You know why im hate DLC announcement for this game? Its simple, they just fucking spoil the game with it...

You know why im hate DLC announcement for this game? Its simple, they just fucking spoil the game with it. If story DLC takes place after the main game its CLEARLY means that Noctis and his boyband members will not die through the game.
Also all this Episode Gladio\Ignis\Promto shit, what the fuck is this? You pay money to just control your party members? If not, what can it be? I tell you, its defenitely episodes during time skips, which is fucking spoiler again. SE just confirms those leaks.
Game will be completly unplayable without DLC, atleast if you dont want to miss big parts of the story\gameplay. Thats fucking stupid.
Im fine with costumes\weapons\regalia DLC's.
Your opinion, guys? FFXV thread.


You realize all the DLC is separate from the main game, not part of the main game, right?

I don't care, they just spoil the game for me.

But it's not, and you know that XV deals heavily in flashbacks right?

>will not die through the game.
Since the party members are extremely important for the game the only time they could die is the last dungeon.
Maybe the DLC is set during the game or before they depart Insomnia. It's not like it has to be after FFXV

Give me an example of what about story DLC and all these episodes can be if its not after the main game or timeskip.
If its after main game its clearly means that noone from main party will die which is spoiler.

This, why does it have to mean it takes place after the game? For all we know it could just be sidequests that you can go off and do during the game involving them. Or just as easily be flashbacks, I'm pretty sure they even hinted at that. Like months ago when answering fan questions one asked "I want to see more of them during their highschool days" and Tabata said they would like to look into that if they could add in additional story content like that.

See above

Flashback, during the main game.

What the fuck in anyway implies it's after the main game let alone a timeskip?

Companies run these things like this usually, you bring in a skeletal team to lay foundations down for your DLC while your game is in development becuase it's been pretty clearly proven that DLC released in the first 6 months sells more than DLC released after that, and as the game reaches completion more and more staff become unneeded, so instead of transferring them to the next game as you would normally do, you can shift them over to DLC production.

Of course they have their plans now, it's inefficient for them to wait. If you want to believe conspiratorial bullcrap about cutting bits out of the game then fine, I can't stop you.

They already confirmed they are making it separate from the main game, and the main game is basically done at this point which is why they announced it now.

The game comes out next month dude. They're not spending their time making content for the base game right up to release like you seem to think they are.

How can it be done?
Judging from the latest vids it looks like it's still in its alpha stages.

I don't think you know what an alpha game looks like if you think that looks like an alpha.

That or you have literally impossible standards/are trolling.

What? We don't know the specifics of the season pass DLC.

And if you are trying to imply XV looks like an "alpha" game then lol.

stupid, we already have the whole anime about their past.

>during the main game
pretty much impossible, or atleast give me an example. I can't imagine a big sidequest story during the game, since Noct and co on the run from Niflheim, and they have a main goal.

>"I want to see more of them during their highschool days"

Prompto will deal with bullies in highschool?

>we already have the whole anime about their past.
We have 5 10 minute episodes that shows a single slice of their past, why can't they expand more on that? Those anime only merely touch on things briefly.

>pretty much impossible
Why? Witcher 3 story DLC is during the game too, what's impossible about doing story DLC during the game?

>I can't imagine a big sidequest story during the game, since Noct and co on the run from Niflheim, and they have a main goal.
You realize the game has sidequests already, and you can fuck off doing sidequests instead of the main story quest if you want right? They confirmed there is already over 200 quests in the game right now, ranging from the main quest, the regional side quests, the monster hunt quests and the for fun quests involving minigames like fishing and chocobo racing competitions.

If it's not a couple of weeks away from finishing QA, going gold and sending the copy to printing station, then the sept 30th release is fucked.

Huh no it's not spoilers and you haave no ways to know when they would takes place.

This DLC shit is bullshit for many reasons and this isn't one of them you literal cuck.

>Witcher 3 story DLC is during the game too, what's impossible about doing story DLC during the game?
And everyone agree that if you go to B&W DLC's before finish game looks absolutely stupid story-wise.

Sep 30 date isn't changing, they will be going gold within this month.

I've never seen anyone say that, and it was already stated that XVs story DLC is not part of the main game, it's just additional sidestory stuff.

Like I mentioned above it's hinted that it will involve flashbacks.

Damn so I'm not alone in thinking it still looks an alpha.
At least it did at E3. They even added a new kind of dodge mechanic AFTER E3. It's crazy how obviously rushed this shit is.

This is the main reason why these DLC's sucks you swine.

>They even added a new kind of dodge mechanic AFTER E3

Are people this used to the waterfall method that other methods of development make them this confused?

No you autistic fuck. They suck because
>character DLC when they should be character development episode within the main game
>Party DLC instead of being about the NPC we'll never play with
>DLCs at all at this stage.

They aren't spoiling anything idiot.




When the game releases I will come back to these threads after my third or so playthrough to see if anti xv-kun killed himself yet

Holy fuck shit boys, Sonyggers and Squarefags on full defense force.
Theres no fucking excuse for releasing a half assed game and announcing 6 WHOOPING SIX PAID DLC's before the ACTUAL GAME is even released.Are you guys a bunch of fucking downsyndrome retards? Have you got no BRAINS? Because YOU KEKS keep accepting being treated like fucking GARBAGE these jew companies keep doing scams like this

There was some recent chink presentation of the Titan demo which shown a new dodge. Find it yourself.

Consider most AAA games look like full games at the initial reveal and start looking like an alpha the closer to release, at least this piece of shit is consistent.

Yes there is you mongoloid. Do you know how game development works and how far ahead you have to plan staff allocation?

You can't just go "ey yo jim, you're on DLC today." people need to know this shit way in advance. And by the last few weeks of development most of the staff aren't needed any more, so you'll move them to something else.

Staff stop being needed months before the game gets finished. From there you can either put them on your next game, or put them on DLC.

Maybe you've convinced me and reassured.
About Witcher 3. Geralt is about to find Ciri all game, imagine that impact on story if he gonna travel to Toussaint before he find her? like "Fuck Ciri im gtg to Toussaint to help that random queen-bitch that i barely seen in my life"

>It's Bloodborne threads all over again
Shitposting never changes.

Its not a new dodge, its special move from daggers which we just never seen before.

The problem with agile dev method is that if the project isn't properly and well finished by release you end up with a terrible clusterfuck and that's what I'm suspecting FFXV will end up being.

MFW CÙCKS IS NOW CENSORED, this board truly has become summer itself

There is no evidence to suggest that, the game looks solid and there is clearly a contiguous vision for the story (no matter how much people scream changes which we have no way of knowing the actual timing of)

the game is multiplat you idiot
Half of those are cosmetics you capslock fucktard

Oh, good then.

Sense of urgency in open world games is non existent by default unless there's a timer, like Dead Rising.

The only small difference is ther BB was actually not for complete fucking backstreetboy loving faggots you mong

>There are people on Sup Forums defending pre release DLCs and season passes
>There are people posting on Sup Forums right now that defend loot boxes

Comfy isn't it?

Hey, are you suggesting that gwent isn't important?

We will never be able to have discussion about this game here. But let us try, what weaponclass you have seen so far do you want to main user? I think I will go with the masamune/katana since the ghosting looked very fast paced.

Post your top3

but remember, choose wisely Sup Forums

>fucking backstreetboy loving faggots
sometimes i ask myself if shitposters even do their research before doing their usual stuff

>They even added a new kind of dodge mechanic AFTER E3
No they didn't.

You realize that is just a different weapon being used, and that all weapons have different directional inputs? We hadn't even seen daggers being showcased until the Titan demo.

>implying xbone still has players

>half of those are cosmetics
Just how big does this faggotry get before you all start assfucking eachother?
I mean its bad enough that they are adding extra cosmetic features for money in a boyband game, but to have people defending this and being happy about paying for 'that even more edgy emo sasuke haircut' for your ingame character is beyond me

I like Katana moveset, looks cool. Also from what ive seen at ChinaJoy conf - daggers very useful with that dodge special move.

>Theres no fucking excuse for releasing a half assed game
What's half assed? It's a full game with a bunch of additional DLC made separate from the main game.

> before the ACTUAL GAME is even released.
So just like Witcher 3 DLC was announced before the game? So what?

It's okay when SJW approved games does it.


>but to have people defending this and being happy about paying for 'that even more edgy emo sasuke haircut' for your ingame character is beyond me
Just leave thread and don't post here - problem solved.

>this is the main cast
>implying i would need to do more research than seeing this image
Off yourself downie

The witcher was clever by saying "FREE DLC!" and then drip feeding you a costume and a kill drowners quest every week.

It was a good tactic as it probably helped improve DLC purchases as people kept logging in to see what the new thing they got this week was.

1)Luna & Gentiana

Trying way too hard there bub.

>implying xbone still has players
The game is pretty much confirmed for PC
>but to have people defending this and being happy about paying for 'that even more edgy emo sasuke haircut' for your ingame character is beyond me
When did I say that I was happy about it? It's useless cosmetics that I don't even care about. So it doesn't affect me or the game in any way.

Fuck off you fucking piece of shit don't you see that nobody even cares about you anymore? After your parents divorced and left you alone you came here to shitpost for attention so we tolerated your shit but I can't take your autism anymore. holy fuck you are so dumb the only replies you get are ironic but you think people actually agree with you, you make me feel bad for your suicidical self cunt.

XV has free preorder DLC stuffs too.

And how is this looks faggot or gay? i don't get.

OP needs to learn English. And >assume that all DLC is post-game content, not jumping around the timeline
You're buttblasted and should've finished the game before the DLC was announced. Or even better, if you knew it bothers you that much, why even watch the DLC trailer and look up content?


The witcher made a pretty big deal about it's free DLC plan though IIRC, while I didn't even know FF15 was doing it.

>So just like Witcher 3 DLC was announced before the game? So what?
Im not saying this is XV specific, ever since ME3 with on disc DLC was released the entire industry has turned into cancer.

That dlc was so obviously content cut from the main game.
I don't buy for a second that the Wolf School Gear was an after thought.

I'm not seeing the problem.

We got renegade prince, we got musclebound guard from military who is like a bouncer, we got the military strategist who dresses semi formally, we got the military general, and then only the friend who wanted to help out the prince.

They all even get alternate ouftits for the military uniform and Noctis gets formal suits, plus he slicks his hair back like his dad later.

I would like to See the other guns than the revolver. But they said if you use guns the game turns into another metal gear so I'm not sure if I want that. The greatswords I did not like, they were too slow for me.

>why even watch the DLC trailer and look up content?
Lol what?

All the evils in the world have a singular point of origin.


>The greatswords I did not like, they were too slow for me
Yeah but im sure they will be important since they restore your MP and deals so much damage.
Also i heard Masamune is greatsword type of weapon.

>not wanting to bury your face between Cor's hot buns
It's like you're a faggot or something.

This ain't on disc stuff though, we know they are making it separate from the main game. They even said that after the main game is done (which will be later this month) that the main team will move onto DLC production, the game comes out next month, so at this time is when companies would normally start making their DLC.


All Hail Bethesda !

They are good for counters, sure. The platinum demo showed that, but I am curious how skills work now, because the skill bar from ED was not in the Platinum demo?

Prompto still carries a shotgun in his official CG render so Noctis should be able to use that too.

>FF7 remake comes out
>REVIVE AERIS DLC! ONLY 9.99$ plus tip

Wow, thanks for spoiling that aerith dies assholes.

A shotgun would be nice. I hated when the dogs from ED were too fast for my sword.

I didn't even defend the DLC packs you fucking retard

That's not how XVs DLC even works though, XVs story DLC is additional sidestory that isn't part of the main game and a expansion content.

Which would be more equivalent to how FF7 international worked by having extra content in it. Yet only charging $24 for it instead of making you buy the entire game again.

You just turn your stick backward or sideward and Noctis perfroms a special move.
For example, while you use stick+backward with airstep sword Noct does a backflip with a lil bit i-frames. With greatsword he uses spin move that costs a lot of mana but does a lot of damage.

This guy...

Comes here spouting his memes and actually thinks OTHER people are the problem.

Damn son!


the outfit from 2008 were just placeholder outfit stuff, we don't even know if stella still had a black skirt in her final design. And we've seen Luna in like 5 different outfits now.

I wouldn't call that special move since it works more like combos, like in dmc. I mean the roundspinning or the spear attack from ED. I miss that.

>we don't even know if stella still had a black skirt in her final design
I don't care, i want sexy black skirt costume for Luna.

The weapon abilities still use up MP, I think they just added them to the directional inputs of weapons instead of a separate menu, but this way you can do multiple weapon abilities per weapon because of directional input, instead of only one per weapon like in ED. But they said that the ED style was still there along with the PD style and another style.

Oh, that's nice to hear! I really hope we can upgrade our weapons or add fire/bolt etc. to them.

1. Crowe
2. Aranea & Luna (because they look almost the same)
3. Iris

Luna and Aranea looks almost the same? Thats something new m8.

Underage confirmed

Aranea has bigger tits.

Wait what DLC? Wtf then what is the point of the story?

And Luna had nice birthning hips. I prefer hips.