarities with the designs of Masamune Shirow.

It's anime as fuck and anybody that says all female characters have to be like that are just as bad as forced diversity.

Probably the first time you worked out your arms in a long while, right? That's DOMS, perfectly normal. Work your arms out again in a few days and they won't get nearly as sore.

>getting this triggered by fiction

Holy shit, user chill out


i lost 2 games in row because fucking random disconnect. happened 4-6 times in one game.

won last game and got disconnected during my POTG. FUKING HELL

>farming (you)s on nu-Sup Forums

Pshh nothing personnel kids

>A woman can be 25-30% body fat and look fantastic
Fat enablers need to leave. Even Mei has betrayed you.

No, it's OK to only go 2-3 times a week when first starting out. Your body just cannot recover fast enough.

If a non-exercising person decided to get fit and tried to copy my 5 day a week routine, they would destroy their body.

To work up to 5+ days a week you start at 2, go to 3, then to every second day, then 5 then 6 days a week.
You will still need to take a few extra days off every couple of months just to let your body catch up, given you aren't taking steroids and eating/sleeping absolutely perfectly.

That said, you can go back to the gym after a day or so while still suffering doms, the exercise will actually alleviate the pain, which will never return, assuming you stick to a regular routine.

Who's triggered? I don't even play or care about overwatch.

Men and women process fat and muscle differently.

I don't get d.va, it's just a teenage boy with girly features

And I can give less of a shit than you. Stop shitposting.

who would win in a wrestling match? Reinhart or Zarya?

Zarya on account of not being fuck old

Since when is Motoko generic for anime outside her own genre?
It's like trying to call out for originality when you're bitching about Kaiba or California Crisis.

Typing out a serious response based on an article about Serena Williams losing to a top 200 ranked tennis player then expanding that to mean the strongest woman in the world is only as strong as the millionth strongest man is retarded.

The difference between men and women's bodies aren't as large as you want to believe them to be. In trained bodies the differences are even smaller meaning a properly trained weight lifter would definitely be stronger than the vast majority of men.

That kind of design is hella generic and if you watched anime from even 10 years ago you'd see that kind of shit everywhere. Even now that kind of design is incredibly common.

That picture is incredibly derivative of anime.

Well shes pretty hot without the stupid dyke pink hair but the muscles still are a bit of a turn off.

Aww what a shame you'll just have to fap to one of the other billion waifus out there

I beleive Anita calls that the Man With Boobs trope. Thank you for being a good advocate anons

Pretty sure Rein's armor has some kind of power assist. He'd get killed at his current age, but in his prime he'd probably have won.

tfw got stuck with the hueball lucio

Looks like something out of Deus Ex

*unzip pants*

The worlds sttongest woman can not compete with some random dudebrah's in a pub at arm wrestling.

The differance between men and womans bodies is staggering. Even if a woman was to do intense training, to the point of being the same body mass as a moderately strong man, the man will be stronger. There is a reason why men and women are seperated in sport.

Shit, my little brother was over powering me when he was barely 13.

Strength is the last thing you lose when you get old.

Stick to your fetishes and we musclefags will stick to ours, thank you

tits or gtfo

I'm going for the togelsty!

Can this skin be used in the normal game?

Why the fuck anyone even cares what that jew trany says? Why the fuck do you retards even give her attention to begin with?

isp ddos attacks bra, check bliz twitter

you are pretty retarded ťbh

Rein and Zarya have sprays that are intended to be used together, and he's visibly struggling while Zarya is just tense.

Zarya's canon stronk-er out of suit. Being a strongwoman is her entire bit, what do you expect?

Muscle masses between sexes is distributed differently for sure, but your example is extreme and incorrect. Muscle in the arm will still work as muscle; the worlds strongest women can most likely handle random dudebrahs in a bar.

Worlds strongest woman against other athletes with equal amount of training and conditioning, however, your point stands well enough.

All in all, sounds like your kid brother is just stronger or tried harder. I recommend cheap shots next time.

Ogon’ po gotovnosti!

Maybe she is stronger the me. But I can always shoot her in the back of the head and kill her.

Physical contests don't matter when you have guns.

I know what video you're thinking of, and while there is definitely a difference, the channel is called 'domination and humiliation' and this is what is in the channel info

>:GENDER DIFFERENCES: :PHYSICAL: Men, on average, are stronger, faster, and have more stamina and a higher tolerance for pain.
>:INTELLECTUAL: Men, on average, have bigger brains, higher IQ's, more general knowledge, and more brain cells. for a full list of gender differences along with other interesting facts, see: womenareweak.blogspot.com/

I wouldn't really trust a video from this guys in the subject

Jesus christ, I think there's a chance that if this was her actual design Sup Forums might have been less triggered.
Sure, there'd be people crying about pandering to furries, but it would be a fraction of the amount of retards crying about pandering to tumblr and SJWs or whatever.

ur a faggot m8


There are videos of the worlds strongest woman losing to randoms at arm wrestling. The men aren't even very big.

Okay Reaper we're all very impressed by your Suicide Squad bedsheets, but the grown ups are trying to have a discussion here so why not go play outside.

Using a dumbass article from the internet as proof is absolutely retarded.

The women's weight lifting record for Snatch at 75kg is 131kg. The men's record at 77kg is 175kg. There is a difference but the difference isn't as big as you make it out to be.

Again, stop using dumbass screengrabs and clickbait articles as absolute proof of your claims. The difference between trained men and women are not as big as you make them out to be. Seeing as your original claim was the top women would only be as strong as the millionth strongest man you do not get to change your argument to mean men are on average stronger than men. Everyone already knows this but using hyperbole to make yourself seem smarter is a bad idea.

she has biotic barriers n shit
also her gun is probably bigger than yours


Are you a moron?

>Look this up
>Youtube channel is called "domination and humiliation"

yeah i'm not gonna watch this one

nice arguments fagtron, you really convinced me with those hot opinions

with stretching it's like this: first of all, current consensus is that it most definitely reduces maximum strength for a certain duration after, i.e. you won't be able to lift as much.

second of all, recently there was a paper released that showed that stretching doesn't reduce risk of injury AT ALL. instead, everybody who stretches extensively before workout, and those who don't stretch at all, have about the same risk for injury. those who do it half-heartedly (don't stretch properly) have a huge increase in injury risk.

third, what user described is super standard first workout muscles ache. you just ripped tons of micro fibers in your arms and that's completley normal because you're a weak ass manlet who isn't used to lifting. this will disappear within 4 weeks of regular workout, after that your arms wont even hurt after lifting huge weights above your usual weight.

I have never heard of this page, but if you feel associating me with it will disolve simple facts, go for it.
No article has been cited by me. That would be too much effort on a mobile browser.


I don't play this game you oblivious faggot

I guess men and women should be allowed to fight eachother in MMA

Disconnect your head from your neck.

>anime as fuck
>in this specific genre years ago that Overwatch is influenced by and would be completely appropriate for
The burly woman bear is stereotypical as fuck next to the silky haired chain smoking fur coat loving spy for Russia, you just like it personally.

You're right, you haven't cited any articles but you have based your arguments on them and I know EXACTLY which ones they're based on.

Your arguments are predicated on clickbait and poor research. You're just as bad as SJWs are.

Are you in actuality retarded?

Atleast someone saved the images instead of posting ants

You must not have a lot going on in life

It's not even limited to a specific genre. If your point is Zarya's design is more anime than that picture you're fucking wrong in the extreme.

Just stop posting before you embarrass yourself further. At this point your arguing something completely different and unrelated in a desperate attempt to be right.
