Who the fuck would play a Goblin and expect to be taken seriously?
Who the fuck would play a Goblin and expect to be taken seriously?
who the fuck would play Legion and expect to be taken seriously
Who the fuck plays video games and expect to be taken seriously
who the fuck would post on Sup Forums and expect to be taken seriously
Goblin girls are hot
Who the fuck would say Goblin girls are hot and expect to be taken seriously?
I betta be gettin' paid for this. Look, it's from Deathwing! Dear pesky goblins...
Dunno but when i created the fucking travesty known as goblin shammy everyone took me seriously in raids as healer
Goblin mage, goblin rogue... That's pretty much it for fitting classes
It's a video game, who cares about being serious.
hunter and warrior are appropriate
I bet you play a gnome tank, you little shit
while a MM hunter would be, how on earth is a manlet warrior fitting
I love playing a gnome tank. The juxtaposition of your tiny dude raising his shield in front of a massive boss like Archemonde is awesome.
I fucking knew it
Thinking about turning my DK in to a Tauren for looks and racials. Question is, female or male?
I want a big titted and fat assed gnome and goblind girl to suck ym dick, arguing who has the better technique while competing to see who gets fucked by me.
That is all I can add to your thread, OP.
Are you a fucking furry?
>goblin alchemist rogue
The ultimate jew, wish chest were back so I could ninja pick them
Im not the same user you replied to you fucking mongoloid.
Ima blood elf, should I stick with my male blood elf blood dk soon to get blood maw for the ultimate edge? My name is already edgy
Though you quoted someone else
Fucking furries
>Blood elf DK
Fucking disgusting
>Tinker isn't a class.
>You will never be able to pilot a kick ass mech.
Maybe once WoW2 comes out