Rocket league thread? Rocket league thread.
Rocket league thread? Rocket league thread
>People think the non-standard maps are bad
I can't wait for more of them so I can collect more salt
What's the most salt you've ever seen in this game? This happened just a few hours ago
>Losing 7-9 with 10 seconds left
>Manage to bait the guy into going for the ball, instead of me, twice
>Get 2 goals
>I get the goal
>Claims "You cheated by tricking me!"
>Just respond "Yeah, whatever fagboy."
>He claims he reported me.
I think non standard maps are bad but don't lose/win any more often on them compared to standard maps. What now?
anybody decent wants to play 2v2v ranked? Im at 6/10 played to be ranked
I havent played for quite a few months, but I've been playing for a few hours and pretty much plowed through 5/6 of these
Only problem is either I can be pretty damn good, either im whiff on some fucking dumb shit.
Yeah, was in 1v1.
>play the fuck out of rocket league with my roommates for months
>none of us really want to play online, assuming we'll get smashed by pros, so we just keep playing with/against eachother and bots
>finally decide to give online a go, why not
>everybody is absolute shit, win like seven games in a row before getting bored and just going back to local
Where's the fun online, baka
nigga post your actual rank not this shit. career record is everything. casual, competitive, bot matches, its meaningless mastabatory stats.
Everyone is shit because you have no elo rating you dipshit
I knew it the second I read that score.
1s are a different beast entirely. Where 2v2 and 3v3 are all teamwork, 1s are purely about salting your opponent so hard he breaks and either leaves or fucks up.
>Im at 6/10 played to be ranked
I've been unranked for months. Last time I was it was when the game came out and I managed to get gold on 1v1 and 2v2
>Other 2 constantly in front and fuck up everything they do
>Other 2 constantly in back and never take any shots even if I pass it perfectly in front of an open fucking goal
>Proceeds to blame me for losing
This game sometimes makes me feel like i'm playing call of duty with 12 year olds again.
the game is trying to build your MMR. it has no idea where to place you. you'd be crying twice as hard if you got thrown up against Stars.
>Play the fuck out of Rocket League online for a few weeks
>Have a blast
>Suddenly start only getting matched up against players that are way better than me and get curbstomped over and over
>Always the most obnoxious assholes too
>Switch to playing with bots because the matchmaking is so shit
2v2 with a friend is magical
I read what you said but reaching challengers still a better guess at the skill level you're looking to reach again than nothing.
I was gonna watch some sc2 replays but I'm down for some RL too.
/probe1 steam
Yes it is.
I don't get it. Why would going after the ball instead of you cause him to lose or be tricked?
Most salt I've got was 2v2. A random and I against dedicated partners. They went up 5-0 with 3:30 to go, were talking massive shit the entire time.
Battled back and tied the game, scored the game tying goal with 4 seconds left, then scored the GWG in OT. They were apoplectic.
Because, I tend to do what people call dribbling, a lot, it's helped me win plenty of matches I've nearly lost.
Post your car.
Gonna respond to myself, but with another story, just remembered this one
>Playing on Neo Tokyo
>Absolutely shit at this map
>Guy is beating me 7-0
>1 minute to go
>Guy's been taunting me the entire match
>Manage within 30 seconds to get 5 points.
>Get another 3 within 20
>He rage quits just before I get my 9th
>Ask him on PSN, "Aww, sad that you lost to a "noob?"
He was calling me a noob the entire match. He never responded.
>Play match 3v3
>7 saves
>lose match 3-4
>highest score teammate tell me to uninstall because I have the lowest score
>He had 3 goals, 0 saves
Explain to me why Rocket League players are either:
* Salty idiots that want to leave as soon as you get 1 goal against you
* Shit talking low score morons
* Clan tag faggots who absolutely suck
I got this game thinking it would be some lighthearted fun given the premise
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
I really don't understand
So many people are awful
So many people are salty
>So many people are awful
It's just a game, user. They're trying to have fun.
>yfw neo tokyo
why can't I aerial hit the ball
>playing 3v3 with 2 IRL friends
>we do cool shit and talk trash
MAN this game's good for friendships
Because the game is purely competitive by nature, and a lot of people take competitive things very seriously.
Same with games like CS:GO. So much mad.
try double jumping to hit it
>yfw neo tokyo
>your team has a master or an allstar
This is what pisses me off the most about the retards that play this game.
that doesn't count as aerial
>Master or allstar
>Any meaning whatsoever
These are my ranks so far for season 3
I don't play much anymore I've been trying to get good at Guilty Gear lately
you need at least 40 boost. Jump, then T I L T, not straight down, but tilt your joystick down and boost.
Been really upping my skill over summer break. Just got into ranked this passed week. Trying to breakthrough to get to Challenger, but tired of the randoms that ride my ass when I'm trying to center. I would play ranked with my friend but his MMR is ridiculous so I get out skilled usually.
Also, who /hoops/ here?
well im just a shit 150 hour player so it means something when a player with 4x or 6x more experience comes and carries
>Beating a guy 2-1
>Ask him politely to skip his replays
>He says "No, fuck you"
>Reply back with "Okay"
>Don't let him score again
>Beat his ass 9-1
>Tell him "You should have skipped your replay."
>He leaves
Almost got this on xbone because i like futuristic racers but then i walked into a store and saw it was 30 bucks so i was like nope ykwim loooooo
fuck that map
Is Rocket League red-pilled? I only play red-pilled games.
So who wants to group into comp 3's and meme all over filthy plebs
It's not political at all. Fuck off back to Sup Forums
The only problem I have with that map is how the ball physics work on the walls at the goal side.
>ball is going down
>heh... I got this....nothing personnel kids
>ball hits the slanted fucking wall and pops back up some fucking how
>completely whiff my shot while 20 autismos come flying in for an open goal
Fucking hell. My buddy is the best at this game I've ever seen (in person) and he only gets up to Challenger 1. How do I git gud when I'm stuck in Prospect III
I'm down. Though, I'd prefer 2v2, not the best at 3v3.
It can be red pilled if you want it to be
2v2 is just as fun, friendo. Steam?
I'd rather not share it. Make a room with a name I'll join, you can tell me the room name. And I'll be in.
>that jpg
I'd enjoy the map more if going up the ramps on the side wouldn't send you flying into the outer wall
Was thinking of picking it up the next time it goes on sale somewhere. Is it still decently active online?
During the dead hours in the middle of the night you can still find matches pretty quick. Might have to deal with hijab ping though because Middle East servers are the most popular at that time. Other than that there's anywhere from 14k-25k players ingame at peak hours
>if going up the ramps on the side wouldn't send you
lol...well you see
the thing is
there's this neat little trick....
called double jump....
srsly just fucking double jump on to the top of that shit from a good angle
also this is a top secret trick don't tell anyone or ill fuck you up
I love playing this game with Satellite internet
So much teleporting, cars flying everywhere, Ball going to one side of the map to the other in .14 seconds.
>Not cancer
Pick one and only one.
Man what happened? I was so into this game and now I rarely play it. My skills have also degraded severely. Now all I ever do is go on and get angry after constantly losing.
The fucked up part is my friend finally got into it and now loves it and is better than me.
I only ever had like 40 hours at my peak so I wasn't crazy about it as some people have been but I feel like the average player is just pretty damn good now. Those 40 hours were in the first 2 weeks of owning the game too.
I really want that spark back but I don't know, I just don't get as much excitement from that game and it makes me fucking mad. I guess I just gotta git gud.
Fug it, just add my steam. Shit's alot easier just creating a party
You should probably play unranked a bit more
There should be competitive Snow Day
How do I learn to git gud?
Are there any good tutorials out there?
edgy id you got there fag
meme game for normies
literally FIFA-tier
How do I git gud? Does using a controller help?
It's more like Nintendo World Cup than FIFA to be honest.
I love reading these threads.
I play rocket league to have fun and couldn't care less about winning or losing but watching losers get pissy that random strangers don't play how they want them to play is hilarious to me.
It doesn't matter if you're competitive or consider it a sport. You're still just sat on your ass shouting at your computer like a kid with learning difficulties.
git gud
nice power fantasy
Snow day is legitimately scrub mode.
Aerials in general are dicey
Little passing
No dribbling
Babby mode really
>Inb4 if wasteland is in ranked snow day should be too
>things that never happened
If anything I'd bet the exact opposite happened
i want flipsid3 to win the lan!
Is there one legitimate complaint against non-standard maps?
>Changes the game
>Slows the game
These are the closet to legitimate complaints I've heard. Glitches are still in the standard map, so really just nitpicking IMO, and "slowing/changing the game" is enough to justify no including them in my opinion.
These are also just the most valid complaints I've heard. You still hear a ton of noob complaints like
>Ramps on the side
>Flip into the ground on Wasteland
>Different gravity (lol noobs)
>Unpredictable (lol noobs)
reddit is just a click away
>butthurt redditor can't afford gaem or pirated it and can't enjoy playing against bots anymore
Sorry the game takes a little more skill than most twitch kiddies can imagine
>tfw 200 hours of playtime and i'm still only a challenger-tier player
i wish i was talented enough to become good at this game, high level gameplay looks so fun.
God I can't stand going on the reddit for specific games its always cancer
Lucioball is better
The game is weird. There's like two classes of players. HIGH LEVEL ESPORT COMPETITORS and guys that just like to have a few beers and play for fun.
That's nothing. I know a legend who can't fly. Seriously don't feel bad, you get better at this game in spurts. One day you'll just magically hit an aerial you only dreamed of before
We bought the game at the same time. We're both Legend.
Last season I was trying to grind out to champion and he was trying to grind out to rising star lol
Sick burn, man. Holy shit.
you forgot:
Just keep practicing. The trainings are really useful.
I don't understand. It is lighthearted fun. I typically play wasted out of my mind and have no issues with community
>go in a thread on Sup Forums for a specific game
>people complaining about cancer in a reddit thread
You used to get banned for this cancer. What happened to this place?
The only reason you should open the RL subreddit is for news and maybe the top few webms. There is NO REASON to read the comments. It's youtube comment tier.
Heh noobs.
*Teleports to all boost on the map*
*carries ball on roof of car behind you*
"Heh....nothin personell kid"
>wannabe 9gag tryhards hate reddit despite coming to Sup Forums well after the debacle that made people hate reddit
>monkey see monkey do people still blindly hate reddit despite there being no large community for rocket league outside it and it being the best place for news
keep in tryin senpai
>S.W.E.A.T.S go to Ranked
What did he mean by this?
Meh not really.
Like 80% of the playerbase is a challenger or lower player.
still want 3v3?
You could hate reddit as recently as the fappening or gg, since they shitted this place up in droves. Your cancer will always be cancer.
>reddit is cancer guys totally not like this place
Besides the epic meme threads, every thread and 90% of the posters here are straight outta reddit. Most likely yourself included.
This desu
Wasteland and Utopia Retro are shit though
I've been here since 2007 (which is just all sorts of terrifying and horrible).
I have nothing to prove to you and don't give a fuck what you or the legion of angsty 16 year olds that got banned from a subreddit for having no self control really think.
There's no community for RL outside the subreddit and if you don't like that then you can get mad or read news about the game a day later when someone who does read that subreddit tells you.
Cosmic and Pillars in ranked when?
Pillars will quickly become known as GOAT rocket league map and definitive experience. It's like crack to play, more so than the base game
do all the training, play a lot, learn to predict
I want pillars so bad