Make it vidya

Make it vidya

brb making one


Breddy gud

Almost painful how real it is.

>Spongebob stand thread

Oh boy, everyone watch out for gifs here.




I think you need to take a break, user
You've been injecting memes directly into the blood stream


Sad but true

not too bad actually

FUCK i just noticed it

Genesis ghostbusters was fucking great.




like this?

secretaries get me rock hard

l-like this?

I want to make Mishiro my bitch

looks about right


and this?


muh fucking dick

stop saving jpg sources as png you feloniously stupid fuck


user, self control.


Dwarf Fortress is 3d you fucking idiot.

Nah :)

Reminder to report the secretary autist shitting up the thread



I think he's talking about native stonesense integration or something.

homo :^)

>New Sonic

spongebob is my kind of sponge too ;)

Fuck that autistic cunt




>thigh wider than my waist


thanks mr. skeletar



Persona would've worked better than Dante

Ok as someone who doesn't watch the food channel or eat pizza can someone please explain the 'go 'za meme to me?

Is it literally just "famous person makes funny face while eating food people have given silly name to?"

There was literally nothing wrong with that pizza.


But Nocturne was when the series actually got real recognition in the west.

You both need to go to bed.


Don't you mean "It was the first game in the series released in the west"?


Persona is what made it one of the most popular JRPG series though

Replace the last image with a 404 and you've got something there.



People like to argue that there is nothing wrong with the pizza, I don't know if they are serious or not. I might have eaten it if I was desperate.


Painful how good this one is.

I guess since I can't eat dairy without wanting to kill myself I'll just never understand that meme since anything covered in cheese looks completely inedible to me.


But I woke up three hours ago and am at work

It needs the "directed by hideo kojima" in at least every single panel.



Most people like pizza and the pizza looks quite good at first, but then you see how greasy, watery and doughy it is which makes it quite unappealing.



Every fucking time

Fucking this



Uh, no? Because it wasn't?

>no one has posted the gif yet


Persona made the series explode with all the casuals, yes. But Nocturne solidified the series among the hardcore niche gamers.

best one so far

Sup Forums as FUCK my fellow anonymous! What a queer FAGGOT he must be as well LMAO

Oooh, off by this 1

What if it isn't easy to understand though and I'm seriously trying to understand it? Like honestly, "I'm a big guy for you?"... what did he mean by this?


I still think it's odd Dante was ever chosen to be in the game


>type out long answer
>press Post
>thread goes 404 as you're sending the reply





It was the first mainline game iirc.


thanks doc

It happened for the same reason why Kingdom Hearts happened. Two men from different companies met in an elevator (not literally in this case like it was for Kingdom Hearts, but you get the point) and ended up doing small things for each others' games. Since Atlus had Dante in Nocturne, Capcom let Kazuma Kaneko design the Devil Triggers for Dante and Vergil in Devil May Cry 3.
Pic related.




Interesting. I didn't know that