What do you think of Sly 2 Sup Forums, or the series in general?

What do you think of Sly 2 Sup Forums, or the series in general?


Shameless bumperino attempt.


It alright

Really good game, paris and india themes were great, and actually stealing people was neat as fuck. It was really nice how you sabotaged a lot of the level before actually doing a heist, the plot twist at about half game, it was really neat for its time.

Its aged a decent amount by today's standards though, but for a ps2 game with a large focus on giant structures, architecture and such, it did its job quite well.

I liked the story, platforming, combat, and villains. Can't think of anything I really didn't like, besides the third game

Not Op, what did you dislike about 3? As a guy who liked 2 a lot, I didn't see much wrong with it except the whole penelope bullshit.

It just didn't have the same feel to me, I didn't play it very long so I don't have valid criticisms against the game

Pretty good series, only 3 was bad. I hope we get to see another game made by Sanzaru, they did a good job with Thieves in Time.

Sly 2 is the best game of the series and one of the best games on the PS2

Which is saying something 'cause DAMN the PS2's library was stellar


the final boss in 2 was so disappointing it nearly made me hate the rest of the game

Sly was one of my favorite series, platforming was nice, liked that the characters had plenty of personality and all the little touches they did here and there (Like Sly being able to pickpocket random mooks)

The recent one they released for PS3 and Vita is shit though, as is the case when a bunch of fanboys make a sequel

My favourite sly. Also the only sly I've completed.
My younger brother played the 1st and 3rd and I watched and played bit of it and I didn't like them too much. 1 is different, and 3 is bad imo.

2 though. I played the demo of 2 on a ratchet and clank game I think and was impressed with the movement and fluidity and the sneaky aspect of it. And the writing and voice acting was pretty good in it too. Ended up buying the game and loving it.

>probably the only person alive who likes 3 the most, even while recognizing that 2 is the best

Are you me

>Sup Forums shits on Sly 3 for having 'meme minigames'

Fuck that, level designs were top notch and art was good too. The 'minigames' were fun anyways

As long as you aren't cadicarus tier stupid and try to excuse nostalgia for bullshit reasons like the gang not being tight as shit in 2, your fine.

3 was alright, flawed, but suckerpunch make really good games user, its just worse by many peoples regards, but its still good and you can enjoy it more than 2.

Now, if you were to tell me you liked 4 more than or considered it better than 2, then we would have a reason to shame you.

I'm going through this series at the moment actually, currently on Sly 2, and although everyone always says Sly 2 is better, personally I think I preferred Sly 1 to Sly 2

First is best.

What chapter are ya in? Chapter 2, 4, 5 and 7 were great fun, if yer still in Dimitris level, his chapter is a glorified tutorial, if Im being honest.

I wish Sucker Punch would make more games and not just be stuck with Infamous.

Sly 1 and 2 are honestly a bit too different from one another to properly compare them.

1 was way more arcadey in how it felt and played.

2 is an amazing game, I could replay it any day of the week but 3 is the first one I played. I realize that's retarded but I was exposed to the series in a demo disk I got from somewhere, I must've spent days playing one of the two player things they had on there, just running around Venice as Sly and enjoying how fluid the controls were and how easily the thief moves flowed into the platforming.
I picked it up as soon as it came out, loved it, went on to love the rest of the series.
Then Thieves in Time happened and I wished it hadn't.

The minigames were an unfortunate majority of the game, and were half-baked at best.
The new gang members were half-baked at best.
The level design was half-baked at best.

The whole game is half-baked. Even the menus.

God that main menu is atrocious.

>mfw Caddy completely misinterprets banter as Sly being a dick when banter of similar fashion exists in every Sly game
>he keeps up this bullshit in his Top 20 PS2 games video
Fucking goddammit

>I wish Sucker Punch would make more games
Me too. What the fuck are they even doing right now?

Well I've actually already 100% beaten Sly 2 on PS3, going through it again on Vita for the platinum, currently on episode 4 on there

It made them money user, and admitedly, they did a great job with infamous 1 and 2, right?

Yeah, we got sanzaru to shit out the unholy abortion that is named sly 4, but what can ya do pal. Hell, maybe they are making sly 5, almost impossible that they are, but a guy can dream, right?
Fair enough man, I also loved shit like pirating in 3, got over 200k at one pint back in the day, LeFwee be damned, fear the fucking coopers.
Yep, caddy went full retard for some reason. Somehow, he fucking misinterperted Bentley, out of pure loyalty and straight up brotherly love, spoilered for the guy who is still playing, to go alone, and fucking set his best pal free, as a single fucking turtle with a crossbow against a massively guarded gothic prision with no way in or out other than a call transfer. What a fucking retard, even the wizard part tells you these guys would take bullets for eatchother

What was everyones favorite character to play as in all of the games? I liked playing as the Guru from 3 and Rioichi from 4 even though he was pretty much just sly with a jump power

considering ratchett and clank was a success and sony seems to be bringing back crash bandicoot, anything can happen with platformers.


Fuck me that was so good. Maybe it was out of place in a game about stealthy, night-time heisting but why would you NOT want to scuttle ships and steal all their booty?

They even had the perfect opportunity to bring it back in Thieves in Time, and they wasted it.
Wasted it on the fucking ICE AGE.

Sly has no bad games. Sly 2 is the best. Newest game is breddy gud too.

Jak & Daxter only had one good game: the original.

Ratchet & Clank is consistently good, but peaked at Going Commando again. UYA feels like more of the same.

Do not fucking remind me of Bob user. Please, he literally only served for wall climbing puzzles, its flash game tier bullshit.
Ratchet was always successful user, even when it wasn't. Sly was the criticaly aclaimed but much less known mascot, and with the flunk of 4, rightfully so dammit, the chances 5 will come are low, as low as infamous 3 with evil cole from 2 being a thing. But we can always hope I guess.
>breddy good
Get the fuck out and don't come back.

woops, last part was for

I had lots of fun with Thieves in Time. Only problem was too much collecting.

Is there more to collect in the later games? Because I'm getting kinda bored with all the hint bottle collecting

You aint worth the essay mate, I did this too many times. You know how fucking flawed and shit it is.

There's new Sly masks, otherwise clue bottles/treasures return. I just felt like I spent more time backtracking for collectathon shit through levels than I did actually playing and exploring the cool maps like with the PS2 trilogy.

Any news about the movie?

And will it come with a reboot/remake of the first game like with Ratchet and Clank?

It's dumb that they would reboot Sly before even having a conclusion after Sly 4, at least Ape Escape coiuld get a revival

It's the best of the series. There isn't a single that I dislike about Sly 2

It was decent

I only played the first one.
Ratchet & Clank is better.

I've thoroughly enjoyed Sly 4.

Me too, it was great.

I believe that 4's detractors are just butthurt nostalgiafags and that if it were made the exact same but by Sucker Punch, then they'd be fine with it.

I mean, shit, some people say it's even worse than 3 and that's like objectively incorrect.

This. Sly 2 did everything right. Shame the series is once again on hiatus

>Sly 5 never

Sly 1 was good, and I've only played episode 1 of sly 2 so far. But from what I've played, sly 2 is wayyyy better

One of my main problems with 3 was the weather in the levels. Almost every single level was set during the day at some point which really ruins the whole sneaky thief feeling for me. Every Sly 2 level was during the night or at least lacked any sun which only made you feel more like a thief.

Sly 1 is the best one. 2 was way too repetitive. Dunno about 3 or 4.

>Main character gets send in back in time to Ancient Egypt without a way of coming back.
>Sanzaru announces they won't be developing another Sly game for now
It hurts to live

>Every Sly 2 level was during the night or at least lacked any sun which only made you feel more like a thief.
I agree, but Canada was set during the day.

Although this made sense when it came to the second chapter when you had to interact with the moose club and participate in the lumberjack games.

I'm not sure why the first chapter was during the day though.

Is Sonic Boom Fire & Ice out yet?

They've been working on that for a while and I suspect that's why they said no Sly 5 [at the moment]

I used to have Rocket: Robot on Wheels as a kid and I thought it was a DAMN fun game. I found out recently the makers went on to make Sly and so I got the collection and have been playing it on and off for the last couple months. So far I've beaten sly 1 and I'm on chapter 3 of Sly 2 and I've gotta say they're fucking incredible games so far, even better than Rocket was. That being said I still like Sly 1 more than Sly 2 so far, I'm wondering if that's gonna change when I get farther (since it took until the swamp for me to really start to realize Sly 1 was one of my favorite platformers ever)

Also Carmelita's vague Latin accent from the 1st game is gone in the 2nd and that kind of pisses me off.

Sure it was during the day that's true. But still the lack of sun was substituted by cloudiness which still set more of a stealthy atmosphere than say Holland in broad daylight in Sly 3.

I've never played the newest Sly. Is it any good? How's it different?

for reference I didn't really like the first game, 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I had a good amount of fun with 3.

I keep hearing different things about the newest one though.

I have no idea. I think they took on another project after Sonic Boom. Ultimately it's up to Sony at this point. I think they wanted to do the sequel but poor sales of the 4th game wouldn't allow it. I just wish Sucker Punch would stop sucking Infamous' dick and return to make the 5th game. I honestly don't want to believe they would leave the series on a cliffhanger.

Thank you for being such a rational person