ITT: Exact moments when you realised that a game was going to be shit
ITT: Exact moments when you realised that a game was going to be shit
this isn't even from a game you dip
That picture made me lose a lot of interest for the game. I really fear they're going to go all out with SJW shit.
Hope it doesn't have Denuvo, so I can at least pirate it.
>all lower case
>"lol ill say something that isnt true", the lowest form of bait
Underage fags are so easy to spot
>augs liv- matters
honestly the most infuriating thing about this is the incorrect grammar
like even black people got it correct, come on
>Hope it doesn't have Denuvo
It almost certainly will, sadly
>not knowing that BLM faggots are currently triggered as fuck over """"appropriation""""
It was a covert based operation to BTFO the cucks, Milo would be proud.
I can't even tell if this parody, well done
The main meme of the game is the increase of split between Augs and not Augs. So this meme makes sense in the broad meme of things.
Don't drop it over le Pol meme
What's the problem?
Augs are literally terrorists in this game though, what's the problem?
I almost had a stroke typing it out, thanks for showing appreciation.
If it has an atmosphere as good as human revolution, I don't give a fuck
>split between Augs and not Augs
Which is obviously supposed to reflect racial tensions in the real world, and they couldn't think of a better way to get that across than taking BLM and swapping out a word, which is a sign that the rest of the game will be as hamfisted
>first they use 'apartheid' fully knowing liberals will cling onto it for no reason
>now they use the retarded blacklivesmatter thing, once again knowing it will get them a shitton of word-of-mouth advertising from triggered people e.g. this thread
Pretty good marketing desu.
Did you even play Human Revolution? In fact, did you even play the first Deus Ex?
apartheid - ok, not specifically about any one thing unless you're an autist SJW
augs lives matter - obviously co-opting a very recent political movement and poor grammar on top of that, consider me triggered
>another "you haven't played it!!" post
>Deus ex never gives me choices and I wont have the option to murder their leader and usher in my own desired story progression
You've never played one.
Fuck off.
How dare art take inspiration from life!
No, honestly user.
Have you even played it?
So did he say what the reference was going to be last night? I crashed before the thread ended.
>Deus Ex is based after they BTFO SJWs during the mechanical apartheid shitstorm
>Now they're SJWs because they use augs lives matter
They should have just made tetris, no one would have been mad.
>not specifically about any one thing
Yeah, it just happens to be an african word everyone uses without any reason.
>>Deus ex never gives me choices and I wont have the option to murder their leader and usher in my own desired story progression
>lol i cant read so im just going to make up my own thing ur complaining about
There's a difference between "inspiration" and this shit
If you can't think of anything to say other than "you haven't played it!!" when why are you bothering to post shit?
And don't forget the entire thing is orchestrated by the illuminati to increase their control over the population.
So you literally haven't played it.
Good to know
>There's a difference between "inspiration" and this shit
No there isn't, you're just triggered because you're a post-modern counter cultural product that doesn't possess an ounce of self awareness.
lol u got me
>you're just triggered
Stopped reading there
preordered ;)
>>lol i cant read so im just going to make up my own thing ur complaining about
You're having a bitch about how some horseshit from contemporary reality is being mirrored in a game and how you think the developers will try and push current-and-real agenda behind the movement that's being depicted.
That's pretty fucking safe to assume.
If not, state otherwise in the OP rather than trying to act smart and attempt to belittle anyone else multiple posts later you fucking autistic cunt.
>Only if we take liberal, Marxist, and communist ideology and shed it in a positive life
>conservative/republican ideology can go fuck itself because conservative/republicans are RAAAAACCCCCCISSSSTTT AND EVVVVVIIIIILLLLL
t. never played Deus ex.
No right and wrong.
Nah, this has to be the game where we see the MJ12 splitoff happens, they teased it way hard in the last game + post credits scene.
I expect that we're going to see an early prototype for morpheus and the grey death this game and that bob page is going to be behind something, I can't decide if he's going to be using the augs of if he's the one making the crackdowns happen.
The original was good, but was obvious something happened when they were making HR and there was some shake up in the team.
For gods sakes, HR threw in that global warming crap.
>and how you think the developers will try and push current-and-real agenda behind the movement that's being depicted.
Nope, try actually reading because I wrote down exactly what I think is wrong
>state otherwise in the OP
>too lazy to skim 30 posts
Sorry for belittling you, you're actually a very smart and reasonable guy
>neo-Sup Forums pretend to ever play Deus ex
90% of sci-fi and fantasy literature is straight outta kipling. I swear people who claim to be radicals are retards 90% of the time. In the 70s "left wing radicals" would constantly talk about how crypto-fascist literature had "good ideas" now in the 2000s "right wing radicals" think that they're somehow marginalised because a vocal group is finally lashing out at the fact that the overton window has shifted so far to the right that George Bush looks leftwing.
What the fuck is your point? Yeah, Human Revolution had godawful shallow writing put together by a bunch of hacks after a 10 minute wikipedia bing, but what does this have to do with the original Deus Ex?
Announcement of the day one dlc
You people do realize that you are at the moment on the same level of muh triggers moaning like the sjws you cry about?
Less than 20 posts.
You state nothing.
If you're You made one post, which is still refuted by what I said.
I now have a folder full of screenshots of my playtime with steam games because people on Sup Forums can't come up with anything other than "you haven't even played it :((" to defend themselves
>still can't read
I'm not going to spoonfeed you no matter how hard you cry, try again lil auty :-)
>tfw retarded burger politics have been infecting games more and more over the last few years
You're a fucking cancer.
>reflect racial tensions in the real world
I didn't know we reinstated segregation and started throwing nigs into shitty shanty towns . Beyond Aug lives matter ,this game is tackling on a purely dues ex political subject
>Sup Forums is still chimping out over trump bricking in the polls
>Racial tensions oin the real world
>real world
>this game is tackling on a purely dues ex political subject
>this is the audience that constantly screams that deus ex is a "deep" game
Jesus, I guess they weren't hamfisted enough
How is it that such minor thing triggers both Sup Forumstards and SJWs at the same fucking time? Is it just elaborate trolling or are you all this fucking lonely?
Also thisFucking fuck off and vote for your next shithead already so we can all forget you exist for the next half a decade
Why wouldn't the fucking augs be dominating the fuck out of society?
If this is really the plot, it's fucking dumb
THIS. Wake up everyone, have you ever actually BEEN to America?
You didn't see the ending to HR?
As russian I find this picture amusing, there would be no such thing as SJW demonstration in frond of the Kremlin. Augmented OMON would pobably shoot them on sight, without getting them gather in crouds, and people here so terrified at all time, and secretly hate each other, so they won't even think about demonstration for THAT cause. Besides russians are too poor to afford augmentations.
It's going on in a lot of places for various reasons. In America it's the white working class finally losing the last scraps of "superiority" they had over minority working classes, in the UK... it's complicated, in Europe as a whole it's a reaction to german economic principals and dominance and their failure to meet the demands of the most vulnerable in society coupled with the fear of terrorism (though people are finally realising that the old phrase "the bomber will always get through" still applies)
they are the minority and there's certain groups that would rather they control the aug scene
If they're augmented couldn't they just kill regular folk?
Seems like its just making fun of BLM, which everyone should, sounds fine to me.
You aren't living in Moscow I see
yeah but its fiction, russia is obviously much better off in deus ex universe
not every aug is a walking tank like Jensen m8
>making fun
It's a good thing all of those viruses are being unfrozen, I guess.
It triggered lefties, although I dont pay attention to this shit much because politics are more subhuman venue than nignogs thieving all day
He's not talking about the gameplay user, put on your reading glasses.
I'm just joking there's no way you're old enough to need reading glasses.
Well it's gonna bomb. They already got burned from that pre-order gauge now this. What is it with westerners thinking revolutions/uprisings is a pop-culture social activity?
>Black Lives Matter
>written by blacks
Don't kid yourself, user
Simple, it takes focus away from the real movement. For example after BLM got all uppety and super racist people starting saying All Lives Matter, and Blue Lives Matter. This created a divide in people and took focus away from BLM. At this point _____ Lives Matter can be spun up by anyone who wants to meme it up, for example OP's picture. Again taking focus away from the klan with a tan.
Is this the best way to trigger Sup Forums and tumblr at the same time?
>between underage Sup Forumstards and butthurt dx1 elitists this game will be impossible to discuss
>no leak will supress the shitposting again
If you didn't see this coming from the time you played HR then you're a dumbfuck and you deserve this. Only the first game is an intelligent worthwhile experience.
It's not from the game
Kek for once I'm finally glad a game has denuvo.
If you're going to get so triggered by some implied political opinion different tha yours that it puts you off the game then don't play, fuck right off
The obvious """plot twist""" is going to be the Illuminati playing both sides to seize control over the world. That's pretty redpilled desu senpai
Settle down
>muh blacks
>muh abortions
>muh gays
>muh feminazis
>muh SJW's
>muh cuntry
And this is why american politics is retarded. Please keep this shit away from games.
The fact that there's pretty major social upheaval going on in America makes Americans think it's all about them, especially when artists take inspiration from those movements to make their fictional ones more tactile. And with stuff coming out people are more aware of what it's being drawn from, you ask people for media in the past and they're usually not going to know.
>tfw american politics ruined the world
yeah american '''''''''''''''''''''''''politics''''''''''''''''''''''''''' seepin' into Sup Forums culture is the worst thing to happen to this place
fucking ameridoops
Are you new? this has been the case since the treaty of Versailles. (no really, the Americans are the reason that Germany got such a light touch deal, the French wanted to utterly crush them)
Thing is most american political issues are no longer issues in the rest of the modern western world. We've dealt with those things decades ago.
US is like that 13 year old kid fat who's still getting premature ejaculations in his sleep. A lot of growing up to do.
Because most of them aren't super powered sarif pet projects like Jensen.
It's still fucking dumb because people who can afford augs are invariably wealthier
And wealthy people aren't going to become persecuted
Not by any means
Russia is a strong rich country with powerful military that can outperform US pussy weapons.
Stop spouting bullshit you ukrainian shit.
The US has a lot of unique issues, it's probably going to undergo a drastic demographics switch in the coming decades. (some people suggest that some southern states may want to secede to mexico by 2080 if the hispanic demographic continues to grow and feel more allegance to mexico than the USA)
top kucked
Seriously? Well that's a shame, I just cancelled my pre-order.
Hope I can pirate it though.
>Racial tension
Who said it had to be racial tension? Could be a reflection over class tension or religious tension.
Dumb stormfronter
You know nothing about the game's universe
Mine's a little earlier than that.
Have you ever heard of apartheid you underage fag?
Easy with that vodka, Ivan, it's not good for your posts.
True, I never finished HR
But it's still a stupid premise
lots of middle class people got augs and ended up bankrupted by the need for that Neuropozyne
the other user is right, you know nothing, stop trying to criticize it
They scrapped it like a month after
>Admits to not knowing what it's talking about and then tries to criticise
Didn't it end up that the Neuropozyne was exposed?