Who the fuck can prefer this over the original? It's clunky as fuck compared to L4D

Who the fuck can prefer this over the original? It's clunky as fuck compared to L4D.

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This is bad bait

be subtle next time

>Cluck as fuck
Do you even know what you're saying?
What the fuck does that even mean?


it's the same engine, same mechanics. hardly anything was changed gameplay wise.

explain "clunky" and stop being a faggot that just says things.

The only difference between this and the first game is that the second game is more colorful and less grim. I have over 1k hours played between both games. Though I like them equally, l4d2 is objectively better because it includes all the content from l4d1. There is no gameplay difference.

What are you trying to achieve, OP? are you trying to get us to talk about video games


Fuck you.

OP is right, play l4d1 & 2 back to back.. 1 feels much better. It feels better but 2 has more content.. quality over quantity? maybe...

L4D2 is worse, adding new weapons and infected just fucked up the flow of the game. L4D1 was a masterpiece of game design, the devs knew that the fans wanted epic chainsaws and baseball bats XD but had the balls to say no because it would harm the core gameplay, L4D2 was just pandering to the fans, despite the fact that the devs should know better.

>infected just fucked up the flow of the game.

As opposed to L4D1 where everyone huddled in a corner and melee everything to death?

Spitters slow down the game dramatically, Chargers have far too much health making them bullet sponges, Jockeys are worthless moving hunters. L4D2's specials add nothing good to the mix. I only play on Expert.

>I only play on Expert
If you're playing anything other than versus, you're doing it wrong. Versus it what the game's designed and balanced for. The AI is too stupid to be challenging in anyway, even on the hardest difficulty.

Top Tier

Pretty Good Tier

You're Alright Tier

Mistake Tier

It was the setting.

Fuck the south and those swampy humid shithole maps.

L4D2 was just annoying to play. They added a lot of new elements, none of which add any fun to the original formula. Also the setting and characters kind of sucked

the only thing good about L4D2 are the Charger and Spitter. Put them in L4D1 and the game would be perfect.

Argueably one of the best special infected, high risk/high reward, if he didnt have a decent health-pool he would be useless
One point i will agree with, he is fairly useless, but he is also hard to hit since he moves quickly, best way to use him is to jump in amongst the chaos
Extremely useful for dealing high amounts of damage but requires good teamwork and communication with other infected, the spit only lasts for like 3 seconds then the spitter has to wait half the game to get it back.

>Put them in L4D1 and the game would be perfect
They did you retard. You can play L4D1 maps in L4D2
Nostalgiafags are cancer.

Who the fuck plays a L4D game solo? What kind of faggot do you take me for?

>calling people nostalgiafags over a game only one year newer than the original

Expert mode is only co-op. Not Versus.

People just latch onto whatever they experience first. It's why fanboyism of every type exists.

>Spitters slow down the game dramatically, Chargers have far too much health making them bullet sponges, Jockeys are worthless moving hunters. L4D2's specials add nothing good to the mix. I only play on Expert.

I only play on Expert too. None of the new special infected are bad. They are all fairly good.

Spitters were created to stop survivors from huddling in one corner. It does it's job well to make everyone rush out.
Chargers aren't that huge of a bullet sponge that they can't be killed easily with headshots. They are also made to split apart parties that huddle in one area.
Jockeys are far from worthless if used right. Getting on someone and moving em to fall off ledges is credit to the infected. One less survivor to deal with for the time.

In L4D1, all you had to do was huddle up and defend a corner each time a hoard comes. Hunter pounced you? Melee off. Smoker grabbed you? Melee off. Got boomed, melee or shoot off all incoming zombies. That was basically THE only tactics people used in L4D1 aside from times when there is a tank.

L4D2 accomplished forcing everyone to not use that same old boring ass tactics by having spitters and chargers. That is why most L4D1 vets hate L4D2. Their old playstyle just don't work nomore and they can't see beyond that to adapt. So instead they just pass it off as shitty game.

This is autism. Also, why didn't your video use the same map and charcters but from the different games

The only thing I didn't like was how the environments were generally more open. It plays horribly on expert, it's better in more linear form like l4d1.