What did you expect from this game? Honestly. I have no dog in this fight and don't give a fuck whether it's panned or praised.
But the expectations some gamers have are just insane. It's like you have no understanding of what a labor intensive process making even a small video game is.
Did you really expect anything more than Spore-like alien paste-on anatomy? Did you expect them to hand craft millions upon millions of species? Did you expect any in-depth combat and trading mechanics? The team was small and the project's meat, the procedurally generated planets, was a huge proposition in of itself.
It just boggles the mind how fucking stupid the average PC gamer is. Slit the throat of RMS. Fuck Gabe Newell and fuck the "master race". If a developer actually included all of the mechanics you people request it would lead to 50 year development cycles.
Fuck autists. Honestly. I fucking hate you spergy, no friends having fucks. Incapable of fucking a girl even on an engineer's salary.