New Mario and Pokemon coming within six months of NX launch

>Nintendo is putting together a triple-A software lineup to ensure NX flies out of the gate next year.

>Developer Game Freak will bring Pokemon to the platform, while Nintendo's first-party titles include the previously announced Zelda game - Breath of the Wild - and a new Mario game. All three products are scheduled to appear within the first six months of the machine's life.

>The firm has also been busy securing third-party support with Sega, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Activision and Warner Bros already onboard.

>New mainline Pokemon game by Game Freak on NX
>People still doubt the NX will be a handheld
Prepare for the butthurt.

Other urls found in this thread:


>within six months of NX launch
>not on launch


With BotW, you won't need anything else.

>It will have third party support
>There's 10 half-assed ports during the launch window
>Nothing ever comes out on the system ever again

You can't fool me stupid article!

It's called "launch window", fucking homosexual.

Better than having Mario a year after launch.

dont forget stellar games like Just Dance 19, Party Games Galore Turbo Edition and Frozen: Disturbing Surgeries for Girls

>Half assed ports of one year old games get released
>Nobody buys them because they are shit
>See? Third parties on Nintendo don't sell!
>Third parties drop support
>People blame Nintendo for that
It's the Wii U all over again. Poor thing.

Fucking dumbasses when the fuck will they learn that you need games to launch a console. They're butt fuckingly retarded if they think that BotW can carry the ND on its own.

>>New mainline Pokemon game by Game Freak on NX
Gen 8 already? What the fuck? I expect Sun and Moon to be very short then, possibly like OR and AS short.

Not even Sony and Microsoft laubch with games anymore. Did you forget the wasteland during the first year of both Bone and ps4?

What if Pokemon Earth? The third chapter of Sun and Moon like Emerald or Platinum.
Or Sun and Moon 2, like Black and White 2.

>New Mario
How about Nintendo go back to making Mario games that expand the Mario series and the video game industry as a whole instead of these samey, generic looking and feeling games. Mario used to be a big deal for the entire industry, now it's just another Mario game. Go back to making grand Mario games.

>smartphone gamers


nah, PS4 and Xbone launched with multiplats that normies fucking love, like, they fucking adore those games

just cause they aren't Sup Forums-core doesn't mean they aren't games

The Bone has no games and it's also failing. I have no idea what the fuck is going on with the PS4 Sony must be using some kind of black magic.

NX means a lot of money for Nintendo

Even if you're trolling, it is pretty disappointing. They've have/had all the time in the world to prepare for the NX with how much the Wii U and 3DS slowed down, so actually good launch games would be a huge plus (if not a requirement).

>mainline Pokemon game
>on home console
That will literally never happen because it goes against wha the games want players to do

NX is a handheld you can plug into your TV/monitor

I'm an idort, and it even bugged me.
>Rayman supposed to be a WiiU launch title, EXCLUSIVE
>They then decide to make it multi plat
>Sony threatens they have to release them all at the same time, because they don't want something old
>They comply

Or a worse case
>Mass Effect 3 launches on WiiU
>Doesn't have the DLC
>I don't think you can even buy them
>Within months of the WiiU version coming out, they release a trilogy pack on the other consoles for the same price of just 3 on WiiU
or also

>Deus Ex gets released on WiiU [actually the best console version]
>They also release on the other 2 consoles at the same time, and sell them for $20 cheaper

Cuccd left and right. You can't fucking do that shit and expect people to just buy into it.

3 things
Sun Moon port
Third version
Sun Moon sequel

Or possibly they could release a new stadium/Colosseum which would be dope, but unlikely.

Pretty sure the Wii U had BOTH Mario (New Super Mario Bros. U) and Zelda (Wind Waker Remaster) and it still bombed hard,

When will Nintendo learn that in order to be successful they need things OTHER than their stagnant and in Mario's case decaying franchises to entice people to buy their crappy hardware.

Good thing NX is not a home console. :^)

It's not
It's both
>not a home console
>has console Zelda game
you're dead wrong loser lol

The GC had Zelda and Mario and it bombed too.
Pretty shit console tbqh, overrated as fuck.

Gen 8 already. that's great. The more new pokemon the better. I want another Eevee

It's a handheld port of a console game, though.
NX is a handheld. Deal with it.

Xenoblade Chronicles is on 3DS

The GC is extremely overrated it has a ton of mediocre as fuck games that Nintendo fans hype as good because the system had fuck all to play.
>It's a handheld port of a console game, though.
>this means it's actually not a home console game
You're retarded friend

Where does it say "mainline" pokemon game? I just see "pokemon game"

As in, Stadium, Coliseum, Battle Revolution etc

t. dumbass

but it is on 3DS

I'm not wrong

Pokemon Dash 2?

Xenoblade 3D is on 3DS. Xenoblade is NOT on 3DS.

Game Freak only does Main Series right?

Game freak makes only mainline ganes though

>Nintendo is putting together a triple-A
no, Nintendo doesn't do AAA

The only way for Nintendo to persist and have reliable income is to pander as hard as possible to the base. They said they were doing that with the Wii U but they really weren't.

We never got a Metroid, 3D Mario, F-Zero, real fucking ZELDA exclusive, or any of those charming 3rd tier franchises like Wave Race and Sin and Punishment, even the Wii had more gems.

We also never got serious 3rd party exclusives, back in the day you had fucking Goldeneye, Turok, Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil games, games that weren't on other consoles.

The Wii U had fucking Zombi U.

>Gamefreak will never make a console game as good as Gale of Darkness

It could be a SM in HD. Or DP remake (which would be lame since it's the worst region ever)

Why would you need that when the mainline games will be HD?

Fuck off

It's probably gen 8. The first Pokemon games on new consoles are always new gens. I'm positive we will get gen 4 remakes after the gen 8 games.

It's also disappointing to me. The NX should launch only when the whole games library is done. They should postpone the launch 4-5 years and then release it with all the titles they are ever going to make.

what's with pokemon and braindead mouthbreathing retards wanting muhpatterns everywhere?

Nice mental gymnastics

it's a fucken port

Ok that's not even fair he purposely left out the 'XD'.

>3D version of Gen 1

Fucking Gen One Wankers.

That report is such bullshit. They basically combined the announcements made by SE and Ubisoft with the Eurogamer rumor to sound convincing.

Their base isn't mainly composed of fans of those niche as fuck series.
I'm fucking SICK of people that keep parrotting always those series, fucking Metroid and F-Zero, like they are a fucking big deal. They aren't. They sell like shit. The only thing Nintendo gained trying to pander to those fanbases are few sales. Prime never banked. GX never banked.
You are fucking stupid if you think Nintendo can fix their problems by producing niche games. You are the same kind of utter retard that kept saying "Where's muh StarFox" and the day you got it you started shitting on it.
Really, go fuck yourself. You make me vomit.

>isn't a source at all, just a blogger talking alone with nothing to back up his says
>even reposts some common Sup Forums memes in his prediction
wow OP is just advertising his own blog. Fuck off Dring

>PS4 and Xbone launched with multiplats that normies fucking love
Some of which flat out didn't work.

We're getting the first true home console pokemon game and I can't even get happy. The nx is going to suck, isn't it?

All things adds up eventually.

Man that game was fun

my first pokemon game too, transferred my starting espeon and ursaring all the way up to my current ORAS game and still use them

woah more mario!! thanks nintendo :)

>gen 8
>not even a year after gen 7
Fucking retards

But it's not a home console, lad.

>many unsourced rumours become real when reposted together!
yeah that's totally how it works, dring.

Yes. Even harder than the Wii U

Different reps have called it a home console before. It's a hybrid.

Not really. You're basically have people screaming its a handheld while having announced console games on it. There's a lot of details that don't add up when talking about the Eurogamer rumor.

>Rogers dindunothing she's always right because when she's wrong it mysoginistic lies!

I more butthurt about no more EO games

This, now excuse me while I go playing Halo #343 or Ratchet and Clank #80085


>just dance
>on handheld

mario game on a nintendo console stop the presses

>Rogers boogeyman
Opinion discarded.

It has a Kinect-like camera

Excuse you, cunt. Metroid and f-Zero sold well enough, they didn't pull GTA or Pokemon numbers but only a select handful of franchises in the entire industry can do that.

If they sold poorly on the GC that was more of a consequence of the PS2's dominance of that era, the Xbox only sold about as well as the Cube. Metroid and F-Zero did brilliantly on the GBA and received multiple iterations. They'd do great on the 3DS too, an ACTUAL Metroid, mind.

Bitch I'm not gonna read all that shit.

But safe to say that
>if NX is the ONLY Nintendo platform moving forward (all efforts concentrated on one platform, no spread out libraries)
>if it's a handheld that can also be connected to your TV
>if it gets a new MH, Pokemon, Metroid, everything really

then it'll be fucking amazing

>ensure AAA games out for a tablet gaming processor

Considering what Nintendo has been doing with their first party games over the last 2 years, I dont know why anyone would rationally and reasonably be able to develop excitement for this knowing Nintendos current condition

>Within months
>Mass Effect Trilogy release 6 November 2012
>Mass Effect 3 Wii U release 18 November 2012

Bravo EA.

you have no other source

The condition that they are releasing more and better exclusive than bot bone and PS4 ?

Seems good to me.

Metroid did, FZero didn't.

and how do you play it on handheld?

>PS4 and XBO both powered by Jaguar
>used in notebooks, tablets and embedded applications
Nah I think the NX is fine.

shake the removable controller parts like wii motes

>Luigi's Mansion

>Metroid and f-Zero sold well enough
lol no

prime sold a shit ton of copies given the GC's install base

[Citation Needed], have fun

You can like Nintendo games but when all you have is colour splash for the holidays and federation force and the countless other unwanted low quality shit Nintendo has released to fill their droughts of games, you really cant talk about Sony or Microsoft first party games.

>third party devs

Never forget

Back then there were competing future racer series, Wipeout, Extreme-G, they're fucking dead too. A new F-Zero would find itself a larger audience today.

It's a niche genre, admittedly, but not every series has to sell in the millions, it's not the kind of game that requires years of development, a console needs to fill it's niches.

All Google says is it performed poorly and Nintendo would stop making home console Metroid games...

look harder

and you ask your mom to hold the screen for you ?
Fuck of, retard

RIP, real bros.

I hope it is a handheld that plugs into a tv. Sounds really cool. Don't know why everyone is complaining.

The new Zelda looks alright. I hope they make a new Metroid.

I wonder if I should get the NX. Might not be interested in many games.

Still, I'm excited to see what Nintendo has to offer.

yes, that's Ninty's core audience after all

as another user said, the fact that Just Dance is on confirmed means this is, at the very least, not a traditional handheld

Holy shit, this is pathetic. At least when the Wii had all these fake testimonials it didn't matter since they already had the casual bucks

what are the confirmed games?

I know zelda, pikmin 4 (unless they go handheld), DQ11, the new sonic

It sold better than the Fire Emblem: Awakening, and that's always held up as a huge success and revival of a series.

Prime did well, it wasn't Halo, but it was popular.