Kotor thread anyone?

kotor thread anyone?

Atris best Jedi, objective fact.

Daily reminder that EA has exclusive rights to the IP and no one will ever make a good star wars game again.

retard here

can someone explain what the deal was with atris? why did she have all those fucking sith holocrons in her academy?

>best villain: Calo Nord, Traya
>best force user: Kreia
>best non-force user organic: Canderous
>best droid: HK-47
>best character overall: Kreia

Reminder that Kreia is Master Arren Kae, Brianna's mother.

You have to be a Jedi to be the best Jedi.

All they have to do is make contracts with competent developers like CDPR and Obsidian, set fair deadlines and budgets, but since they are fucking EA, brace yourself for nu-BioWare #killallwhitemen anti-games which will make Force Unleashed I and II seem like masterpieces in comparison.

i want to have hope because amy hennig is making the next star wars rpg but it is EA so...


Atris was convinced she was the only one who could save the Jedi, so she surrounded herself with the Handmaidens (who cannot feel the Force) and instructed them to gather the Sith holocrons so she might learn where and how the Triumvirate was killing Jedi. What's more, was that she leaked the information of the Jedi gathering on Katarr so they would reveal themselves. This of course, did not end well.

KotOR's cover has an early model of Bastila before they remodeled her after Hale, and a Selkath. The Selkath is either a cut NPC, a token alien for the cover, or someone misheard "put Carth on the cover".

Also Ebon Hawk would be a better Millenium Falcon expy if it was called Eon/Aeon Hawk (unit of time, bird)

Someone probably misheard it and called it "Ebon" Hawk and they just went it because of recorded lines and time/budget constraints.

Catgirl best girl.

She fell to the dark side but didn't realise/wouldn't admit it to herself

This game is hard :(

>she leaked the information of the Jedi gathering on Katarr
what the fuck? how do you learn of this?

>can someone explain what the deal was with atris?
She wanted to fuck you, but you went off to war instead and she wasn't brave enough to come. Then you meet her again and she still wants to fuck you, but she's gone a lot more tsun, so she decides she'll send you questing instead so you can save the galaxy and then come back and make sweet Jedi babies with her.
>why did she have all those fucking sith holocrons in her academy?
Because she'd been snatching up as many Force artifacts as possible for a while (from before the fall of the Council, I believe) and if I remember correctly, she first started studying them in an attempt to understand the Sith (so she could find and kill them) and then fell more under their influence because of her jealousy, fear and judgemental mind.

>not recognising Atris as the one true hope for the galaxy

>This of course, did not end well.
To be fair, she had no way of knowing the Sith would show up in such a way as to just devour all life on the planet.

Early levels in both games are fucking grinds, because melee perks are redundant (I'd expect Obsidian to merge melee and saber perks in the second game as a quality of life feature, but they didn't).

Just abuse T3's infinite beam and Kreia's shock/lightning/storm line.

And git gud and read everything, it's not THAT hard.

Restored content mod. Talking with her after the rebuilt enclave, she keeps denying that they were even Jedi and that their deaths, and the Miraluka were insignificant.

She got no lewds though

What would you want to see in KotOR III, Sup Forums? Except retconned Tortanic content?



>he isn't even off Telos

>because melee perks are redundant (I'd expect Obsidian to merge melee and saber perks in the second game as a quality of life feature, but they didn't)
Mainly because unless you're going a melee-specced character, it's likely you won't be able to offset the downsides good combat abilities give you (like AB penalties from flurry/power attack/two-weapon-fighting) and low-level buffs are weak and you probably don't have the Force for them, either.
Presumably the feat trees were kept separate because only Jedi get access to the lightsaber ones.
>read everything
This is very important.

Atris' teachings would have made the Jedi the Sith, she had fallen so far she couldn't even see that what she was and what she would have created.

And even if she didn't understand what Nihilus was capable of, she still sentenced a planet to death for the sake of "revealing the threat".

> melee perks are incredibly powerful before you get lightsabers.
> get lightsabers.
> melee perks are fucking pointless now.


A proper ending.

>Reminder that Kreia is (spoiler)
"Please, please bang my daughter so I vicariously have sex with you by surrogate "

Life is truly suffering.

I haven't played kotor in almost a decade and I feel like a bunch of random ass shit really stuck with me from this game

>partying with stormtroopers
>sneaking past a rancor
>that purple sith twi'lek
>some kind of alien/zombie infection
>that last planet with the beach
>that one puzzle that kept fucking killing me

Fuck I need to replay this game soon

I want it to exist.

>Catgirl best girl.
Not even in her own game.

>Atris' teachings would have made the Jedi the Sith, she had fallen so far she couldn't even see that what she was and what she would have created.
>And even if she didn't understand what Nihilus was capable of, she still sentenced a planet to death for the sake of "revealing the threat".
Desperate times, right? Anyway, I thought it was implied that she didn't know they were all going to die (possibly just the Jedi), because she had no idea she was dealing with something like Nihilus instead of Sion's assassins.
Anyway, I don't really mean to be excusing her conduct - it's just that I like the nuances of her character, and I like how you can acknowledge that your leaving her to fight the the Mandalorian wars contributed to her fall, and redeem her

>he didn't go Weapon Master and max out the entire light of advanced lightsaber feats

Pic related.

I like Atris' character too but it's better to kill her, she wasn't strong enough to resist the dark side or to be Darth Traya.

''No-one deserves execution, no matter what their crimes."
Just kidding, I let Vaklu take that blaster fusillade to the face
>not wanting to keep her on the path of the Light with sex


>Malachor V made me what I am
This is fucking gold.
I'm even willing to overlook it fucking up the characterisation of bro Bao-dur


Turn on vsync.

>mfw kotor II not on sale during summer
Played through kotor a few months back, I forgot how good bioware used to be, I want more.

But KotOR II was made by Obsidian, user. Not to say it isn't good (it's fucking incredible) but you might as well just pirate it, considering how badly they got fucked over by Lucasarts.

She is an objective cuck.

Disable all the optional graphics options.
The game still looks fine and you'll avoid the dumb movement lag and invisible legs and grass flickering glitches.

After being infected with some nasty malware I've become paranoid about pirating executable files in general.
It's on my wishlist and I pay attention to it, I'll buy it the moment it goes on sale.