What makes you not get a game? I'll start
What makes you not get a game? I'll start
If it has visuals, text, story or gameplay I'm not interested.
Mandatory client install. Fuck Valve for making that shit stick.
Any DRM really.
You can't get it because you can't pirate it? :^)
I don't wanna support it.
And most of the games that use it has already been forgotten, and desu most of them are not really that interesting.
Rise of the Tomb Raider and Doom are great m8, just sayin.
D44M is the only one that's gööd in the Denuvo list.
JC3 has already been forgot which is kinda funny
Just Cause 3 is good for some laughs also if you like messing about in games.
I know. Since you can't pirate it, you can't get it. It's the same as your chances of getting an attractive gf (0%) and claiming you don't want them due to being a grape-fox and dubious moral reasoning
If there something you want to share?
I was big into Quake and Wolfenstein in the early 2000s but after playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, every game has to have some kind of level up or rank system for me to sperg on to keep me interested.
That's for multiplayer games anyway, for single player games, it has to be on the long side, like 30+ hours long, could be any game, just as long as I feel like the dollars match the hours played.
Even the new journey-esque indie game Abzu is Denuvo. They have a special indie package for indie devs, which is like 3000 USD upfront installation fee and 0.02 USD per copy sold. Everyone's getting Denuvowned mateys.
pre-rendered cutscenes of any kind
(oddworld new and tasty, arkham knight, dark souls 3)
pre-rendered In-game cutscanes of any kind(ground zeroes, oddworld new and tasty)
pop-in of any kind(dark souls 3, witcher 3)
too much visible clipping( dark souls, witcher)
baked lighting (wolfenstein the new order)
anything on unreal engine 3( mortal kombat x, arkham knight) seriously the worst popular engine ever
too much loading times( portal 2, source engine in general)
kiddy nintendo games( kirby, mario etc.)
bad written games( dos, anything by bioware)
I have autism and i was beat up a lot
>the new journey-esque indie game
Funny how Denuvo seems to attract trash games made by trash developers
Pop in is very annoying but it didn't stop me from playing Witcher 3. New games shouldn't have it though
Not particularly aside from I hope someday fags like you can stop lecturing the rest of us with arbitrary moral reasoning to not enjoy D44M and maybe get a hot gf.
memes and other shit directed to children
What do you find so repulsive about denuvo? Honest question
You wouldn't even notice the game has denuvo unless you check the forums or warez sites,you just buy the game,install it and play...no cd key bullshit or anything.And the performance issues or SSD writes rumors have been debunked long ago so don't say it as an excuse
I happen to have several denuvo games that I wasnt aware of, I just buy the games I want to play,who gives a shit about an invisible "drm" ? Even steam is more instusive than this shit and i'm sure you're ok with steam
>40+ dollar season pass advertised months in advance of the game's release
>incentivizing pre-orders
>game trailer is just a cgi movie
>devs try to show off game with scenes that are blatantly heavily scripted
>single player game that breaks because it needs to call home
So you like staring at empty Notepad?
I never lectured anyone. I'm not the person you replied to before. It was just a question. Sorry for the confusion. This is why we need IDs.
Anything that gets shilled on here or has large amounts of manufactured hype before any real gameplay gets released (Doom, Ubishit etc)
Anything that has denuvo
Anything that tries to be """"art""""
Reboots of old IPs done by different devs
Anything that has any whiff of viral marketing about it in general, though the main contact I have with that comes from seeing people on Sup Forums defend things that under no circumstances would be defended by people who weren't being ironic which for some reason seems to be the case with denuvo games. I remember there were threads full of "muh pirates killing starving african children and raping asian infants and ruining videogames" back when Lords of the Fallen was still about to get released. Not even sure if anyone other than me remembers that game and I didn't even buy it
That's exactly it. Poorfag tears are endless since it came along.
Reboots never end up good
to be fair all denuvo games are shit expect warhammer
and warhammer is shit in it's own ways because of the dlc policy
>season pass
>day one dlc
Doom will be forgotten soon, their season pass doesn't include anything related to single-player and multiplayer is some generic shit you've seen already.
>Anything that gets shilled on here or has large amounts of manufactured hype before any real gameplay gets released
that's a silly reason to hate the game but i see that you are trying to fit in really hard
>Pre denuvo
Devs make the game cheaper quickly after a few months so less people pirate
>with denuvo
Devs keep the game 60 dollars for 4 years because why not
Denuvo affects you non pirates aswell
>Devs keep the game 60 dollars for 4 years because why not
you can get doom for $30 right now
A publisher which shills is a publisher that has no integrity and will pull off underhanded methods for a few more sales. It is also the same publisher who will pressure the devs to make the game more casualized, and will almost certainly have season passes to get as much as possible upfront sales because the game is probably shit thanks to their influence.
If a company has to pay copious amounts of money to fabricate an image of what the game will be that doesn't match what it actually is to bait preorders, it's never a good sign. If you don't understand this then maybe you aren't familiar with videogames in general, perhaps a movie analogy would be more appropriate. Recently, the Ghostbusters reboot had a significant amount of viral marketing surrounding including many (((reputable))) media critics claiming that anybody who expected anything less than the funniest movie ever was an evil woman hater. Surprise surprise the movie was garbage and the people who saw it in the cinema got ripped off.
Besides occasional sales ofc
The game still is 60 dollars in 4 days
I don't see jc3 or warhammer, tomb raider or mirrors edge going on sale
Young gay love is in full blossom, much like both of your assholes will be after I am done wit them
neat but your reasoning i still silly and kinda childish
you're taking it way too seriously and sound like a tryhard
take a doom for example, it's a good game made by a good dev
Yes, the publisher is uttershit(bethesda) but it's still no good reason to not play the game
Yeah it's on sale big whoop
I bought SMT IV on the Nintendo eshop (nintendo shit is fucking expensive) for a base price of 26 bucks in Australia where our money is worthless and games are expensive anyway
>Besides occasional sales ofc
what occasional sales, you can get it cheap right now from many sites
>tomb raider
it was cheap on summer sale, same goes for jc3
>I bought SMT IV on the Nintendo eshop (nintendo shit is fucking expensive) for a base price of 26 bucks in Australia where our money is worthless and games are expensive anyway
nintendo games are always expensive
That was my point. I was saying you can get doom for 30 bucks (US at least) now and it's on sale, but I got SMT IV for 26 bucks AUD base price on a service that wants to sell me old games for AAA retail price.
>i don't own doom because I won't buy any games that use this anti pirate software
No you don't own it because you couldn't steal it.
Doom is shit and it's made by a studio that only used to be good. Almost none of the old people are there anymore at id studio, even Carmack left for Oculusmeme.
>Don't wanna support it
Are piratefags really this stupid?
it's a 2013 game but nintendo games are always expensive no matter what time
doom is from may 13 2016
hello neofag
If i download 1000 copies of (insert torrent-able game here) does that company lose 1000 sales?
Oh crap I thought it came out in 2015
I guess games just age quicker when the pre-release hype goes away.
denuvo bypass is easy and works fine
denovu is nothing more than a minor annoyance
i've been playing denuvo games all year long without actually buying a single one
pirates > denuvo
well i didn't know that you're jaded but it's your problem
>Carmack left for Oculusmeme.
Carmack was never interested in making video gamesin the first place but i think you're a little too young to know it
I don't see how is that relevant. The only thing that matters is that he was good at it.
And anyone who brings age into an internet discussion is probably the youngest one, not that it matters.
it's not about sales lose, it's about fairness
you don't want to pay for other people's work? you will not enjoy other people's work for free
no pay no play it's simple and fair
i've played doom
i've played inside
i've played hitman
i've played tomb raider
i've played warhammer tw
bought shared steam account for each for like $2. works fine, it's easier than piracy.
only annoyance is having to log into different steam accounts.
>if one person pirates 1000 copies of game does that company lose 1000 sales?
Nope the just lose the 1 they should have gotten from you.
Umm ok.
So borrowing the game from a friend should be illegal too, since I played without paying?
>Unreal Engine
>I don't see how is that relevant.
carmack was not the sole reason reason why doom games are so good, he was the engine guy
new doom is greatly optimised despite not having carmack on the board
Why didn't you mention romero in the first place?
anywany, I know that you're just another salty poorfag who cannot live without piracy and i don't really care
just don't make bullshit excuses and be honest for once son
>because why not
how about you give an actual reason as to why denuvo would make devs keep their game at 60$.
protip: you can't give any because you are a meme spewing faggot
pirating is not borrowing
>bought shared steam account for each for like $2
you can stop talking now slav/br friend
>all denuvo games are shit
lmao. Talk about sour grapes.
I'm a piratfag who hasn't had a chance to play denuvo games for long but to say they're all shit just shows how much of a crying salty kid you are.
Nope it's completely legal to lend a game to a friend or give it to him for free as a present. People have been doing that for many years now user, you would know if you ever went to a birthday party as a child
>no pay no play it 's simple and fair
borrowing is playing without paying. By that anons logic, it's stealing
Romero has always been a hack, but I think you're a little too young to know it ;)
cant someone finish it off already? I may have to start buying tripe a in summer sales or something soon... terrible
borrowing has little or no impact compared to piracy and you know it
also if you borrow something you must return it unlike pirating
>online activation
>always online
>any other kind of DRM
Borrowing implies someone actually paid for the game silly boy
>Romero has always been a hack
take your summermemes somewhere else
butthurt confirmed
So I can continue to get away with not paying for games by borrowing them. I'll do that then! Thanks for the insight, user.
>So I can continue to get away with not paying for games by borrowing them.
no because you have no friends
Rise of the Uncharted Rider is a personality less turd that made me realize why everyone here hates cinematic trash.
Yeah I don't really know what he was trying to get at there. Was he saying he was just going to steal games from his friends?
DLC planned before the the release
I might pirate it if it seams good, but I'll never buy it.
Who was in the wrong here?
You can share games with Family Library or something like that.
Haven't paid a game since it came out.
The public tracker plebs.
>NEETs remain assblasted and triggered about being cucked from video games thanks to basednuvo
yes but it required a friend
this is what most piratetes should do, find a rich steam pal who has no problem with sharing his library
I pretend i'm a girl on Steam so the fat virgins who buy videogames buy them for me.
Piracy is an obsolete form of free gaming.
So, you don't play any PS1 games?
If it takes you more than 2 hours of whoring to get a good game on average, then you might as well get a job.
you kidding? rayman, sotn and metal slug are great
are you retarded?
The answer is above
They don't lower it because they don't have to make their game affordable for those that would pirate because its too expensive
Instead it forces the poor folkes to buy their overpriced game because there is no other alternative
>mfw poorfags get cucked again
>They don't lower it because they don't have to make their game affordable for those that would pirate because its too expensive
but all denuvo games are cheap as fuck and none of them besides warhammer costs $60
SoTN has a FMV cutscene at the beginning and the end.
I think as long as the game is great and the pre rendered stuff isn't annoying it's fine.
That said, having unskipable cutscenes of any kind in any game is a sin though (fuck you zelda games).
Not really. It makes me buy a CD key for $20
>SoTN has a FMV cutscene
those are pre-rendered cinematics, a completely different thing
plus it's a ps1 game so some compromises must been made unlike current tech
just look at games like ori, i want more of the timeless stuff like this