Let's be honest

now there is no reason to own a PS4


Don't spend it all at once m8

you don't know that Shenmue III will release on scorpio with better graphics than PS Neo

Is there a single fucking reason to own a fucking underagebox of all the platforms?

There's no reason to own a console at all desu

what am I looking at, a mockup of the box? Everybody already knew it wouldn't be ps4 exclusive other than faggot fanboys

Keep begging, Eurocuck Xfag.

>PS4 Neo is already irrelevant
>PSVR irrelevant before release

i own a ps4 and i kinda wish i got an xbox instead. there are only 3 interesting games on the ps4 for it while the xbox has a way better library. i might pick up an xbox one s due to how sexy it is though

>uses desu
>no need for playstation and its jap catalogue

Call me when Xbox One and PC will have Yakuza games.
I'm really waiting for this call
No, seriously, I want it to be multiplat and have a bigger fanbase

Yakuza is ok but not worth enough to buy a PS4 for it

It had its time 6 years ago.

It's the only game that I really care about on PS4, anyway. Not like I'd buy PS4 for Uncharted.

I'm buying a PS4 when 0 launches.

Can't wait to play wait around for it to be the correct time for the cutscene, but this time on the next generation.

Honestly I can kinda understand that a niche series that doesn't sell big boy numbers even in Japan isn't gonna waste budget money on multiplatform versions but it really would open up the franchise to more people through accessibility.

But wasn't Shenmue 3 announced on Sony's stage 2 E3's ago?

There really isn't. This fucking generation of remasters and rereleases.

OP is a delusional Xdrone

>trading in a weebshitbox for amerishitbox
Oh the hilarity

>implying Nintendo isn't Japanese

That's not real

>Calls xfag a eurocuck
>Meanwhile Sony were cucked live on stage to promote a superior PC version


are you really trying a xbone vs ps4 on Sup Forums?
you're wasting your time

They are really wasting their time because the winner as always, will be PC

too much reassurance dude, keep it subtle