$60 base game with a $90 dlc for anime pantsu...It isn't even a AAA game. It is just a rail shooter. Do the Japanese really think these games are worth this much? Are they losing their minds? The Odin Sphere remake is another prime example. $60 for something that is nowhere in the ballpark of a AAA. Let me guess Dragon Quest Builders will also be demanding $60 for a subpar title.
$60 base game with a $90 dlc for anime pantsu...It isn't even a AAA game. It is just a rail shooter...
Pre-ordered 2 one for me and one for my wifes son.
I get the feeling DQB will seem cute and fun at first but will be very boring and repetitive in the long run.
Not speaking about the price of those two specific titles you mention, but in general people should expect to pay a higher price per head the more niche the product.
If it has fanservice, it will be bought by weeaboos regardless if their price. See shit like dead of alive and senran kagura
If you're lucky
>people should expect to pay a higher price per head the more niche the product
This is more a case of "those pathetic losers will actual pay that much so fuck 'em, let's take them to the cleaners" than "we have to charge a lot because we don't get enough sales to make a profit through volume".
Fuck you. Odin Sphere is great.
$359.99? Where is it being sold at that price?
But being a niche product implies low demand and therefore should be reflected in the price otherwise they can expect only lower sales.
Can't really blame the company for trying. If lonely weebs will pay for the subpar games, why not. It's capitalism after all
Kys, westcuck neo-Sup Forums.
It could set a trend for some of these indies thinking their games too should get the $60 treatment.
>Do the Japanese really think these games are worth this much?
weebs will buy it, same with the DLC. They are a desperate bunch.
I agree. I would buy more of these games, if only to see how fucking shit they are, if they were 20-30. The fact they're unironically defended as being worth $60 is a whole other ballpark, but its funny as shit. Braindead weebs gonna braindead.
>implies low demand and therefore should be reflected in the price otherwise they can expect only lower sales.
Niche product implies that its appeal is limited to a small group but the product can still be highly sought after by that little group.
I.e. a train simulator, no matter how low its priced, will only appeal to train fans.
But train fans still want super detailed and super accurate models( and they're willing to pay to get it).
So the result is train simulator with $5000 worth of DLC on steam.
If you're part of a niche group but still want your niche product to have equivalent production values of a more mainstream product then you'll have to pay up.
It's no different from buying No Man's Sky, except this game actually has an audience
>buy a shitty game made on shoestring budget cutting all the possible corners just because of muh animu girls
>not a cuck
I get that people like fanservice as an addition to otherwise worthwhile game, but praising shit games for fanservice is just pathetic.
Odin sphere had enough work put into it that I feel it's price is fair.
The marvel alliance steam release is way fucking worse.
> charging $40 a piece for straight ports of early 360 games
> doesn't even have all the characters
>plagued with inexcusable bugs like controllers not working at all
NMS is also getting a lot of flak for $60 release
Japanese games are expensive and other surprising things if you found out about this industry yesterday
The funny thing is if you wait you can get those $60 games for ~$15 in just a few months (atleast on the psn)
Odin Sphere ironically runs miles around the current AAA games.
Odin Sphere is also a decade old game. I would assume $40 is more than fair for a remake
> But being a niche product implies low demand and therefore should be reflected in the price otherwise they can expect only lower sales.
It also means low supply, which translates to relatively low correlation between price point and marginal revenue. The few hundred thousand core players buy Odin Sphere remake for 60 bucks or 40 bucks, but their economic projection shows that lowering the price by 33% won't increase total profits.
>Do the Japanese really think these games are worth this much
Yep, weebs will eat that shit right up, it's a goldmine. Have you ever wondered why weebtrash on steam is ready to shell out thousands of dollars for anime wallpaper and emoticons? If it's anime, it instantly makes it a GOTY, an anime game literally cannot flop simply because it's anime.
>Do the Japanese really think these games are worth this much?
Hey, those otaku fucking shits have no problem paying that much for this sort of games.
Low supply? Supply doesn't exist in the digital age when all games are downloadable.
>neo-weebs think they are oldfags
No, you fucking stupid otaku shits, you are not as old as you believe with your shitty twitters, ironic youtube videos and RP anime steam profiles. I fucking guarantee that if anything applies to you from above you're a 16-20 year old faggot that started browsing in 2011-2013. I had plenty of friends like these on Steam and everyone one of them is a fucking cancer
>tfw you love JRPGs but can't stand just how much it panders for otaku blood money
>tfw your favorite long running series keeps getting lumped in with Neptunia games and all the other shit Comp Heart/Idea Factory pumps out
>tfw your favorite genre(s) are already niche and the more niche it is the higher chance it's going to end up like WEBM related
>Vitagen is nothing but waifuposting
>people don't support non-ecchi niche games so they're becoming more and more rare
I just like fun japanese games, I never asked to suffer like this.
Odin sphere is great fuck you
If weebs really have all this money wouldn't that mean anime would cost as much as it did in the late 90's and early 2000's but it doesn't. They had to bring down the price to make it affordable for their fanbase. Being that this is pretty much the same fanbase, games like this would appear to be out of their price range especially if they keep introducing overpriced anime games thus flooding the market.
>They had to bring down the price to make it affordable for their fanbase.
More like the west just doesn't have the culture of paying outrageous prices for tv shows. Animu or not.
that webm makes me very upset
fucking moeshit/ecchishit
this is the main thing
why do those dumb chinks think im going to buy 2 episodes of anime for 50 bucks? were not uber cucks like nips are. also doesnt help that there hasnt been any good anime that isnt high school slice of life moe garbage in years. what was the last good anime? code geass? gurren lagann? panty and stocking? in like, 2009? anime has sucked for years
>>why do those dumb chinks think im going to buy 2 episodes of anime for 50 bucks?
They don't, you're not the target market.
It turns out, cutting your prices in half doesn't net you double the sales, especially for niche products like anime, when the entire late night industry is kept afloat by maybe 20,000 buyfags. Selling 10,000 copies at 15 bucks means you go bust, while 10,000 at 50 bucks a disc brings in enough money for you to make a profit.
The thing is the vast majority of Japanese customers don't pay the outrageous prices either. It's a tiny fraction of any franchise's fanbase that keeps it alive.
There's a well-known trend in free to play games where 99% percent of players will never spend more than a few dollars, but 1% will be whales who spend hundreds if not thousands, and this minority is what keeps the entire game afloat. The same general principle applies to a lot of niche anime franchises. The vast majority of fans will watch the show on television, maybe buy a hard copy of the source material and a piece of merchandise and be done with it. Then there's the brave 1% that not only buys all the blurays, but also the full collection of the original manga, all the figures of characters they like, all the drama CDs and character songs, posters and body pillows of their waifu, event tickets, etc. You're talking thousands of dollars off of one otaku, and this isn't uncommon. The broader audience simply doesn't matter in the face of the mighty whale.
>They don't, you're not the target market.
>It turns out, cutting your prices in half doesn't net you double the sales, especially for niche products like anime, when the entire late night industry is kept afloat by maybe 20,000 buyfags. Selling 10,000 copies at 15 bucks means you go bust, while 10,000 at 50 bucks a disc brings in enough money for you to make a profit.
More like their target market is savy enough to restrain from buying animu as soon as it comes out. The target market already seen it in japanese fansubs so they can wait until they start selling the entire series in one collection box for like 40-50 bucks for the entire season. THAT is how most animu fans that actually buy their anime.
Then you have the rich 1% that buys animu as soon as it comes out. 2 episodes for 50-60 bucks. Most anime fans are not like that. Most fans DO NOT buy anime as soon as it comes out because it's just way too expensive.
Though I'm pretty sure the jap version of galgun is $90. Not sure if that is pricey or not to Japanese.
I wonder what this whale hunting will mean long term.
Especially for video games where game design and business model are increasingly overlapping.
Don't think games designed by behavioral scientists trying to find new ways to tap into the addiction center in the brain will explore the medium in any interesting ways.
>one collection box
Kek, you didn't even bother looking up amazon jp?
post webms of the lewdest content in this game so nobody has to buy it please, bless
>Kek, you didn't even bother looking up amazon jp?
And you didn't bother following the thread to find that we were talking about the west, not japan.
>Try the demo
>It's actually pretty fun, lots of choices and different routes
Not worth full price it's still a pretty good rail shooter and it's not like there's any other rail shooter that came out recently
>Most anime fans are not like that. Most fans DO NOT buy anime as soon as it comes out because it's just way too expensive.
And all of those people are close to WORTHLESS when it comes to determining if the show is a success, and keeping the studio afloat. Anime is for the otaku who have thousands of dollars free a month from their jobs, but no family to spend it on.
Yeah, I'm sure the guy you bothered respond to was referring to the us market.
Do you really think there are only 20000 are buyers in usa?
Do they even sell single volumes with 2-3 episodes here?
That's pretty terrifying desu
That's because the rail shooter genre is dead. It was a relic that was superseded by light gun games which were superseded by fps's. It is surprising to see anyone still make them now a days. It begs the question why? Why even make one? We moved on to better genres ages ago. It just goes to show you how backwards and stuck in the past the Japanese gaming industry is.
>Bitching about Japan for making rail shooters
>When Blue Estate and Rambo are a thing
Except light gun games are objectively superior to the modern FPS genre.
There's no reason both genres can't exist, the real reason light gun games died out is because consoles are unable to support them now that everyone threw out their CRTs for massively inferior hardware in every aspect.
>Do you really think there are only 20000 are buyers in usa?
Honestly, with how big the US is, I won't be surprised that there are more than that.
> Do they even sell single volumes with 2-3 episodes here?
They do. Most anime are released in 3 episodes until it's all out. Then maybe half a year later they release a collection set with all the episodes in one box.
We are living in a very weird era where enterprise no longer sell a complete product with one price, but rather chop it down into pieces and sell them individually.
MFW game companies think the average price of a game in 2016 is $120
MFW game companies cannot cross the $60 line, therefore they have to cut the game in half and sell a $60 season pass seperately
That's only true for AAA games from shit devs though
>Do they even sell single volumes with 2-3 episodes here?
I don't think they do. Pretty sure they only sell whole seasons in the US.
The games are $40 on the Vita.
You're essentially paying $20 extra for an up port of a Vita game for all those titles you've mentioned.
Not saying the devs aren't at fault, but gamers as a whole should take some blame too. We want better graphics, better gameplay, greater stories every year, and we expect constant improvement, all while not paying over 60 dollars. The cost of this improvement isn't cheap though, so companies have decided to chop up games to get the profits they're looking for, and it works. So long as the base game doesn't pass the magical 60 dollar mark they'll be happy to pump out a shit ton of DLC and season passes so people actually have to pay upwards of over double the price of the base game to get the full experience.
There's no solving this as long as the consumers in this industry expect more and more every year.
It should still be noted though that 60 dollars for games nowadays is cheap as fuck compared to how expensive they used to be. While the graph I have only has disc prices, cartridges were 100 dollars or more. Things aren't ideal, but it sure as fuck isn't a rough time to be a gamer.
Galgun with all dlc is $244.85. It isn't even FFF
I kind of want to get the Vita version. Partially because I like the dumb novelty of a rail shooter with anime girls, but also because I want to support unlikely localizations such as this one. If it means more stuff gets brought over, then that is a good thing.
Also, most video games released today are not worth the asking price, but people gobble them up and nobody bats an eye. It's only niche stuff that seems questionable, which is a sign of how powerful marketing can be.
DQ Builders may lack a proper multiplayer mode, but contentwise is plentiful in terms of areas, quests, items, unlockable stuff, optional challenges...
I would say the average main campaign run is 20 hours minimum.
Are you trying to justify $40 for a low end vita game?
I don't recall cartridges being a $100 or more per. The highest price I probably ever saw was $89.99 probably for some shitty n64 game.
The funny thing about your argument is the industry isn't providing more and better every year in any category.
They usually sell whole cours, if a show has 2 cours it will be released in 2 parts and then later as a full box set. Unless it's aniplex.
A block of broadcasting time. Usually around 8-13 episodes for seasonal anime.
It is actually fun though.
It shouldnt be 60 and the dlc is outrageous but if the price drops and you are looking for some sumprisingly fun dumb anime shit to play I would recommend it.
At least you don't live in Australia, add $20+ dollars on top of every individual pricetag.
Nothing really changed. They just reskinned Muramasa and upped the price. Same inconsistent story.
Wasn't the 90$ DLC something you could unlock in the game?
Tears something
Are you stupid? Cours isn't a word wtf are you talking about
>what are loanwords
American education everyone
>Cours is a French word that can refer to:
>Cours (TV production), a unit of production in Japanese TV programs equivalent to 13 episodes
It is a loan word in Japan but not in the English language.
jesus christ
Maybe because your minimum wage is $15 instead of $8 so it balances out
>Playing rail shooters with a controller
>somebody thought this was a good mechanic
Friendly reminder that NISA said that if they were the ones to bring this game to the west, that they would localize this game without any censorship.
>no PS Move support
What's even the point?
I mean a lot of 60$ AAA games are shit as well, but sure they didn't have as high of a budget.
But seeing as people will churn out 60$ for a shit AAA game I wouldn't be surprised that people churn out the same amount for this.
Hell, Terraria has brought me over 200+ hours and I would EASILY buy that shit for 60$ seeing as it is a hell of a lot better than most AAA games.
I mean, look at No Man's Sky
When you are a neet ass virgin man child, wizard in training you spend your neet bucks on figures, onaholes, and this shit. A friend I had in high school was like that, he still doesn't do shit but this still, probably has 10k worth of dolls and weird shit in his room by now. Literally people like that are borderline pedophiles. Its beyond a hobby its fucking sickening.
the digital verison won't get you the artbook and pantsu
>what is inflation
wow you sure are a smart boy, did you learn from a computer? can you count to a 50 in the blink of an eye?
>its fucking sickening
I find my life is happier if i don't spent time worrying about what other people masturbate to.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is fucking amazing and my GOTY so far.
Spend 40+ hours on it in the first week after its release alone.
Don't compare weeb fanservice games, regardless of their quality, to Vanillaware games. That's a an idiotic comparison.
I'm jealous of that guy.
Sounds like you are too.
One of the friends of my friend were like that. The guy had the collectors edition of every JRPG known to man, but never played them. The power of autism.
I pre-ordered it. I honestly have to ask, why on Earth do you like it so much? I was bored after the first half hour.
and if it backfires they will go back to their 15-20 bucks shitfests like before
I thought the art was beautiful.
I liked the characters.
I was very interested in the story.
I liked the constant feeling of progression.
I liked the gameplay, repetetive as it was.
I liked how the timeline was different for every character.
The only thing I didn't like was the music, which was entirely forgetable.
No, more or less salty that he was alright but it just got worse and worse. Its a cancer and harbors kid watchers, its just a convenient way to sate those deeper and darker desires. Fuck some anime looks neat and all but that large spectrum of loli shit is just wrong.
>that large spectrum of loli shit is just wrong.
Why, because your puritanical beliefs tell you it is?
Let's assume the worst and pretend he's a total kiddy fiddler, would you rather he lock himself up in his room and jerk off on some dolls, or go down the local playpark and abduct a child?
>a convenient way to sate those deeper and darker desires