ITT: Characters for people who don't like aiming



Oh I love aiming, but sometimes you need area denial and mass 'splosions.

More like game.


>Videogames without light guns.

Pick one retards.

>step on trap
>deals like 100 damage spot on
>fuckrat comes out of his nest
>mine and bomb me for 200 atleast

This class is so bullshit, most skill less thing I've ever played and I maimed pyro in tf2

thats kind of his whole point, to spam around corners to deal with bastians and torbjorn as well as area denial

Junkrat is bad character design.
His entire concept is just shooting tracking bouncy balls of death that can even snipe a Pharah out of midair. He is impossible to miss with and his damage is insane.
Please remove from game.

Junkrat is tame compared to brokenhog

It took me a while to realize that's the point of Junkrat.



>tfw putting the trap in a chokepoint hallway with the mine on the ceiling above it and just have to right-click when i see the bright red 'TRIGGERED' for a free kill and salty tears.

Triggered indeed. Even better when putting them near a health pack.

My favourite moment is sending someone airborne with the mine and catching them in the face with a grenade on the way down. Priceless.

>Play Junkrat
>Enemy has one too
>Plays and shit happening, defending.
>Get Ultimate
>BOTH OF US launch the Ultimate at same time, Fire in the hole x2
>Drive it forward, meet the other RIPtire and explode it
>Crowd goes wild.

This shit happens with Junk vs Junk shit way more often than one would think.

Fucking Winston
at least Junkrat fires projectiles

Winston has to at least keep the enemy in sights. Junkrat just shoots it's in the general direction

Today I played 5 matches in a row with junkrat. All the golds, all the potgs holy shit why did I neglect him all this time

overwatch is game for people that don't like aiming

I love when people try to rush me while moving and acting like they're hot shit for dodging my grenades, and killing them with a land mine

If you really cared about aiming as much as you pretend you do you would play no games other than Quake Live/Quake 3/UT2k4/other quake/unreal mods/forks/whatever because you will find nothing (NOTHING) these days that doesn't aim for you. No, CS:GO doesn't count because aiming only matters in LAN.

junkrat and pharah fit the description perfectly


Arent you just the cutest shitposter.

this, I played overwatch at my brothers house and it's like tribes ascend for complete morons

Is there a single overwatch character Sup Forums won't bitch about

Thanks for proving me right (presuming you're OP).

>junkrat pharah
not winston symmetra

While it's true you don't need to like aiming to play junkrat, knowing how to aim and playing junkrat is more fun.

t. junkrat main

Yup, because hitscan weapons take a lot more skill than leading nades

>Quick match
>vs 5 Junkrats and a Genji
We beat them of course. It was just so frustrating dealing with all the spam, and having to hear FIRE IN THE HOLE what felt like every 30 seconds.

winston and symmetra arn't killing machines so no one cares

also I forgot to mention roadhog, they need to give his hook the Hanzo treatment


He's not

literally just pick d. VA and absorb everything they have

>Reaper doing his ghost bit
>throwing down a mine just as he comes out of it

El Rato is pretty fun sometimes

Junkrat like demoman with the pipespam ramped right up. His reload time is almost non-existent so there's zero reason to ever stop spamming grenades.

>play lucio on king of the hill
>the two tanks on the team absorb as many junkrat shots as possible even as fucking dva with her matrix
>the offence never kills him
>he get's around 12 ults throughout the entire game
>"hurr durr why do you keep running out of the objective"

>tfw playing Genji and reflecting Junkrat's bombs right back in his fucking face

le shoot at feet/wall and kill everyone: the class

fucking braindead faggot
pyro is next

how did i prove you right? what was your point? all ive played recently is quake live and devil daggers (2016) and i thought you were saying nobody could complain unless they did

Ending up going Phariah to get over all the spam. Stopped them from getting the second objective.

Being Lucio is a world of pain.

Why on earth can't people stick around the payload?!

>A character that has bouncing shots and dick all range that you need to arch to be half way decent
>hurr lol no aim

Sounds like someone got a taste of the hooley dooley

>pressing e takes skill
This is why everybody is laughing at you, user

>that sweet feeling when a genji walks over your trap just after using deflect to try fuck you over

>Being Lucio is a world of pain
I just want my teammates to break it down and amp it up, but they so rarely do.

host when

>taking the enemy team to poundtown
>right before we win, they decide to mass-pick Dva/Torb and proceed to suck all the fun out of the match by laming out the clock

>play lucio on attack
>dancing around the payload like mad, blasting back the 4 enemies and inching it forward
>meanwhile my team is all over the place trying to kill one roadhog that ran behind and wasting their ults on him repeatedly instead of clearing out the 4 at the payload

some of the people who play this game are genuinely mentally retarded

>pressing lmb takes skill

I can do it too~

I know your pain bro. I know your pain.

Also have to be a junkrat main to avoid the games slowest projectile that will typically be shot from the same place against the same wall and bounce the same way apparently.

t. A dude who rarely dies to junkrat.
There's a reason he's never picked in competitive.

Learn to aim faggot you'll get destroyed in a mge or 6's I can guarantee it

Playing any support class among a garbage team is torture.

Like jesus christ, I just went through a couple matches where a majority of the time I had like 4 gold medals as fucking Zenyatta

>tfw pop Transcendence and no one on the goddamn team tries to push forward

not now as im mapping for an umihara kawase thread tomorrow

>put a mine and trap combo at the start of the enemy spawn
>instantly get a kill 3 seconds into the round

Feels so good every time.

It's almost always a tracer too. I know it matters nothing because it's right outside spawn but damn it feels good.


>Temple of Anubis on defense
>3 people instantly pick McCree
>Whelp, this is a loss
>Pick Junkrat because might as well get some gold medals
>Get up on the roof by the first point
>Get a fair amount of kills. Only people on their team that can reach me is a Hanzo and Reaper
>They take point A
>Still up on my roof being a dickbutt
>Now there's two reapers trying to kill me
>Through a combination of those two tards trying to kill me and tires hitting the other people from behind we manage to win
>potg went to one of the fucking McCrees

Junkrat requires more aiming than this fat fuck

>Place mine on the wall near the door to the right of the spawn on Volskaya
>Get POTG in the first 5 seconds

you dont have to aim deflect in order to remain invincible to projectiles

The best part is he's still a balanced character in a game where 90% of characters need to aim with at least one ability and their autoattacks.

It amazes me how few people can use McCree. His gun is always dead accurate and it does a fuckton of damage and close and mid ranges. I love plinking Roadhogs in the head for huge chunks of damage with him.

appreciate the thought anyway, user

pigging backing onto this

Why the fuck do people on attack maps run ahead of the objective to try and spawn camp the enemy? Like Hanamura/Anubis/Volskaya. The amount of times I've had my team wiped because fags split up into two lanes and get picked off is beyond belief.

Making the first engagement start as a 5v6, even just for the first 5-10 seconds is definitely worth it longterm, so long as you don't risk yourself.

Trying to remote bomb an early attacker or two is a good play. Hanzo being way out of position looking for an early kill only to get swamped and killed making it 6v5 is bad play.

I agree, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's a nice change from cs:go, for me at least.


This is basically what someone said to me one day. We still won but I was still mad.

>characters have roles
shocking, offensive characters are supposed to be offensive attacking what could be waiting ahead thats their job not to sit like ducks on the point and probably die (as they have less health)

The fucking payload even heals you

Most of the kills besides me were from the non-McCree, who started as dva and then switched to Bastion. I really like McCree but almost every map someone already picks him and they're terrible. I've run into more bad McCrees than Genjis

>Playing Soldier on Robofactory
>playing out of my mind carrying like a madman
>54 elims, 4 golds
>Silver in healing despite having Zen/Lucio
>Our Reinhardt thinks he carrying by rushing into 6 and dying without killing anyone
>Triple kills all over the place
>Pull my team to victory
>POTG goes to Reaper getting two kills on low health enemies

Never have I been more disappointed. At least I got to beat the shit out of the Rein in the very next game.

That would be the tanks's job faggot. As you said attack character have less health, so why would you send them ahead instead of the guy with more health that can serve as a distraction

because they are faster faggot, because thats their job faggot, hurr im going to chase a widowmaker or a bastian with reinhardt


No but you're going to distract them so attackers can kill them easily. Have you never played a team-based game before?

>In a game with X box hueg hit boxes
>In a game with built in aimbot
>In a game with built in wallhack

>every single game

Too fucking real

yeah i have, tanks stay on objective because they can take the most damage. tanks distact enemy team because they inherently dont want the other team to take objective (they call this AGGROING THE ENEMY IN ANY OTHER TEAM GAME), genji or reaper takes out people behind enemy lines trying to stop tank from progressing

how about a real life example. i went to mcdonalds, just kidding anyways a tank in real life would become the main target while footsoldiers would try to take out whoever tries to take out the tank. tanks have the same role in everything they are in from mmos to team games

>tfw I'm that Lucio
Being the most annoying thing in the game is such a good feeling.

>Mfw someone gets in close range, you throw a mine, both of you go flying and while in the air you throw a single grenade to the falling enemy knowing you wont miss.

>Characters for people who don't like aiming

>above average player

Junkrat is actually terrible to have on your team.

All he does is feed Zarya's damage and your healer's ultimates.

He will always get gold for damage, but not for elims.

the enemy healers*

I never noticed the letters on the hook before.

>tfw played with a Hanzo from the chart yesterday

He spent the whole game bitching in team chat about everyone being useless then said gg ez when we won.