Playing a multiplayer game

>playing a multiplayer game
>guy on your team is constantly getting lost in the map, has a K/D of 0/20, never uses his support abilities and has a ping over 400
>try to votekick him
>vote failed, he revenge-votekicks me
>vote passes, the team loses their MVP

cry more bitch

Why not try to help him learn the game?

>"support abilities"
You're playing a bad game. Can I suggest playing russian roulette instead?

How is this bad?
Why would you want to keep playing with those people?

>Cod WaW TDM
>loose game 75-74
>mfw I have 45 kills
they couldnt do less than half of the work needed with 5 people. how in the fuck

Judging by their profiles, the majority of these people are from some third world shitholes and don't understand English.
But Dirty Bomb is one of the only modern multiplayer shooters that are fun.

>people value fun over winning
>is upset about it


Its hard to believe this happened in DB
I could get away with constant trashtalking, bitching and whining all game as long as I topped my team.

And I'm literally THE guy who keeps bitching at their team for being fucking terrible, especially because I'm not so good at all.

>dying 20 times without contributing
Nigga what

>playing games where teamwork is required
you asked for it nigger

Theres nothing fun about DB if you are not winning
In fact I can have a 40-0 k:d and still not enjoy it if I have to lose the match.

what a faggot

>pay out the ass to play geimu with girlfriend
>her extreme social anxieties stop her from playing with me because she always feels the need to over-perform
>literally have no will to play geimu anymore

why live

>multiplayer team games
I don't know why i keep buying them when i got nobody to play them with.

>tfw in a battlefield game with 32 people on the team you have over 40% of the kills and less than 5% of the deaths and still lose cause 31 players are unable to maintain a cap on three fucking flags

It doesn't even make me mad at this point. If you don't play with friends/clan/teamspeak organized team you're going to lose.

I am genuinely curious. What are these "people" that:
-skip the tutorial and jump right into playing with others (0.0 hours on record on their Steam profile proves this)
-always pick a sniper even though they can't aim for shit
-never sprint
-use their secondary weapon over their primary weapon
-whine about their own team being shit while bottomscoring
-don't leave the server when their ping is over 300
-go afk after every death
-get lost in maps
-try to walk through prop doors and climb prop ladders
-get mad when someone tries to teach them to do something

Sounds like they are new.

>her extreme social anxieties stop her from playing with me because she always feels the need to actually do something instead of just sitting and crying

Enjoy your happy relationship.

Serves you right, I've known people that play despite suffering from disabilities since it's still within their mental scope to play a game for fun. Of course they are fucking shit, but when you are stuck in a room all day unable to move it's not that bad, until some elitist cunt comes along thinking one match + win = a life achievement he can brag to who? His mummy apparently since he's a manchild.

This, if you play to always win, do the fucking preparation work and roll with a team. It's a fucking game built around team objectives after all.

The best example I've experienced is being a carry in a moba, 33% of the effective damage in a team fight but cancerous team mate not shutting his toxic attitude for an hour along side a team that lets it slide.

Despite working silently towards a comeback the entire game, the elitest crap becomes worst because it's 'a sure win'.
Do nothing and listen to the faggot cry because I'm not helping out anymore, yet nothing like the feeling of laughing in his face as it all comes crumbling down. Even better when they recognise they had a shit attitude right before the game ends.

Yes, its definitely a disabled one armed man man with 3 fingers or something, playing a fast paced competitive twitch shooter, trying to have fun running around aimlessly and constantly getting killed.

I'm not even sure who is more retarded, the guy in your example, or you.

get rekt suka blayd axaxaxax

This is basically the online multiplayer equivlanet of "it is fun with friends".
IE, it means nothing.
People wanna shoot online more often than when they can organize a literal team of 6+ to play with.
You can do that when you are a child attending school and all of you get home at the same time to play vidya.

>top frag in a casual match in CS GO
>basically decide who gets booted, and no one ever agrees with the vote to boot you

Truly this is what a god feels like.

>They got good at CoD or some other game and think it means they'll be good at every other game

>Little brother has nothing to do for the summer
>He is 6
>Install him rf2 so the schmuck won't bother me cause hes bored
>Picks sniper and autistically rushes forward with secondary.
>Eventually see him complaining in mic

I felt sad for those who had to play with him.

Players like you are elitist assholes. Players like you forget that you also started out as a newbie and sucked at first.

why don't they just get gud?

literally a faggot enabler