>tfw normies will refer to the Germans in a WW1 game as Nazis

Is your body ready, Sup Forums?

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Don't think I'll get it. They've been making BF series more and more "accessible" over the years. That new melee system looks like a free kill for scrubs on a cool down. They can fuck right off.

it will probably be another battlefront

This game is going to be SJW pandering trash that can't even bother keeping the very basics of WW1 authentic. Saged

yup, battlefront was a cash grab, inferior to the other battlefronts in all but looks and performance.

>>tfw normies will refer to the Germans in a WW1 game as Nazis
Even in the year of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, 2016 people refer to regular Germans as Nazis

Good, it will keep Sup Forumstards away.
Don't want filth in my games.

>Niggerfield 1

Mods replacing weapons with cotton when?

It really seems like virtue signalling alright.



>Normies is now a universal meme for anyone you don't like.
Most people don't know much about ww1 but I'm pretty sure they know the nazis where ww2.

It's BF4 with a WW1-WW2 skin.
I played the closed beta, depending on what you feel about BF3 and 4, you'll feel that way about 1.
Unless you get autistic over the niggers.

Well meme'd.

That game is an abortion.
And i don't play Battlefield\Call of Duty games anyway, i'm not 14 years old anymore.

Honestly the exclusion of Russia and France is making me skip this game. And I'm American too.

Titanfall 2 looks fun anyway, and I don't need more than one shooter to play

fuck. you're right. good thing I'm skipping this trash.

Sup Forumscucks are too dumb to know how to open videogames, let alone even finding the game files.

Will keep a close look.
Sup Forums hates it, which means it has a good chance of it being good.

He just said battlefield and call of duty are the same.

I'll fucking end you


I refuse to buy Cottonfield 1 unless there are customizable skins for the German side. I can't in good conscience support something that spits in the face of the real heros of WW1.

Dice need to read pic related

They are mediocre shooters that try not to look too similar to the one released the year before.

Why cant we just choose our charakater our self like in Counter Strike like 20years ago? jesus christ everyone would be happy..

>everything I don't like is due to SJWs

are you some kind of low functioning autistic

Character customization is literally in the game

The fact that they are making money off their suffering is already spitting on the face of those men, and that applies to all games based on real wars.
People are going to profit from EVERYTHING, and if you are not used to that, you may want to fuck off to some communist shithole.

Whats a 10/10 rank shooter in your book then?

Modern humans are so stupid that the Nazis could exist in modern times and go unnoticed.

"Make Germany great again."

>buying an EA game

> surprised that is shit


You can, each class has different characters, and each of those has character customization, including skin color.

Both are equally horrible.
If you buy either, you should fucking end yourself. You are the cancer that is slowly killing video games.

It is. Both run n gun shit. Even CS: Gamling Offensive got more tactics in it.

Why would you even care for people you never knew and dies a century ago?

Im pretty sure you still have to play a NIGGER

this game will sell
I'm going to invest in EA stocks before the release

bf1 will have customizable characters dumb fucks

CSS, Quake 3, RTCW, ETW, UT2004, COD1, MOHAA.

Does Sup Forums like Verdun? I think it's really fun.

>Cottonfield 1

Sweet fuck, I am dying right now.

Battlefront, mechanics not content.

ArmA 3, Squad, need more fast paced gameplay? Go for the Siege. Are you poorfag? Then buy Insurgency. Alternatives are endless for these shitty games.

Nope, you can change skin color and different faces.

frogposter AND a retard with shit taste?

don't color me surprised pls

Who gives a fuck. There isn't France. That is like making a WW2 game without Nazi or a Vietnam game without fucking Vietnamese.



He did not, but it is not surprising that an idiot would read it that way.
That means you, btw.

hEll yeah bro drumpf is a nazi fascist xD man that weed is lit af xd

Are you one of those Infinite Warfare shills?

Aw hell yeah

No one wanted this. Everyone wants the 2142 server back.

>Developer pretty much legitimately says in one of the interviews that they're trying to break the conceptions of world war one by making the setting more diverse.

The intentions are fucking obvious, and it's always other white males pretty much shitting on each other. Honestly, anyone who makes a statement in support of white power should see who makes the majority of these crowds against whites themselves.

No he is an underage thinking he's hot patrician shit for liking the new Battlefield and shitting on the new CoD, as if there's a difference

It is great game, I'd imagine would play better then '1"

>no one wanted this

>everyone but Sup Forums hyped for it

Why does this place still think what Sup Forums thinks matters to anyone?

What kind of autist are you? Its not that I care about the individual person, it's the principle of the matter. Dice is trying to rewrite history by portraying The average German soldier as black. Do you know how ridiculous that is? Now every dipshit that plays this game is going to accept this as fact.

It's a videogame senpai, calm down.


Really boring turd, and proof that shooters based on historical settings before WW2 and being slightly realistic can't be fun.

If you had an active cell up there in your noggin, you'd understand I was talking about whites purposely aggregating each other, and that this whole diversity move isn't a bullshit conspiracy, but real intentions of humanists.

LOOOOLLL! umpthumbed and posted on /r/Sup Forums :DDD

You nailed the most pressing balance option I've seen so far, a none existent cool down for the charge, it would make more sense it takes time to pry it off a body and have to resort to a side arm.

It's classic EA letting things go, and patching it for balance 6 months later. Same with shotguns and MaVs in BF3, same with certain vehicles in BF4 & weapons in the begining 'AEK'.

The smarter people just stuck with one weapon that was clearly more OP than the rest in effective range and ttk.

>DICE is trying to rewrite history with a multiplayer game
And this is why radicals will always be irrelevant in history, and will be put down like ill dogs whenever you get too loud.
A world run by subhumans like this would make society unbearable.

How much money does EA pay you to make empty threats?

Nigga how could you forget the fucking cotton in a niggerfield

I can't imagine the fat virgin who spent time of his life making this.
Glad you all never leave your basements.





What the fuck how did I forget the cotton


>People who satirize against muh feefees must be basement dwellers
okay lad


Until DICE fucking confirms it this is utter bullshit

Yes you are, there's a reason you dont find "people" like you on the street, you stick to Sup Forums and Stormfront, contained in your echo chambers like you are meant to.


No, you're thinking of SJWs. They call everyone they perceive as a bad guy a "nazi."

Some guy posted files from the beta on Reddit, there were many different faces for all characters, both black and white.

There were multiple leaks of the game files, showing different face options and the devs confirmed that character customization will be in the game.

That's a nice strawman you've got there, considering I'm neither from stormfront, and I actively go onto Sup Forums to mock their fixed bullshit. But I can also do that here as well, considering idiots like you exist


This image is just insulting, day 1 pirate if I even bother playing it.

Why do you hate black people Sup Forums?
Shouldn't people be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin?

t. caught Sup Forumstard.

Insulting to radicals, which is always good since they are the biggest scum of the planet and would ruin it if they ever became relevant.

Whens the beta for this out, I at least wanna give it a go.

>If you disagree with me, you're one of them!
Pretty grand coming from the likes of Sup Forums who consistently bitches about Sup Forums generalizing others, then goes onto do the exact same shit when their feelings are hurt. You're a good lolcow.


Shut the fuck up you fucking moron and stop trying to spread your insecurity bullshit on this fucking board. Literally immediately or I swear to god I will fucking fight you. Take every opportunity you can to MAKE SURE WE KNOW YOU HATE BLACKS, GAYS, TRANS PEOPLE!!!! WOW!!! YOU'RE SO EDGY! HOLY SHIT! OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO COOL!!!
Fucking kill yourself you pathetic piece of subhuman garbage. I am apoplectic and ABSOLUTELY sick of these kinds of posts. #19659317 Sup Forumspost was one too many. Time to go to a different website to spread your ignorance, shitbreath.

I want neo-Sup Forums to leave.


If true, I look forward to the headlines stating that "The number of players choosing to play as white characters is problematic."

Don't give a fuck you neckbeards say the bf are way better then duty. They are also great shooters. I'll be preordering premium for BF1.

And frog posting started on hereach fag.

This pasta sucks.

Low IQ people like SJWs or neo-nazis are still dumb enough to generalize entire races.
Lucky enough, these failed abortions always have self-destructive tendences.

That's pretty grand coming from Sup Forums, who's entire existence revolves around identity politics

Of course, all radicals are scum that should be put out of their suffering.
I mean, all they do is complain, so why have them around?

Ethnocentrism. Sup Forums thinks there's only one good culture: their own. They don't accept that black people generally have a different mind set due to where and how they live.

Sup Forums is basically British explorers trying to civilise"savages "

Sup Forums doesn't hate black people.
Sup Forums hates niggers. Learn the difference retards.

You've managed to confuse satire, a form of comedy which exists from making fun of ourselves and others, as identity politics. Good job, I'm sure you're really going to please that little voice in your head demanding you to be a little humanist bitch.

I'm asssuming you're talking about absolutists, which in all irony doesn't really make centrists grand either. Centrists are just people who've taken to kind of passivelly accepting a idea and submitting to the "Centre" rather then breaking off all together.

So your ok with a white girl dating a nice black man then.

AKA all niggers aside from Morgan Freeman and Terry Crews.

Yeah why not?

Why would I give a fuck about things that don't affect me? I have bigger things to worry about, like what i'm going to have for dinner tonight.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a humanist by its very definition.

Kinda true. Sup Forums was shitting on the BLM niggers who murdered that one black police officer in cold blood.