The Autism of Sup Forums - The Autism of Richard Stallman

What did you expect from this game? Honestly. I have no dog in this fight and don't give a fuck whether it's panned or praised.

But the expectations some gamers have are just insane. It's like you have no understanding of what a labor intensive process making even a small video game is.

Did you really expect anything more than Spore-like alien paste-on anatomy? Did you expect them to hand craft millions upon millions of species? Did you expect any in-depth combat and trading mechanics? The team was small and the project's meat, the procedurally generated planets, was a huge proposition in of itself.

It just boggles the mind how fucking stupid the average PC gamer is. Slit the throat of RMS. Fuck Gabe Newell and fuck the "master race". If a developer actually included all of the mechanics you people request it would lead to 50 year development cycles.

Fuck autists. Honestly. I fucking hate you spergy, no friends having fucks. Incapable of fucking a girl even on an engineer's salary.

Listen here you disrespectful rat, don't you fucking dare try and insinuate whether I am or am not autistic. Back in my day we did not throw around such words as insult and I find it absolutely disgusting and disrespectful that you just think it is appropriate, funny and cheerful that you can throw around such words simply because you have the anonymity of the internet to have your back.

Nice pasta

- This post can remind you of the Chad that used to bully you, and the social life you never had.
If you're triggered, please reply to this post with memes in caps lock. Thank you.

I expect it to be a chill environment exploration simulation.
A game that you play while drinking or smoking, because if you're sober you can play better stuff, while this particular game doesn't even seem to be requiring skill or anything. It looks like it's all about "the experience".
Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it while sober, you'll just enjoy it way less.

Planning to play this on my sofa with my roommates, looks perfect for comfy nights

>I have no dog in this fight and don't give a fuck whether it's panned or praised.
Yeah, clearly you dishonest imbecile. You claim you don't give a shit either way and the rest of your posts can be summed up as:
You're not allowerd to have an negative opinion on this game.

It doesn't make one fucking bit how laber intensive the process is, how many people worked on it, or how much money is wasted on it. If people think it's garbage, they're allowed to say so, even if it hurts your precious little feelings you inbred mongrel.

I also find it hilarious that you have to resort to a strawman "PC Gamer" as your "opposition", as if only them don't care about the game.

If you hate "us" so much, then fuck off to your safe zone or just jump directly from the nearest bridge.

Try not to cut yourself with that edge.

>chill environment exploration
I agree with this sentiment
I'm still not paying more than $15 for it though

Not him, but posting literally dozens of daily threads about "YOU CAN DO LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME" isn't having an opinion. It's just shitposting.

>muh group identity based on sharing an imageboard with a bunch of other overweight autists
>"thou art inbred and dishonest, imbecile"
>*tips fedora*


PC gaming correlates with autism.

Rechard stallman You are a fucking idiot.

I'm willing to put money on him being a le todd buy me le game memeposter too.

>"Grrr! Skyrim didn't have a mountain climbing/camping mechanic even though Todd clearly said it did!"

and you have a problem with that?

>i am a special snowflake because i disagree with a group of people


Maybe one day you will learn how to not argue against strawmen.
And another strawman. This is getting pathetic.

Enjoy your fancy Mandelbrot Game.

>complaints about the stupidity of pc gamers
>game is multiplat
>posts ps4 cover

Why are you defending le todd meme tier shitposting? What the fuck is wrong with you? It isn't even funny.

We get it. You hate everything apart from comparatively unpopular games. What do you want? A medal? Autism meds? A new fleshlight you fucking virgin nerd?

>It isn't even funny.
Oh look, the comedy police is in town.
And you call people autists? Hilarious.

These chucklefucks thought God Hand was good. There's no saving them.

>"Le buy my game!"
>*neckbeard chortles for the 700th time that day at the same joke*

This board actually used to produce amusing OC.

Then autists started believing the "Sup Forums hates everything" caricature was reality.

I love how you shit on memes but you use them yourself.

>you cant defend le todd meme, but its ok to defend devs when they act like todd

Funny how most of the high functioning autists I know are well paid programmers. Sure, they may not have girlfriends but what's the problem with that? Women are all whores anyway.

Nobody gave you the right to insult a condition like autism and make fun of people who have no control over it. We may seem indifferent and cruel sometimes, but we hurt too deep down when you make these insults. Especially as you're insulting probably the greatest programmer who ever lived (Richard Stallman).

Proud to be autistic. Fuck Sup Forums. Fuck normal people in general. And fuck people who enjoy triple AAA video games the most.

>See that mountain over there? You can climb it!

>"He promised a mountain-climbing and camping and temperature-adjusted mechanic! He did! Look at the interviews!"
>"What do you mean I don't understand how development cycles work?"
>"Fucking normie reeee!"
>"I hate Skyrim, I'm going to pirate it and play it for 600 hours, that's how much I hate it!"

a fun little game where i can go to planets and mine minerals to upgrade things attack cargo ships and fly around in space

>the memes you use are not funny and overused :(
>let me post "le reddit" and "fedora tipping", those are always hilarious!

It's not easy to merge shitposting, projecting and strawmanning
But you did it

I expected them to take the money Sony gave them and make what they promised.

However I didn't expect indie nu-males to come through.

>PC gamer is

You do realise this is coming out on PS4, right? You even link it as your OP.

Based fucking user.

>>Fuck autists. Honestly. I fucking hate you spergy, no friends having fucks. Incapable of fucking a girl even on an engineer's salary.

Why do you hate yourself OP?

Is it because you bought into the hype and pre-ordered this piece of shit?

>"Grrr! climbing/camping mechanics would literally take 3.87 years of diligent work to integrate"

OP has a point about autists in STEM fields.

If you can't screw a girl when earning a good salary then there is something seriously wrong with you. Autism is horrible.

Why bother expanding an idea beyond a point where you can't actually make it to what you imagined.

It's better to not make something in the first place then to make something medicore.

They couldn't make a proper exploration game where they could deliver what they portrayed. Why not go on other concept idea and make it on a smaller scale but a quality product?

What the fuck does Stallman have anything to do with this shit?
Why even bring him up, you nigger?

Stallman is fat and autistic and throws temper tantrums. Much like Sup Forumsirgins.

Calm down it doesnt affect you, you himan piece of shit


Considering you haven't answered me OP, it seems like you agree that you're a massive hypocrite.

Except I haven't seen anyone throw a temper tantrum over this game. If anything, it was the normalfags who genuinely expected it to be the second coming of Jesus Christ, anyone with half a brain cell would have realized everything OP said right when they announced it would be procedurally generated.

there's your problem
you expected gamers to be anything but autistic, nit-picky teenagers with too much time on their hands

this hobby is riddled with actual, literal children, why did you expect anything BUT a shitstorm if their toys don't measure up to their expectations?

I think the price is a big issue, they're charging like it's a full game rather than a simple game padded by randomly generated assets.

>But the expectations some gamers have are just insane. It's like you have no understanding of what a labor intensive process making even a small video game is.

Sean Murray told a shit ton of lies, and yet somehow people who fell for it or got excited based on those lies are the assholes for not automatically assuming they are lies and adjusting expectations for a theoretical worse game.

You don't build years and years of hype for a game and then turn around and say people expected too much from it when it couldn't deliver on some of the simplest claims.

Why are you defending this hype culture? Did you have the same reaction with ubisoft games or is it only okay when a smaller dev does it?

>anyone with half a brain cell would have realized everything OP said right when they announced it would be procedurally generated.


That's exactly my point.

I think the unrealistic expectations are linked to autism.

autistic people need to be bullied harder.

is this game even out yet?
why are spergs flipping out about this?

No, you're an idiot.
Unrealistic expectations are a product of ignorance.
If anything, autists tend to be overinformed, while normal people are woefully retarded when it comes to learning about computers and software.

>le underage dude who can' afford a decent pc
>le underage dude that has zero idea about how to develop a game
>le underage dude who doesn't know that you don't need massive content but complex and diverse mechanics to satisfy the master race
>le underage dude that is bitter that nobody plays CoD with him

Kill yourself you fuckwit. You're talking about high-functioning autists, whose above average intelligence makes them even worse as they develop an obnoxious arrogant streak and bitterness towards anyone capable of normal relationships, particularly with the opposite sex.

Bullying needs to be ramped up against the autists.

>that you don't need massive content but complex and diverse mechanics to satisfy the master race

That or Hat Simulators, Walking Simulators or SJW greenlight games.

The game is pretty much what I expected. If it goes beyond (pun intended) space-autism in the future with updates - good. If not - i'm okay with that. Not gonna pay for it anyway. Good thing there's no denuvo in it. I will dug myself a cave on a nice planet and will live there.

>Planning to play this on my sofa with my roommates
got some bad news, user...

I'm highly autistic and I'm married and have friends tho.

I don't get the meme.

>implying you're not autistic
Kill yourself, you autist.

>I think the unrealistic expectations are linked to autism.

If you take everything Sean Murray and HG games said as a factual statement, you would have "unrealistic expectations".

Being disappointed in No Man's Sky for not delivering on promises made doesn't make you autistic or an idiot, it just makes you naive.

People who are not sperglord autists probably wouldn't know enough about the industry or how games are made to not realize that they spewing a bunch of shit in regards to the capabilities or the scope of the game.

>people I don't like and disagree with are all friendless virgins
Just another I AM SILLY.

Which one?
Do you think
-people expect this game to have local co-op
-people have multiple monitors and computers in front of a sofa, expecting the game to have multiplayer and LAN support

Because they're both equally retarded thoughts.

-play sober

One person did pic related.

So is this a No Man's Sky thread?

What am I on about playing it?

Redpill me.

No one cares bout that vodka-game

Players will only share time-stamps other players have made on discoveries.

How long would it take to walk the whole way around a planet?


Does it have any mechanics beyond flying around in an empty ship that you can't even customize?

This is autism: When you compare apples and oranges.

The death of an autist is a beautiful thing.

SOmeone told me you can play onlinw and meet other players but this is very unlikely due to the massive world size. know that the ship customization in NMS doesn't do anything, right?

That customizing your ship doesn't actually change any values of the ship, you're just playing dress up, because they all function the same.

Of all the examples you could have picked..

Was starbound abdated already?
Is this a worse starbaund in 3d?

Why should a pay 60€ if I have starbound already?

>Is this a worse starbaund in 3d?


Yeah right, there is no gameplay per say. But to think that one person can make this is mind boggling, its old now and already surpases everything in nms hell, even infinity escape from earth tech demo is better.


It's not for everyone. I'll enjoy it sorry you won't


literally SPORE 2.0

Sup Forums has been taken over by a new generation OP, and it's been going on for years

The 2006 era is dead and you're never getting it back. All that's left is stupid shit like cuck, nu-male and people so dumb they fall for the most blatantly obvious shitposting and think someone's trying to sell them something

Game looks fun from what little I've seen, me and my brother are on the maximum hype train. We both pre-ordered and will be playing multiplayer together the night it comes out, have all these sweets and drinks and shit ready. Hope the PC version's draw distance and texture quality is a bit better, but I'm not fussed.

You bought candy a week in advance?

Also there is no multiplayer, sorry.

i dunno what all the hate is about

i seriously can't wait to play and do crazy shit like shooting down a spaceship from a planet and watching it crash land a few miles away and go loot it while having a crazy shootout with the survivors

even simple things like watching a gas giant or an earth sized tornado rip across a bigger planet while comfy in my space station base

hoping there's a way to disable pvp though, i'm gonna shout 'friendly!' every time i see a player. can't wait to team up with some randoms lol

i swear i'll buy this game only to kill all those abominations and free them from suffering

Until that last line I really thought you were serious.

Surely those mods were in the game well before the 4 year mark. Mod teams are much smaller too.


cool memes bro

oh sorry


The second line should have tipped you off. None of that is in the game.

>Playing multiplayer together
Not going to knock you for being positive, but at best, if the MP even exists, it is incredibly limited.

Kill yourself dumb autist projecting retard


Someone please ban this illiterate cunt

No, I know none of that is in the game, but I thought he may have actually believed that any of it was.

ITT: Op is fedora tipping autistic moron who is probably very ugly

Sup Forums's problem is, it's filled with autistic manchildren who expect glory of their "masterpieces" in every game.
i mean this retards treat like every indie or small developer like they have unlimited human and budget source.
it's just a game.
play it or don't play it. it's that simple.
but noooooo, you have to bully devs and shit all over the game.

It's not my problem how large is their development team. If they can't deliver a good game, they have a shit business model. Maybe their project is way out of scope for their team size or development time.

If they ask for $60, I expect them to deliver a game with plenty of features. If it's going to be a shallow indie game, lower the price.

When doctors were told they couldn't give a diagnosis of "being a cunt" they came up with "Autism" to bypass it.

There is no cure for being a cunt.

Anyone in this thread should just kill themselves.

60 is not worth for just comfy,
doubled when you consider all the comfy games for about 10 dollars.

There is no multiplayer you fucking copypasta.

Why does every source say that there is a multiplayer but you virgin faggots with assburgers and massive uglyness say there is not?


It is very likely going to be asynchronous mp.
I will be surprised if people provide proof of actually playing with other human players.
You don't need PS+ to play it online.
Steam still has it listed as a SP game.

If you're looking to buy this game:

* Pirate the game
* Let a few months path until they fix their shit.
* Look for streams to see how shitty and different it is from what they advertised.
* Don't ever preorder games as shady as this.

Why is it that games everyone here "hates" the most gets the most attention and threads. I bet you fuckers are all gonna buy this game. Like me

I expect low effort 3deep5u cash grab

Nice lisp faggot

Differences between what they've said and shown in trailers, and what has been seen so far:

90/10 life rule. So far 100% of the planets have life.

No real ship classes.

No "weirder planets and creatures closer to the center"

Community working together to discover crafting recipes. Everything now has a blueprint.

No "Epic space battles" Space is rather empty most of the time.

No Element combination.

Portals. No one seen them (perhaps yet)

No ringed planets.

No barren planets.

No leaving messages for players.

No ship naming.

No AI wingmen.

No animals walking in herds, they all walk rather random.

Cloaking devices are missing.

Lack of mountain-sized mountains.

Harvesting resources from stars, you can't even get close enough to them.

No Day/night cycles being caused by planetary rotation and planets don't seem to be lit by the sun at all or even orbit.

No creature food chains.

None of those ship formations flying overhead on planet surface either, actually the business you see in the trailers is totally absent.

No sign of creatures affecting trees and fauna (like the rhino in second trailer)

Blasting holes in asteroids, so far I've only seen them blow up.

You cannot see as far as the curvature of that planet.

The universe is absent. it seems to be a chain of galaxies you move through and as far as we know now, once you leave a galaxy for the next one, you cannot return. That's not really an infinite universe at all.

No landing on asteroids.

alright, here's my thoughts.

>I don't give a shit about multiplayer and they've been fairly transparent about the lack of emphasis on that since the beginning
>I just wanted a cool, personal world that I could spend hours exploring and cataloging shit on my own because I'm autismo like that
>it looked like it had cool atmosphere and visual design, really cool use of color
>realistically I probably would have stuck to the same 3 or 4 planets and just explored the fuck out of them, I don't care if the animals all have similar core designs because that's what animals are like in real life too

>this is the closest I've ever come to preordering a game
>I totally would have if it wasn't sixty fucking dollars for a game that's of fairly niche interest.

Having a girlfriend is great. Just wanted to let you know

they said you can trade and craft, and they said you can get better ships/weapons the closer you get to the center, so knowing myself, i knew this was something i would enjoy. i love grinding for loot whether its in diablo 2 or minecraft. i love roaming in elder scrolls, but only because the world is cluttered with well done points of interest to bump into. the thing is, elder scrolls's points of interest are hand crafted, while no man's sky's are generated. they seem to have to enviroments looking fun to explore, but they'll only stay (at least for me) for fun to explore if the points of interest are fun. exploring a virtual world is only fun (again, speaking about myself) if it has things about to do; picking flora, mining resources, caves and other points of interest, but they have to be GOOD. if they suck, exploring will suck (for me) and the game could get boring when i reach the center/where ever the gear progression stops.