Pls come back to wildstar. It's getting a new raid in 2 weeks

Pls come back to wildstar. It's getting a new raid in 2 weeks.

>non-stop threads about it until launch
>'WoW-killer' being used unironically
>all that damage control by unpaid shills

I have a putrid dislike of tab targeting MMO's, but I'm enjoying FFXIV more than I did that fucking game.

Even though all I do is collect materials for crafting. All. Day. Long.

>I'm enjoying FFXIV
Why? I don't understand, when I tried the beta it was a huge bore.

That wasn't it. People were getting hyped because MUH VANILLA WOW. Turns out people didn't want a long attunement quest as much as they thought they did.


maybe if it wasn't running like pure liquid shit i could consider it.


>theme park MMOs

It's better than it used to be, world bosses don't tank your fps anymore. Still not great though.

But WoW gameplay is super fun.

Inb4 PvE.

Nobody would know because leveling is a meme.

>playing hotkey mmos when this game is getting a new raid next month and the hardest raid ever created 2 months later
lmaoing at ur gameplay

>that entire webm
>hold left click

downloaded it a few days ago and got constant fps drops all over the place even when setting the view distance to the lowest possible and a lot of the settings to low.
my card may be old but it should run the game just fine(Gtx 670) also its seems there is not much difference performance wise between setting the settings on near maximum to minimum.
how do you fuck up optimization that bad on a game that needs to appeal to as much people as possible?

this one skill probably has more button inputs than your entire raids

I do actually wish Wildstar succeeded like I hoped Warhammer MMO would succeed because it had just a lot good going for it that just wasn't as polished as WoW and ultimately that's what people like. A well-polished and smooth gameplay experience.


>that entire webm
>left click and then right click

Challenging content =/= good content.
Also, wasn't that webm made by someone who spent a fuckload of real money to make it look like that?

Wildstar's attunement quest chain was way longer and more of a chore than any of the vanilla WoW attunements.

stop replying to him
his game is dead and nothing will change it

Is it getting a new game engine too? Because that's what it needs.

I think FFXIV's machninist currently holds the skill inflation trophy.

>he doesn't even know
the input for that one skill is

I have a 660 and usually get between 25 and 50 fps on medium settings. I've heard disabling the combat log and /who helps.

Yeah, I'm asking him why he enjoys the game. What's wrong with that?

>press a bunch of buttons to do one attack
>in a real time action game
What a terrible design choice.

i actually had a blast in the beta, so much so that by the time launch came around i kinda burned out

its on steam now right? does it have a big player base? did they fix bugs?

gotta go fast!!!

eh I might. I might not.

Actually, you're questioning him on his enjoyment based on the lack of your own. If you came to the conscious decision that the game bored you, you wouldn't want to know why other people enjoy it so much other than to debate it with them.

>well established guild with a lot of raiders
>get new member who isn't attuned
>have to find a world boss group just to attune one person
>people are lazy and don't want to fight worldbosses again cause it won't get them specifically anything

vanilla wow and wildstar were under the assumption that you're going to have 40 players and they will never switch out players or have alts

that being said the actual gameplay was really good and I do miss it.

wildstar is literally the only game that gave me buyer's remorse, but on the other hand it cured my "have to try every new MMO to scratch that WoW itch" disease

There's enough players to run most anything save adventures. Even pvp has been really active, although you'll get used to seeing a handful of people. Get used to getting destroyed by them since they're the pvp fags who have been at it a while.
Yes, there have been bug fixes.

people got redpilled about MMO slavery mechanics long ago. Only activision managed to raise their cattle to be blind enough to refuse the fact that raid sucks by nature and are only a tool to keep you wasting years of your life doing the same meaningless thing

I only like Wildstar for the Chuas and drakes because I'm a giant furfag. Else than that it's an absolute shit game, even for an MMO it's incredibly boring.

chuas killed the general and aurins killed any hope of Dominion being a relevant faction
I hate you

i enjoyed leveling quite a bit, some of the worlds were super comfy

>high end pc
>game runs at 25 fps max

>come back a few weeks later
>still runs like shit

Good job devs.

>no crotch slider

>even for an MMO it's incredibly boring
You didn't even like the dungeons or raids?

>using the default UI
not our fault you are retarded. but hey, TF3fags, no surprise.

I hate how developers blamed
>There no enough hardcore gamers
For their game failure
Fucking shit, game was unplayable garbage full of bots since beta
Fuck this cunts

>Turns out people didn't want a long attunement quest as much as they thought they did.
No you fucking retard
People dropped game without even getting max level
Vanilla wow has nothing to do with it. Gamepla ywise it's closer to the cata/wotlk mix with worst parts of both
It's just boring, mobs can't kill you solo, and dungeons aren't tuned as good as ARR ones

The devs didn't blame anyone. They realized they didn't develop enough for players outside of raiding.

>dungeons aren't tuned as good as ARR ones
What makes you say that? I never did a dungeon in ffxiv but wildstar has a great mix of gear checks but also casual checks. The final boss of skullcano is a perfect example of this, you can walk in way over geared but if you can't dodge the lasers then you're going to wipe over and over until you either quit or get gud.

In one of the first interview after release they said that targeting hardcore gamers was a mistake
I'm still mad. They never admited that game flopped becausethey were incompetent fucktards, instead they just blamed market and closed gate for the any developer who could make actually good game

>targeting hardcore gamers was a mistake
It was. Don't take it personally, they're not saying the game lost so many people because fucking casuals couldn't handle their genius. They made a mistake in thinking only the hardcore raid crowd could keep an mmo like their going. They are admitting a fault.

>hey made a mistake in thinking only the hardcore raid crowd could keep an mmo like their going
Hardcore gamers were the first one who dropped this garbage

>pick a server
>level on it
>lvl30 zone
>entire zone is filled with opposite faction
>everything ive earned on that character is character bound
couldnt they just take notes from guild wars 2 instead of vanilla wow

>Hardcore gamers
You mean the ones who rage quit when they couldn't get past the first vet dungeon? No. The #HARDCORE they were appealing to were the ones who would complete the 40 man raid, only 1 guild managed to do it before it was switched to a 20 man. The dev had this idea that players would want roster bosses and the headache of getting 40 people to show up on time regularly for weeks or months. They were wrong.

Wildstar was very alt unfriendly for a while. Only recently did they make it so you can send mail to an alt on the opposite faction. Also, amp/skill point unlocks are account wide now, so you can buy them from various vendors on your main and mail them to your alts.

>You mean the ones who rage quit when they couldn't get past the first vet dungeon?
I doubt that many hardcore gamers even reached vet dungeons
You know why? because game was unplayble garbage
>The dev had this idea that players would want roster bosses and the headache of getting 40 people to show up on time regularly for weeks or months
They want
But they want it in the good game

>couldnt they just take notes from guild wars 2

But they did, they are both garbage.

>They want
They think they do, but they don't.
Before launch some people tried to tell them 40 man raids was a bad idea. It's too much of a hassle to gather 40 people, tuning it would be very difficult, no one will want to do it. But they did it anyway cause #HARDCORE. Now datascape is a 20 man raid and is much better for it.

Why is Kit so perfect?

Again, people who would actually raid dropped game during first weeks
It had nothing to do with end game content
There many people who would gladly pay forthe EQ and vanilla wow, and maybe for the fixed vaduard
But no one will pay money for the garbage like wildstar

how did you like that atunement quest fags ?

>It had nothing to do with end game content
You're right, because the raiding was great. You just had to get through attunement first and that's where some people quit because it was tedious and made even worse by bugs that would hinder progress. Now attunenment is just get bronze in the 4 main dungeons and you're ready to raid, assuming you have the gear and runes.

>that draw distance
>that AI
>that kill quest grind

Honestly, I wish Wildstar all the best, but I can't understand why anyone would play it given Guildwars 2 and FF exist.

>You're right, because the raiding was great.
Worse compared to the Mythic wow and Savage in ARR
>You just had to get through attunement first and that's where some people quit because it was tedious
ARR proved you wrong
There 60 levels of attunement chain for the raids and dungeons
And people play and pay for it!
But everyone dropped wildstar? Why? Because game itself was trash

>Worse compared to the Mythic wow and Savage in ARR
I never raided or ran dungeons in either of those games but I know wildstar's group stuff and I think it's a whole lot of fun. The raids especially, which are a step up from the dungeons. Sure they can be frustrating because 1 guy can wipe the whole raid but that's part of what makes it good, everyone has to know what they're doing as well as how to move. Then when everything finally clicks and you down a boss for the first time, so satisfying.
>But everyone dropped wildstar? Why?
Because of a horrible first impression, and even second impression with f2p. A ton of bugs that would turn challenging dungeons into tedious grinds and horrible server issues for a whole week when it went f2p.

I'd play it if it were at least bit more optimized. Did they work on that already?

It's better but still not good. World bosses used to lag people so hard they'd dc but I haven't heard about that happening anymore outside of just shit internet.

He didn't even play the game.

The art style of the game gives me a headache.

I really like it overall. I really hate strain related stuff though, it's so boring.