Before this becomes a Dota vs League thread or a "Overwatch is killing League" thread let me share my experience with you.
I was a 5+ League player, started in Graves patch.
I didn't play ranked until my last 2 years.
Peaked at plat 1 because the meta revolved around assassins at the time and I despise them, Zed, LB, Ekko, Lee Sin, etc. They were not my style.
That being said, let me tell you why the game is "dying".
The game is not close to dying, in fact, its going to gather more and more players, just not players our age, but younger and younger players.
The primary effort of Riot since Tencent bought League has been to enforce a social interaction between players.
3 years ago you could basically take a champ you know how to play and carry the game alone, this is impossible nowadays due to the strict meta, champions designed to counter snowball and tweaks in gold, turrets, drake and baron.
Over the years they have changed League so much its not League anymore. The creativity and thought people put in the game is no more. Instead everyone follows guidelines by top players without questioning them, hence why people are worse by the day, because they pick let's say Janna or Soraka who are strong easy picks and play them the way pros do.
But what happens when those players don't get their star champ? This is when Dynamic queue comes around.
Years ago I would enter the lobby and just let my team pick whatever or call my roles, now you are forced to choose 2 roles, if you choose support as seccondary you will ALWAYS get support, you will never get mid or jungle as they are the most sought positions.
Having the player to focus in only 1 or 2 champs because they will always play A or B role dumbs down the level of the playerbase.
Ranks are meaningless aswell, as gold players can easily climb to plat now with the help of a plat friend, as them being gold v can be paired with a plat 1 without problem.
In shorts, League is not dying. Its spirit is.