>New Optional Items
Deluxe Bombard Lamp
Deluxe Moonfire Lantern
Deluxe Wooden Bucket
>Having to pay real money just for a wooden bucket decoration
>People will actually buy it
Thanks, YoshiP
>New Optional Items
Deluxe Bombard Lamp
Deluxe Moonfire Lantern
Deluxe Wooden Bucket
>Having to pay real money just for a wooden bucket decoration
>People will actually buy it
Thanks, YoshiP
maybe thats why its called optional
in b4 >should
>house furniture that literally 5 people will even look at
>people will actually pay for this shit
dang I have all those things from last year
and I'll get all the things from this years event, and those will be on the shop when the new event next year happens too.
fuck off
Should just be buyable with Gil from an event merchant at the Amphitheater in Old Gridania to be honest.
Would give people the chance to get old pointless fun items, and would fill up an event plaza that's always barren.
Think of it as compensating for the fact that you weren't paying the sub when those items were available.
Just got banned from the official forums. Reasons:
>Posting aimed to create a negative impact on the community or its members.
>Posting content with the intention of criticizing either Square Enix staff or specific individuals.
>Posting seeking to damage or disparage Square Enix, the forum, FINAL FANTASY XIV, or others.
>Original Post [on the topic of developer contempt for Western players]:
>FanFest is a chief example of that though.
>SE would rather blow millions on an extravagant PR event for extrovert smacktards (and a self-masturbatory ego trip for the lead developer) than do something constructive, like hiring on more staff to better the game and generally deliver the players a quality product. FanFest only serves to distract people from the important issues, and that you're in any way excited for it is indicative you've fallen for the cult-of-personality meme SE seeks to perpetuate.
>Look I get it, Yoshi thinks himself a flighty auter genius, and has a vision for designer-centric development; noble in itself, but queered by a "rockstar" developer image, wherein he spends our subscription money jetsetting the globe, renting European castles and living a flamboyant lifestyle. But rockstars are only expected to snort coke and write the occasional song- developing a game and growing an MMO community is actually quite hard. Scorn may be an industry standard, but you shouldn't show such giggling contempt for people trying to provide you legitimate, thoughtful feedback.
I don't know why they wont permaban me. This is like the third time and I'm just going to keep coming back until they do.
at least you're not paying for BiS gear
Yet. Wait for "pay to skip story" first
We know the chinks are getting it, but would the japs raise a stink about getting purchasable shortcuts?
still better than WoW
except pvp ;-;
Literal blog. Take it elsewhere.
i legitimately enjoyed reading that, user.
i also agree with your synopsis on the handling of ff14 funds
I wish grinding tomes and getting gear, or raiding was somehow plot related.
This. And I won't have to keep filling my inventories with all these. At least give me the option to buy that shit with gil if I already earned/bought it once, Yoshi.
It's not the first time SE banned people for criticizing their company.
Knowing Yoshi P, they're make it so the armor you're grinding for is some kind of holy, one of a kind super armor. Nevermind the fact that thousands of other people are wearing it too.
Get triggered more.
They really should make all the tome and raid gear to not have any appearance or have the appearance of starting gears. Sell the actual new armor designs on the cash shop instead.
I said what I said. All the new gear they release should not have any graphics at all. The models they worked on should be on sale in the cash shop. It doesn't affect gameplay and that way that gives SE more money to make the game better.
It was like that before they added the cash shop, some retards were still defending the cash shop.
>some retards were still defending the cash shop.
Remember when we got the Odin trial and Sleipnir was made cash shop? So many retards buying it on day one...
It's only gotten worse, i've probably seen more flying fat chocobo mounts than any other since it came on the cash shop
>I'm glad I could buy a Bennu from the cash shop, now I don't have to spend 5 million on a Zu mount.
This community is beyond saving.
>Remember when we got the Odin trial and Sleipnir was made cash shop?
No because Sleiphir was on the cash shop like 3 patches before Odin trail came out.
If an idiot wants to spend real money on stupid cosmetic items, let him.
A good dev would use the extra funds toward the development. I'm not sure what Square is doing with this MMO's extra funds.
>i've probably seen more flying fat chocobo mounts than any other since it came on the cash shop
Wait, what? But you get the Fat Chocobo mount if you upgrade ARR to Collector's status. Why would they put it into the CS again, or are talking about a different one?
And it was obvious that it was supposed to the the big rare loot for Odin, just like the primal horses are.
Aren't these items from past events anyway?
That would have required the Odin trial to have an EX mode though.
Sleipnir was meant for the cash shop from day one. Odin's trial was an afterthought.
Yeah it's obvious and shit thing to do, just saying they didn't add it on the cash shop when the trial came out.
I am too blind to tell the difference between Chocobos and Moogles
>That would have required the Odin trial to have an EX mode though.
He fucking deserves one. I guess it's because he's still technically the "final boss" of the 2.0 trials. Seeing as most people wont see Bahamut. He's the last of the Trials added receiving no nerfs, no echo and no EX version.
Then again, shitters still struggle with his NM version more than any other.
>it was obvious
No it was not. While cash shops are shit and so is this one, there's no reason to assume that something was made for X and then was made to Y just because. I bet you're the kinda person who thought circles in Nidhogg trial did something.
>Beat Thordan 99 times for a mount
>That would have required the Odin trial to have an EX mode though.
Odin is basically Ex. It's harder than hardmode primals and just a little easier than Garuda Ex in terms of mechanics.
>Sleipnir was meant for the cash shop from day one. Odin's trial was an afterthought.
Source: Yoshi's cock
Odin trial was something they put together for one of the fanfests. It wasn't even supposed to go into the main game but then HW got delayed and they had to give people something to do besides farm 13 for the hundredth time.
your other option for getting the mount is run it again and again until it drops then roll against 7 other people
man, that's the kind if thing I really needed for the housing I can't buy.
He needs all the money he can get to take another vacation after copy and pasting 2.0-2.5 a second time with the upcoming expansion.
Support the hack man.
In all seriousness, fuck this WoWfag pandering chink.
Took me 32 clears.
SE just wants the forum to be a hug box and the forum is pretty infamous for it's shitty moderation and how everyone seems to hate Final Fantasy (in general) and raises pitch forks to anyone who dares mention that other games in the series exist.
I completely forgot that event happened and the gear existed until I saw someone wearing the headband yesterday.
>mfw going back to wow for legion after clearing a8s because there's fuckall else worth doing in this
Should i get this game?
I played the trial and enjoyed it but idk
I played this game for thousands of hours but I'm so sad to see what it's become, literally shitting out content which is the same with a different coat of paint barring trials and primal fights, still no worthwile open world content, keeps wasting resources on adding dumb shit like diadem, palace of the dead, lords of verminion. Always giving the same excuse when they can't add what people want, "server limitations". Seriously fuck yoshi p, he saves the game and then makes it shit again. 4.0 will be the break or make for this game, if it ends up sucking or being more of the same the game will probably slowly lose tons of subs.
Raya-o would never play WoW.
This will always be my favorite screencap. I don't want to tell people how to spend their money, doesn't mean I wont comment on it.
These are the types of people that will only have their new shiny mount out for 5 minutes before getting bored of it and forgetting it exists.
Do you think Raya is forced to have sex with trees to calm the forest spirits?
>I don't want to tell people how to spend their money
It's okay to call out people who do not respect the value of money.
Raya-O is pure and would never do anything lewd.
that's every XIV player tho
this game is shit and you pay monthly for it
Value is in the eye of the beholder.
I got all 3 of those items for free from a previous years event
When they start selling level boosts in the NA/EU cash shop, that's when you should be concerned.
She's more into moogles.
It's just anal so she's still pure.
You mean everyone who pays monthly and idles for 20 hours all day.
WoW did it so it won't be long
Same can be said about your waste of a life, just kill yourself and stop wasting time.
WoW also did gametime tokens, so it won't be long for FFXIV yeah?
It already happened.
It depends on how much the Japs want it now.
Japan of all people should actually be against this.
There's a thread on the official forums where the majority of people are saying No.
I want these because fuck leveling secondary classes. I'm so god damned tired of running the same dungeons.
On the jap one? That's what matters. SE doesn't give a fuck about NA.
Yoshida is considering it after he asked WoWfags why they aren't playing his game the NA community is going to kill this game if they aren't already.
Nobody wants level boosts except for chinks
On the jap one the threads asking for that are deleted when they go up
Is she still expected to be the Samurai NPC?
What all does this come with, and please don't tell me it's 8800 yen.
China also pays by hour instead of monthly and the game publishing is handled by another company over there.
>season pass
>make a kingdom hearts game
>call it Final Fantasy
thanks Nomura
>kingdom hearts game
What the fuck are you on about?
>Nobody wants level boosts except for chinks
I dont even think the chinks want it, everyone just knows theyre subhuman so they nickle and dime them with f2p shit, same with russia.
1.0 private server when
No thanks. No matter how bad XIV gets, at least it isn't Tabata&Nomura's Homoerotic Fantasy.
I want one for the story, but 1.0 was awful to play
If XV has a moment that tops Thordan, I'll be happy.
Fun fact: all Mogstation items including the subscription cost about 1/3 of the normal price in Russia when using Steam Wallet.
>except for chinks
China is handled by someone else, IIRC. Let them have it. China doesn't matter, neither Korea.
That'll be pretty hard to top.
Damn, I suppose Id have to have a russian steam account to take advantage of that
Nothing will top this moment right here.
>for extrovert smacktards
>Socially functional people are BAD
That's chinese not japanese you dumbfuck
2.0 combat is way worse tho. 1.0 had weight to your actions. Every move was calculates. 2.0 is just a keyboard masher.
Sub ran out and have no urge to renew. Not even to finish my relic that's 5 unidentified pieces of shit away from ilvl 210. Already have stuff for next step.
I don't know if I want to take along break from MMOs or give WoW Legion a try.
Last time I played WoW was in Cata.
>slightly bump a car
>whole car gets scratched
It's like I'm back in 2005
Imagine how good XIV would be if it wasn't an MMO.
Eh, if retards are dumb enough to spend money on that shit it's their own fault, SE exploiting stupidity for money isn't really enough to get me riled up.
Just because you only had resources to use one skill every half a minute and had to autoattack all the other time doesn't mean the combat had "weight".
FFXII was awful
>the crowds at cons are good
I just want catgirls, Mithra or Miqo'te, in a game that I don't have to subscribe to.
Sounds like you didnt play 1.0 desu