Sup Forums went 0 - 6 at EVO 2016, for people who play games all day it's a pretty embarrassing record

Sup Forums went 0 - 6 at EVO 2016, for people who play games all day it's a pretty embarrassing record

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Didnt anyone tell you? Sup Forums doesnt play games, we just hate and talk about them

Sup Forums doesn't play fightan, they just jerk off to the characters

I don't remember participating at EVO.

Wtf is /fgg/?

/fgg/ is a containment board for low tier shitters and doesn't mean anything

Were any matches streamed?

Fighting games is a nigger sport after all.

yes but it's pretty embarrassing
>dominated by asian players
clueless polturd

vods where?

Pretty much everyone on /fgg/ is terrible at fighting games, this is not news

Twitch and YouTube

found one
first match

another one
1:34:00 if the link doesn't work

>/fgg/ confirmed balding numales

Wtf I hate /fgg/ now

>Covering hair with a hat

>The white supremacist of Sup Forums lose to so some random black guy who played the game for the first time at EVO.


>shit fighter V copies sold
I'm not surprised they are all faggots considering the whole "SFV is perfect if you don't like it you are a casual" argument they kept spamming since it's released. They are all posers that literally believe capcom name was too important to make shit games

How can /fgg/ be white supremacist when they invented Cammy x Rashid?

>sfv is shit because no muh singleplayer
casual criticism of sfv is why youre being made fun of

r/kappa has an evo champ under their belt

/fgg/ has a retarded SJW janny that scared half the good players to the discord instead.

>rkappa has to pay pro players because they can't play the game themselves
lmao that's like fucking a 10/10 escort and making fun of the guy with a 6/10 gf

>let me disregard the skill of the players and talk about their appearance only
spoken like a true moba baby

Is it easier to maintain your calm in tournaments?

I get salty as fuck playing at home. Though im also total dogshit at the game.

more like 1/10

>Actually putting /fgg/ on your nickname
