>40 USD for expansion with one race and TWO campaigns
Ubishills will defend this.
Heroes of Might and Magic
Population: 0
>8 maps
>no new monsters or factions
>40 USD
Everybody called bullshit on Chronicles. Everybody.
>one faction
>eight campaign maps
>something like 6 custom maps
>40 dollaroos
Are you really surprised at this point? Ubisoft is doing everything they can to save themselves from Vivendi buyout. With that said, how is the expansion? Did they fix problems people had with vanilla?
HoMM was never good.
No, not really. Besides the new content it's just more bugs and bugfixes. I don't see any dramatic changes in 2.0 other than the new caravan mechanic where you can place a caravan terminal anywhere on the map for 2000 gold.
HoMM 3 sp is good , fggt.
They changed campaign cutscenes that were just still images of the characters' heads. It's now animated, but...
It's simply camera sweeps over the council map and behind their heads, carefully avoiding actually showing their mouths.
You can't make this shit up, you just can't.
I'm enjoying V with the Hammers of Fate expansion. Couldn't have been more than $4.40 for both
this is not a thing. Ubisoft is universally hated
Get the orc expansion. It's pretty great
Is one of the 3D Might and Magics worth buying right now? Since they're on sale
Graphics aren't important as long as it runs on Win 7 and supports widescreen
never played this series before
should I get Heroes of Might & Magic V or Tribes of the East
Get Tribes of the East. There's mods that let you play vanilla content in it and it's pretty much the best version of the game otherwise.
Tribes of the East
V is pretty good, especially with expansions
So I decided to play the campaigns of Homm3. Any tips for the game?
Heroes carry over from one level to another in the campaigns. Stop just before completing the requirement of a level, buy up a bunch of heroes and then run them to every +Stat, +Skill, +XP and Mage Guild on the map. You'll get stronk heroes to steamroll the final levels of the campaign with.
You could play superior MoM or AoW instead.
>ubisoft will get bought by vivendi in your lifetime
Feels fucking good
MoM isn't even remotely similar
Maybe not, but I'll never see the appeal of HoMM.
Is there single big mappack for V with maps from III?
I'd like a Broken Alliance remake personally.