Remember, if you buy or even open one of these fuckers, you're letting blizzjews win

Remember, if you buy or even open one of these fuckers, you're letting blizzjews win.

Other urls found in this thread:

>if you open a loot box you get for free after leveling up Blizz wins
Wins what exactly?

Your phat goy cash.

>Jews want to control your mind
>"It's free!"

Yeah sure.

How do they get money on a loot box you get free for leveling up?

There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish.

But I'm Jewish

Don't forget not to play games you buy or you let those jews win, don't consume media in any form or else you're a slave to the jews.
Food? Jewish tricks, do not eat the food is poisoned with jew and you will become a jew slave.

the loot boxes intentionally give you crap to make you fed up and want to spend money to buy more.

but you don't have to buy them

>tfw Lv. 176, love the fuck out of the game, actually enjoy opening the lootboxes even if its trash items, and haven't bought a single lootbox
>there are people who are like Lv. 20 and have bought 50 or even 100 lootboxes, which is more than the cost of the fucking base game
I don't understand this shit.

Like okay I'm NEET so I don't have the spare money, and I have the time to play, but even if I didn't have time, and had lots of money, I still wouldn't buy lootboxes because what the fuck kind of person pays for a chance to get drops in a system that is purposefully full of trash items like player icons and sprays that exist just to lower your chances of getting something good?

A lot of people do actually.
I'm around the same level you are, and I never feel like buying loot boxes either, I have enough credits now to get anything I'd want.

It's also pretty funny to see all these threads where people don't even know you get summer boxes for leveling up, they're just looking for reasons to bitch about a game they don't play.

Remember, if you don't shoot yourself today they jews win.


There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

>Blizz decides to remove the ability to buy Summer items with currency.
>They effectively break any efforts to escape their skinner box casino.
>Limited time offer, and then its gone forever.
>Finally became bigger jews than the chinese mobile market.

Its only a shame how many blizzdrones are actually okay with this type of bullshit. Niggers are spending 500 dollars and still not even looting all the skins, let alone all 150 white quality cosmetics.


>open 6 of these boxes
>get dupes and gold caches
>literally get over 1k out of these new boxes due to dupes and gold
>can't use the gold I got in these stupid boxes to buy any new items
Fuck you
>Limited time offer, and then its gone forever.
They're coming back next year :^)

Buy makes sense, but not opening up the ones you get for free? Boy that's just retarded.

Enjoy not being able to use those credits to unlock the new skins. Seriously, Blizzard went full jew by making them lootbox only and they damn well know it. The response Kaplan gave on the forums speaks for itself how far they have their own heads up their asses.

Honestly, why do you care?

If it was weapons or heroes locked behind boxes these faggots would have some sort of an argument, but for cosmetic shit that doesn't affect the game one iota?

Who fucking cares?

just fucking buy 50 you mongoloid retard.

Nope, Kaplan was very specific about wanting all the loot to be very special and rare.

Future of gayming everyone
>we will run it again next year. Our Summer Games are on a yearly schedule -- not a 4 year schedule. Our plan would be to have the items available again when the event recurs.

I bought 24

>misinforming on purpose

It's coming back every year.

I care.

Its not the loot, but the message they are sending. The message is, "We are continuing to find ways to be even more jewish".

Fuck you and all the blizzdrones that ignore blatant shekelmongering.


I have time to play 1 or 2 matches per day, I like to buy 2 boxes a day since it's the price of a cup of coffee

>restaurant adds item to menu



> i've the game since 2 week after release
> time to play 2 game per day on average
> still level 50

But i won't ever buy lootbox lmao

>food analogy
There it is, right on schedule.

Is this a peek into the human genome? Do people just spout food analogies when they know they are losing an argument?

The last Blizzard game I played was W3. The core game is shooting. Having a dick tracy cowboy doesn't change how the game plays. They just released a new hero for free and any future ones will be as well along with new maps and modes.

They can throw out an endless supply of outfits if it triggers people like you. I've got 4000+ in game credits that I've never spent because it means fuckall to me. Purchased ZERO boxes and have a bunch of gold skins. It's not even remotely important.

>open free box
>jews win
If anything they won when i bought it in the first place.


So its not important to you, therefore it shouldnt be important to others?

Its not like them correcting the loot boxes has any effect on people that dont care. Its that people who dont care are now shilling hardcore.

They dont have a dog in the fight, but they just rush to defend blizzard and their bullshit.

well, seeing Blizzard's summer games policy the best way to go about lootboxes is now to save them all up until there's special event and then open them all in a row

Lootboxes have their drops determined when you earn them, not when they're opened. They explained that when Ana came out.


We have been living that future for awhile retard.

People who have more money than time.
As unfathomable as it may be to a NEET, there are people who play vidya for whom the price of a 100 loot boxes is pocket change.

You have to buy this casual trash to get boxes

The best way to get event items without getting jewed is to level up to either 100, 200 etc just before the event so your xp per level resets.

this is a good image
very well memed

>I don't understand this shit.
>Like okay I'm NEET

It shouldn't matter to anyone is the point. People are getting pissed off they can't play dress-up in a shooter. This isn't the game. If you want that kind of experience you should look elsewhere.

>not letting jews win
b-but the bible says we must suck the jews

Exactly my point.

It doesnt matter to you, therefore you think it shouldnt matter to anyone. Some people care, so you faggots are actually defending Blizzard.

Like i give a fuck. News flash, communism is dead. Learn how to make money.

That's to be expected, players have been stacking up credits for a while now.
They should just make the skins 5-6k credits so they people dump all they have into that one special event skin then buy loot boxes to refill or get the other skins.

>or even open


>tfw got the only summer skin I cared about on my first try- without paying

Don't know how that means I'm defending blizzard, but if someone is dumb enough to buy boxes then they deserve nothing. It isn't hard to do research on a game before you buy. Don't like it, just don't buy.

you're an idiot

Post yfw laughing at these chucklefucks obsessing over different colored pixels wrapped around their weapon (because that's all they can see ingame) instead of actually enjoying the game

>Implying you can't do both

Judging from all the crying on Sup Forums, that is what I'm implying

>bigger jews than the chinese mobile market
Activision are jews but nobody is more jew than the fucking Chinese. Not even the actual jews.

Youre not far from the truth.


I agree with this motherfucker. Its almost a mental illness to buy skins for characters you never see while you play...fucking idiots just perpetuating horrible business practices with their parents' money.
