General consensus among streamers is that it's good. Where did all of these "it's shit" memesters come from?

General consensus among streamers is that it's good. Where did all of these "it's shit" memesters come from?

General consensus among niggers is that theivery is good. Where did all of these "stealing is bad" memers come from?


Oh thank god OP, I was dying to know what the streamers thought.

Streamers are literal paid shills.

>Where did all of these "it's shit" memesters come from?
-No game for Nintendrones+Xbros
-Denuvo for Mustardette+60$

They're the only ones who have it atm, so go fuck yourself and play your anime games?

If you want to play the game. Play it. stop caring about what others say op. then again you're baiting because if you actually wanted to play you'd do so without giving a shit what Sup Forums or anyone other than you says.


Could you shitpost anymore?

In all honesty, am I wrong?

Desperate xboners. They've got no games and lost the war HARD.


Not even sure what the fuck you're saying.

It's shit because it's shit. Not because fangays are butthurt.


Wow it's fucking nothing.

I'm about as Sonygger as it gets, and even I won't defend this. Now, if it were multiplayer, and I could explore with my friends, I'd defend it, but if it isn't, then no. Fuck it.

Sup Forums is mad a game they hate that they've never played ended up good. Stay salty my friends.

Sorry, forgot the category you belong to: it's not minecraft\skyrim in the space, so it's shit

>game on gog
do you even know what denuvo is?

>Never played



How do people seriously not know this?


>being in denial this hard

Just give up. Even the stream comments say it's amazing.

If I take that off will he die?

> clickwhore ride the bandwagon

What a surprise

cucked Sup Forumsirgins

>stream comments

why are you trying to cover up your ignorance with that bullshit image?

yes, by choking

>streamers like it so it's good dude xD

>General consensus among streamers

Ah, you mean the first people companies turn to for advertisements?

>Trusting anything from Sony "You're A Fucking White Male" company

See: Ghostbusters 2016

>le twitch streamers LOVE it Kappa XDD

wow this has totally changed my opinion, i'm sold now.

You can kill yourself any time.

>sonygger is this shellshockked
lol bankruptcy awaits.

It's not hard to make a good game where you can do literally anything when you got sony backing you with a 100.000.000$ budget and a huge dev team. It's not that the game is hated, just that it's not that impressive of a feat anymore to create a dynamic universe, because it turned out that they had a huge team and gigantic budget.

The best mentality to have with any game you're gonna play is that it's shit, everything about it is god awful with no redeemable factors or fun mechanics.
You will derive the most pleasure and enjoyment if you go into games like that.
While if you instead believe it to be perfect or build it up for yourself, you'll never truly appreciate it.

>you must be at one end of the spectrum

no you dont