Seriously, this is the kind of shit that keeps me up at night.
People who do this are the reason ISIS hates us
I know right, what fucking heretic still plays games?
the average, standard Activision customer, everyone.
Indeed, Blizztard infidels should be publicly executed.
what am i looking at?
>not having fun
>leave match to go do something else and have fun
>autists get mad because it hurts their score
Literally "your rights end where my feelings begin" tier reasoning.
>Playing Overwatch
I agree, absolutely haram.
i can see what you mean OP
I'd consider playing comp if the comp queue times weren't so long.
Quick Play queues are always 1-2 minutes
Comp queues are always 8-10 minutes
They should just remove the leave option from competitive. Force people to keep playing. Sure you can still close the game but it's enough to deter people from quitting sometime s
What rights are people violating again? Or are you just being a massive fucking retard?
Not at all user. I think you need a new isp or somthing
>Engage yourself in the one game mode that requires commitment
>Decide you aren't having fun and leave the game, wasting your teammate and enemy's time
>People rightfully get mad because only selfish manchildren do this
Pick one
Competitive mode is the only mode in Overwatch that requires commitment. Are you new to video games or something? Refrain from speaking on subjects you know nothing about.
Then why do you get penalized if you leave several non competitive matches you fucking retard?
The thread is about competitive not quick play you dumb ass. The only penalty for leaving in quick play is an exp gain reduction.
You have to have left like 15 out of your 20 last games to be penalized in Quickplay, though.
I think it's 5
Yeah if I was a terrorist, I'd bomb the Cuckwatch playerbase too
You might be right about tryhards but you losers are honestly sad
>feeling strange urge to play overwatch
>boot up game
>get in game
>choosing characters
>wow these all suck
>choose genji
>this is boring
every time. just deal with it autists its just a game
>reading comprehension