
Vanilla -> Great
TBC -> Shit
WotLK -> Great
Cata -> Shit
MoP -> Great
WoD -> Shit
Legion -> Great

The pattern doesn't lie, what excuse do you have for not following the Legion Hype now?

>TBC -> Shit
The fuck is wrong with you?

there was nothing enjoyable about TBC besides the aesthetic

It's more like
There is no pattern, this ain't windows.

Blizzard not only pruned abilities, they flat out nerfed every spec. Now, the flavor of the moment is any class that hasn't been destroyed.

Timewalking dungeons are suicide.

>Timewalking dungeons are suicide.

I haven't played WoW since Cata. Can you explain this?

Stop pulling patterns and generalizations out of your ass and cramming everything into them for their own sake. You achieve nothing by it. Worst meme.

Vanilla -> Great
TBC -> Great
WotLK -> Great
Cata -> Shit
MoP -> Shit
WoD -> Shit
Legion -> Shit

Fuck you

I'll fucking fight you.

>nerfed everyspec
I mean, if by nerf every spec you mean making everything other than Mythic raider marginally difficult, then yeah.

>flat out nerfed every spec

So, they've nerfed nothing?

WoW has only ever been getting better and better with every update or expansion.
Whats been getting worse is your desire to play, because you are more and more bitter, cynical and bored.

The game is at its best today, and you should hang yourself, nostalgia fag.
Pic related, its you when Nostalris was killed.


>Marcus's birthday party was a blast. Even though the clown paint cracked on his corpse face, we barely even noticed and danced all night

Vanilla -> 10/10
TBC -> 9/10
WotLK -> 9/10
Cata -> 6/10
MoP -> 7/10
WoD -> 6/10
Legion -> Expecting 8-9/10

MoP was my absolute favorite aesthetic, best zones, best mounts (those fucking cloud serpents famshen), raids were OK not much of a raider personally, and some dank ass BGs got added

Also the farm was god-tier comfy

>Every specced Nerfed
It's not really a nerf then.

>WoW has only ever been getting better and better with every update or expansion

user... Your mouth... Is this some Blizzard cum?

You didnt play vanilla, did you?

Everything post vanilla was garbage OP, and Legion will continue the trend. You're a faggot. Kill yourself.

>Vanilla -> Great
>TBC -> Shit

You can only post if you are above 18

>Giving MoP just a 7/10
>Having shit taste


Even the aesthetic was shit. Every zone consisted of one color. Nagrand was the only decent looking zone. Don't even get me fucking started on Shattrath.

Vanilla -> Great
TBC -> Even better
WotLK -> Bretty good
Cata -> Shit
MoP -> Somewhat decent
WoD -> Shit
Legion -> Probably shit or mediocre at best


True power rankings here!!!


10/10 brotherhoods were formed rivalries created and it was truly a game you could spend 10 hours a day playing.

Still had the great feelings from vanilla but now we had harder dungeons and structured arena pvp. As for raiding content karazhan although a great raid was utter shit in its format of 10 man, should have been 25. Tier 4 was a logistics nightmare for guilds. The expansion was pretty raid loggy until the advent of daily quests. i give an 9/10


game begun to get casualized ( the seeds were planted in TBC) Still god tier with epicsraids like ulduar and ICC. God tier music and zones.
DK's were an amazing addition to the game.

8/10 Game peaked here in population.

shit villain, shit story, Okay zones, vashjyr was god tier, probably my goat zone. Heroics were hard again(until the nerf) the first tier was probably one of the hardest tiers of raiding ever. Firelands was a good follow up raid, the rag fight was very enjoyable as were the rest of the bosses. Then enters dragon soul, absolute worst raid, anticlimatic, lore train wreck and trash. so much fucking trash.
Shit bosses.

ill give it an 8/10 because it was good until dragon soul ruined it.

kys yourself

(you) first

first tier raids were unremarkable.
second tier of raid was pretty good. Aesthetics were nice. Too many dailys it made me feel sick. Music was god tier. Monks were a shit and uninspired class. 7/10


Utterly irredeemable piece of shit. The only saving grace was blackrock foundry. it had some good fights and fresh boss mechanics.

3/10 cos blackrock foundry was ok.


They did not remove garrisons and just renamed them to class halls. on the beta my character progression was locked to them, still missions to increase the power of your artifact. Lame shit. I dont think it will be much better than wod.

he's a shitter

so the only timewalking dungeons that were truly difficult were the ICC introduced ones, and it was because they're overtuned as fuck, which has already been fixed


>Monks were a shit and uninspired class

