
How did the Vita-Chambers actually work? Suchong thought the science behind them was total bullshit, and Suchong was the dude who made people generate bees from ther flesh through the use of slug puke.

Via. Sav

Nanomachines, son.
Or Quantum Mechanics - it makes Kenny boy feel stupid!

Idk but anyword on bioshock 3?

You'll get Infinity first. It's Raptulumbia in spaaaace!

Something with DNA idk.

That's how Jack was able to come to life even after death because his DNA is in line of Andrew Ryans bloodline. The Vita-C only worked for that bloodline after Rapture went to shit.

Fuck infinite, its fucking awful and it will never be 3 to me.

Nobody knows. If we get a sequel now that Bioshock Infinites terrible DLC shat all over Bioshock making Elizabeth the center of all events. Expect something stupid.

I'm going to marry Eleanor!

its pure motherfucking magic, aint gotta explain shit homie

I think the most plausible theory would be that of but that wouldn't explain why Ryan didn't come back to life after you had a match of extreme golf with him.

Is dishonored in the same vein as bioshock? I might try those out. Dishonored 2 looks cool.

Why do people dislike 2 compared to 1?

Story felt needles and tacked on as an excuse for a sequel, was my biggest complaint. It didn't feel like it needed to exist at all. And it's not like say, Devil May Cry, where the gameplay is the reason you're there. The game play is pretty average in them, and the story and atmosphere is what carries 1 to greatness.

Shit-taste... 2 was based as fuck. Most of Sup Forums are hiveminds, and argue that its a 2k game and not bioshock.

The was a record in the first game, it basically projected your atoms back to the vita chamber and shit made you live.
It was vague as fuck and I bet the devs knew we wouldn't pry for too much sci explanation.
Then comes (you).

He turned it off it's mentioned in one audio recording

Something about chosing his own death

I didn't like either.
Spending my time looking at the ground for consumables and cash was one of the most game-breaking design choices I've ever seen in a game.

water fire air and dirt

fucking vita-chambers how do they work?

Everytime i replay this game i disable them, i think vita-chambers are a huge game breaker to me because i can easily drain the enemies life, die, go back to the chamber and when i go back to the enemy they are with the same amount of life that i left they with.

I think it's because the second game lost the bit of terror within the first one and become a game focused more on the action and the characters emotions