What's your favorite genuinely bad game Sup Forums?
What's your favorite genuinely bad game Sup Forums?
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real life?
Sonic 06
Hyrule Warriors. Got 300 hours in the O3DS version
Does flash ever take good photos?
In before tons of retards mentioning good games (Undertale, Bloodborne etc.) for (You)s.
who bitch this is?
Mission Impossible for the N64.
Godzilla Unleashed (Wii)
Megamind the game for wii because it is the most indescribably vile game that I have ever played but no one seems to talk about it.
don't post it
why don't *you* talk about it, user?
Not ones on cellphones
Advent Rising
well ok I will.
It is based on a truly awful film to begin with, the gameplay is incredibly repetitive, every level is the same overlong level again and again and it gets surprisingly racist once the purple Jamaican pimp becomes a playable character.
post what? does something bad happen to the baby?
This game is fun once you figure out how everything works and what you're suppose to do.
there was an imgur folder floating with all these pictures of her self mutilation
it was really bad, cutting herself to the bone and shit
that pic is obviously before it happened
How can a game be bad if you enjoy it?
Damn that was a dope ass movie.
>racist purple Jamaican pimp
>a negative
Sounds like one of its few redeeming qualities
Who is this semen demon?
One of my first PC games was Trespasser.
It has so much nostalgia tied into it for me, I can barely see any of the faults.
Plus, how many games can you turn your gun around and kill yourself? Not many.
Yeah, the movie missions are actually pretty good. You have to stick with it, though. It can get frustrating pretty quick.
Come now, the movie wasn't that bad. I agree with I can easily believe you on the game though
Cellphone flash: not without editing. But the secret to photography is that 90% of photos need to be edited to look good anyway.
Of course. You just need to know the specifications of your Flash and position yourself/set the camera accordingly.
This is who I mean
I've enjoyed portions of MGS: Peace Walker, FFXIII, and Metroid: Other M.
I probably couldn't defend any of them at length but that all have something to behold I suppose.
Dark Souls
For me it's probably Jurassic Park Trespasser.
The game is pretty fucking awful. It's a fps, and for some reason they decided to implement this incredibly bizarre arm movement mechanic, where you can move your right arm around inside the frame to aim your guns and pick things up. It's akward, it makes it incredibly difficult to aim, you can contort the arm into bone-breaking positions, it's just really, really strange.
The game had some okay ideas, but the execution just seems to fall flat everytime. There's no HUD, to make the game more immersive, I guess, but this results in more annoying problems. The main character is a female, so in lieu of a health bar they put a heart tattoo on her tit, and when you look down you can see it. If it fills up red, you're dead. And because there's no ammo display, they went with a system where Ann (the main character) will verbally count down the shots. If you pick up a revolver, and fire on shot, she says, "Five." Then she'll count down all the shots out loud. Gets old fast.
And the dinosaur AI leaves something to be desired. In the final level, a huge alpha raptor spawns in to be the final boss. You have to defeat it in order to do a box stacking puzzle to climb out of the area to the end. First time I played that level, the alpha raptor spawned in and immediately walked off the side of a cliff, from which it couldn't get back up to me.
But still, it's kind of charming and you can almost see a decent survival-themed FPS in there, somewhere, it just got lost along the way. There's a really good LP of this on youtube by a dude named ResearchIndicates, if anyone wants to check the game out.
Jesus, user.
I beat you to it, fag It's mine.
if i like it, it means it's good
I love the sheer incompetency of the developers, the retarded plot line and the exorbitant amount of bugs.
Settle down, asshole. Think maybe it took me more than four minutes to write that up? And it ain't like we're claiming waifus here or nothing, christ.
>Implying that's racism
Jesus, that's some Tumblr levels of stretching there.
when you come to Los Angeles you can suck my cock.
How can a game with the best dungeons and raids of any current mmo be genuinely bad?
I was referring to the dialog.
And I'm not saying that I was offended or anything it's still my favourite part of the game because of how insane it is.
This piece of shit. For some reason I keep reinstalling every year. And I love it.
it's still an mmo, genuinely bad genre
It's not bad, it's just dead.
well shit
post it
jeez, kids really start young these days.
I recognize the flaws, but I enjoy it anyway
Because an MMO needs more to stand on.
I still play it, but I can see the glaring flaws in it, and they show up in just about every aspect of the game except raiding.
I really want to play this
I can't be the only one that likes this game. I always liked it more than Mario Party because it felt more 'fair' when it's players. Fuck the straight up cheating CPUs though.
With a flash diffuser, yes.
When you're not raiding you're in housing or RP
not ERP
I honestly think that in some aspects this game is better than GTAs of the time.
You had more than one map, and they were all comparable to Vice City in size. Hunting Timmy Vermicellis was actually challenging, and the cheats you got were really fun. Not to mention that you could just walk into buildings, instead of going through a loading screen.
I rented this game like 8 times growing up and I never got past the first party level. Having the other spy follow you to the bathroom gave me Tomb Raider butler levels of adrenaline though.
off camera flash usually looks magnificent if you know how to expose properly
Only the case if you're a shit photographer
Yeah it's pretty alright actually.
But Atari fucked up bad on this.
Come play Blade & Soul, its also from ncsoft and has some Wildstar players.
Sonic Adventure 1
The lack of invisible barriers in that game combined with the fact you can go through any wall you put your mind to and most things you can land on.
Plus the physics are hugely exploitable and you find new glitches every time.
In some ways I prefer it to 2 because more characters play like sonic.
E.G SA1 Tails levels > SA2 Tails levels
>Come play Blade & Soul
The guy is telling you wildstar doesn't have enough going on and you tell him to try blade and soul? Are you having laff?
DBZ Sagas
>mfw when I discovered with a friend that you could go to the Yacht and go inside it in free roam
Driver 2 and Driver 3 are two of my most favorite games from my childhood.
Made a video about it: youtu.be
Another one of my favorites from that era of open world car games. This came out before GTA3 too.
Deadly Premonition. Its gameplay and how it runs are absolute shit, but its writing, characters and unapologetic love for Twin Peaks saves it.
It's also one of the top 5 games that I've played.
>there was an imgur folder floating with all these pictures of her self mutilation
it was really bad, cutting herself to the bone and shit
Don't leave us hangin there, friend.
>Watching my brother play this, he finds this character
>"Haha, look bro, its a parody of that guy from Vice CIty!'
>No its not.
>It is, look at the shirt, face, those arm bands because you can't swim in the game, the name as well!
I think he REALLY liked Tommy.
It has enough content now. They are in a hurry to catch up with Korea. There are literally new dungeons being released every month. We just had a major patch 2 weeks ago, and another one is coming in 3 weeks.
Everyone knows the only thing people play bns for is erp and 1v1 pvp. That's all the game has going for it.
i played sonic 06 after watching a speedrun and seeing all the glitches. i tried to replicate them and had a lot of fun
This game really is a masterpiece.
Are making that face.
Drakengard 3.
This pile of shit, they even tried remaking it and it was still bad
This game was cozy af user. I wish they would have made more to compete with marioparty, instead of this allstars and olympics shit.
>deducing this from a single piece of fan art
tumblr levels of stretching, lad.
still play it from time to time
the artstyle is cute but they really fucked the game with the new heat system bullshit, it really killed the game
The Bad Rats games
Go on...
I think I saw that on /tg/ a week ago.
It's Too Human for me. I picked it up at a garage sale along with the guide for a total of 3$. At the time I didn't know anything about its history and just thought it looked cool. I played it through, and honestly I kinda enjoyed it. Sure it was frustrating at times and the controls were odd, but it was a fun little experience that I didn't know I was supposed to hate.
No, he's right. My sister's a photographer in one of the best art schools in the country, and it's mandatory to learn photoshop for her courses. A good photographer will do about 80% of the work, sure. Framing, lighting, and all that jazz is up to the hands of the shooter. It's photoshop that ties a nice little bow on things and makes you think, "Oh yeah, that picture's worth 50$!"
It's only the shitty mall photographers and hobbyists that don't use photoshop. Almost every professional in the industry does.
thread is shit anyway, dump it faggot
This game is bad. It's also fucking amazing.
Like this level?
>Sonic Loading Simulator
Sonic '06 was a worthy tribute, but this game took the shit with its loading times.
>hard as shit
>Add in a fucking long ass unskippable cinematic when you do die
Deadly Premonition, Killer is Dead and that PS3/4 Godzilla game.
This. Certain builds can be fun as fuck, even moreso because you have to overcome some of their bullshit mechanics.
>no punishment for dying except watching this huge unskippable cutscene, and losing your combo meter so if you're fucked, you're probably just gonna die again
>Also, we'll give you elite enemies that can apply a DoT for more than your entire health's worth, in a game where most classes can't self-heal