Reminder that there's absolutely no good reason to willingly play as elves in any game.
Reminder that there's absolutely no good reason to willingly play as elves in any game
We're the Talos snakes.
1. they usually look good
2. they might be a mechanically superior option in certain roles
3. they usually look good
>there's absolutely no good reason to willingly play as elves in any game.
I can think of at least two though
Night elves are alright for elves because they're not fags.
I miss being twelve.
I made my choice in the civil war based on what I thought of the Jarls, so I went Legion.
I'm sorry for liking dark skinned amazonesses
Thalmor are considered JIDF to stormfags who played Skyrim, and Nazis to casuals who played Skyrim.
Which one is right, Sup Forums?
TES is an exception.
Snob ass fucking queer looking backstabbing motherfucking dick sucking gay ass fuckers with superior complex tree huggers cunt elves are for burning and raping, only huge faggots play elves I m tellin ye, never trust'em, shove a dawi axe on their smelly pointy faces
Pelinal that you?
Probably some assburger runoff from /tg/.
>don't worship some dead guy as if he's a god
>impeccable dress sense
>speak english with a proper accent
>just want whats best for tamriel, which is to bring down the weak empire and have all positions of power given to superior elves
>eventually just want to end it and return to the rightful higher place of existence they came from
posting a single example of them looking not good totally disproves the point, damn, you sure showed him.
Adoring Fan is a beautiful being.
The Dark Elves have the fastest run/walk speed
khajiit are the fastest
It's High Elves, not dark, since run speed is multiplied by height and they are the tallest
Made me giggle, but is there anything better than stealth archery?
unmodded skyrim is like that, being taller also makes them a little stronger, which is a really silly way of handling things
It's not like that in lore though, there's a good selection of mods that tweak base stats/attributes of races to make them more race friendly. For example requiem gives khajiit a 15% speed boost to represent the fact that they're supposed to actually be the fastest race.
In RPGs, which are traditionally awful to play, whatever permits avoidance of combat mechanics and rapid elimination of trash mobs is usually going to be the best playstyle.
I can think of two good reasons.
Reason 1.
And reason 2.
They're okay with me, as long as they hate elves.
>no good reason to willingly play as elves in any game.
Racial bonuses
>consider themselves superiors
>curbstomp cuck fr... empire
>spend their time sending talos workshippers to jail
they are the nazis of TES
People who play as elves in games are at least a step up from the subhuman furfags who play otherkin garbage.
Unless it's a LOTR game, of course.
>FPS 10.0
this looks like the gayest weeb game imaginable
The Dunmer are literally the greatest elven race ever made, if you dislike them you have culture, tradition, faith or Sujamma . Filthy n'wahs
Well an anime that mixes JPOP and spaceplane fighting cant be totally straight anyway
high elves get speed boost because speed is tied to character height.
Point me to another game that allows you to play as a giant space elf in a skin tight flight suit who's shoving her ass in your face as you play.
It's you I was talking about. And
These threads always remind me of this sperglord I used to play d&d with. He lived in absolute certainty that elves and furriest would ruin the game, so he kept disrupting the game every time we encountered elves or beastfolk. I once got permission to play a drow. Drow suck major ass as a PC race, but they get +2 to dex, so they are 5% more elegant than humans, +2 to int so they are 5% smarter than humans, and +2 to cha so they are 5% hotter. He had a fit right there, and kept trying to get my character killed. And since he was a retard he kept failing at it, even though I made an awkward rogue/wizard/bard mess, further fucked by the crippling level adjustment.
Wut game?
Macross Ultimate Frontier. You have to do a fair bit to unlock Klan Klang though.
What if I'm playing one of these "get raped" chink games?
Then there isn't a reason to play anything but elves.
Checkmate atheist!
You know, that sounds like elf speak to me, friend. You're not one of those knife ear bastards, are you?
>See talos
>remember getting the drinks ready
>le knife ear meme
Okay fags enjoy being brain-dead barbarians
And just so you know, in The Elder Scrolls universe, Elves inhabited Tamriel before men, and the universally spoken language on Tamriel is Elven in origin.
Did I hurt your sensitive feelings, Elf? Why don't you go prance about in your ~enchanted thicket of smiles and butterflies~ until the pain goes away? Your walking trees, and glass towers won't judge you!
>denying that Elven Supremacy is the only truth
enjoy your extinction
On the contrary, I can't think of any good reason NOT to play as the best and thiccest "elf" race ever.
>thicc-fag and elf-fag
I don't know if you can go more low. Maybe adding short hair to the list.
Stealth Conjuration
That's us. And we rule!
two sides of the same coin
You saying liking short hair is as bad as being a filthy elf lover?
That line always makes me laugh so much, because it's kind of in the background of the scene and it's like nobody is listening, he's just wants to shout racist abuse to the sky because he hates elves so much. 10/10 delivery.
>not playing as the master race
How in the name of fuck is that even an elf?