Why is it dying?

What when wrong? Why did they start banning their old players and streamers? Is any game that follows a SJWs model doomed to fail? In my opinion the moment they started catering to people's feeling in a game they advertise as competitive and started banning people for saying "ez" or "gg" when they dominated the game started going downhill.

I used to play for 4 years, stopped just before Aurelion Sol was released after getting my first day ban. Been playing for years without warnings but suddenly the game started just handing out restritions for the same behavior and people started reporting a lot more. I stopped playing since, didn't feel like playing a game and fearing for a ban. Sold the account on ebay. But, I'd like to see your opinion on the game.

People are just getting bored of the same shit again and again

Tencent retarded practices killed it. Chinks forget that their shit wont work on anyone outside china for long. Especially when there's a competitor that treats its userbase better than subhumans.
If that was true people wouldn't be playing Dota.

I quit when I noticed that they actually had no idea how to balance the game other than kneejerking nerfs and trying to rebalance entire archetypes of champions at once.
This was even before they brought people like Lyte onboard to crusade against their toxicity meme.

The difference is that Dota is actually a good game and league of legends was just a popular flavor that went viral. Why do you think that most LOL fanbase moved to overwatch?

>Dota is actually a good game

>If that was true people wouldn't be playing Dota.
dota lets you play any combination of heroes in any lane, league has a set meta that Riot forces because they're lazy and nerf anything outside of that like roamers.

dota also has custom games

the developers are literally SJWs
balance is absolute garbage, it's embarassing
"toxic" memery that they're spitting, trash talking is literally one of the best things in online gaming, you're a faggot if you think otherwise
the head of the balancing department is an ADC main, so he gutted one of the most creative characters in the game, that is literally designed to one shot squishies

alot of other things i can't remember right now, i stopped playing in pre s6 or so

> gutted one of the most creative characters in the game
alright, i have to ask, who are you talking about?

It's fine if you understand the changing meta and you aren't shitty to your teammates.

Cause it was the most played game in the world for nearly 7 years

Well. Considering the fact that they don't cater to their fan base. The last time the game was fun was right after the juggernaut introduction. It was fun to play versus these beefy monsters that could murder all of your team mates if he wasn't dealt with quickly. No its all about the strong champions. There are a set of champions that are better than all other champions at what they do. And they can overpower so many other champions that do the same thing. Some champions are also just pick and win. Like Vayne. People will never stop complaining about how overpowered she is, yet Riot Games wont do anything to her. Instead when they "nerf" her lategame they end up buffing her early game which then leads to an overpowered late game. People are losing interest because its not even about your favorite champion anymore. Its about playing the strong ones.

>Banning people for saying GG
its like they want overwatch to kill them

>trash talking is literally one of the best things in online gaming, you're a faggot if you think otherwise

I thought I was the only one who thought this. Trash talking is funny as fuck and I should be allowed. There are too many reddit fags who think that they need a safe space when playing the game and those people need to die.

Like as long as it isn't racist, homophobic or sexist, you shouldn't be banned or it. I actually quit reddit a few years back because I said that trash talking was a part of sports and banning it would just be another reason for League to not be taken seriously as a sport. Imagine if that basketball player would've gotten fined or banned for calling lebron a bitch? That would've been beyond stupid

>>the developers are literally SJWs
my favorite part about this is it shows how hypocritical those people are. they literally built a fanbase on heroes like Miss Fortune that are just TnA. i remember when we were BEGGING for female heroes that aren't just blatant tits and sex appeal and they were just like "no lol"

former LoL fag here. I always hated dota but honestly I did agree that it was objectively the better game. Seems a lot more complex and strategic desu, although I only have about 20 hours in it so I wasn't very good

Still think league is more fun to play tho

Trash talking shouldn't be banned period, just give all players easy straightforward mute options.
Valve knows how to do it right.

>Flexible meta
>Mic chat
>League borrowed dozens of ideas from dota (commends, for instance)
>More strategy, resource management, larger map, more creatures, and more ways to interact with the map
>Thinking Dota is inferior to League
That's like saying Burning Crusade is inferior to WoD. It's just not.

the only thing league has going for it is the lack of turning radius which literally contributes nothing and just makes dota feel clunky and slow.

i remember league had been stagnating for months and then dota2 came out and we finally started getting improvements to the UI and engine... most of them lifted directly from dota2. Riot are hacks.

I recall that too but not the specificities, besides commends. Could you remind me?

Yea, since I played LoL before I played DOTA, the movement felt so clunky and was one of the reasons I stopped playing. Abilities in DOTA are a lot more fun though.

I mean it's impossible to not have a strongest few champions when you want every character in a role to be interchangeable. It just comes down to numbers at that point

Even their meta changes (that they manufacture and that backfire probably about 50% of the time) isn't really anything drastic like meta shifts in other games are, it's just doing the same shit with a different priority list and games are decided by minute differences in play optimization and farm, not big plays or macro strategy.

All in all it's just not fun or interesting to watch.

>Contributes nothing
Are you retarded

Turnrate is the most important balancing tool in all of dota
If you remove turnrate then you have to completely fuck up all your hero designs otherwise you could kite people forever with someone like drow ranger or viper setting off an arms race of gap closing abilities.

No turnrate is the critical thing that completely fucked up LoL and made it awful from the very beginning

Is it actually dying? Riot are pretty retarded but league has been around for a while.

former Dotard here. I always hated LoL but honestly I did agree that it was objectively the better game. Seems a lot more complex and strategic desu, although I only have about 20 hours in it so I wasn't very good

yes god forbid the game feel smooth to play and actually be responsive instead of a clunky mess

dota fanboys are the worst. "muh game is perfect nothing could possibly improve it"

your game is just as shitty as league and all the others, get over yourself

The abilities are more fun because turnrate balances the entire game to let you have stronger abilities

Its getting fucked by overwatch, dotas numbers haven't changed.

Turnrate is not a clunky mess, turnrate is why you can have an autoattack that slows for 50% on a ranged hero without them being bullshit.
If you don't have turnrate then you need to redesign every single meelee hero otherwise they get universally fucked up.

League is a piece of shit and all the others are even worse, only dota is fun.

I meant like the abilities seem to be more impactful and there are some really cool ones. I remember playing a buy with like a buzzsaw that could chop down trees and thought it was pretty awesome. Also played a dude who was like shaco but could stay invisible forever. Seems like everything is OP in dota and everything is UP in LoL

You're talking about timbersaw, if he didn't have to look where he was timberchaining to he would be one of the most broken heroes in the game.
2nd guy is balanced by having very very low health, if the other team buys any detection he dies almost instantly so hes really crap in the hands of most players.

>yes god forbid the game feel smooth to play and actually be responsive instead of a clunky mess
It's why characters skill sets are so homogenized in league, you can't really create a melee / ranged in the game that functions without them having certain key abilities movement,shield, slows

Whether your prefer it or not, the lack of turn rate does have it's own issues and trade offs.

I got banned for insulting people that were feeding. Maybe because they're banning everyone

Why would they ban their top streamers and promoters?
Dunkey for example promoted their game for years now. They didn't even give him in game credit or any recognition at all and just banned him because "not even close, baby" is harassment now or some shit. Critical SJWs, down to the entitled part. It deserves to die.

i got a ten day chat restriction just because i told people that are losing lane to play more carefully and stop going uber aggro and dying over and over again and to ward their lane if they get camped

only replies i got were
>'9x report user toxic flame'
>'report user shit jungler no ganks'

for giving them actual advice on how to not feed as badly
never insulted anyone never offended anyone

a game played by thin skinned faggots that punishes whoever actually tries to win the game can go fuck itself

so i bought overwatch unistalled LoL and never looked back

Riot Games can rot in hell for all i care

>Lol is dying
is this a meme now?

The list could go on...

Told a dude "Hope you get gunned down in the street like the worthless degenerate that you are"

^ This guy's right. There's a reason ranged heroes are the only viable carries in League.

Riot also resists changing their forced laning setup which has been the same for a very long time. There's not that much room for different roles, just different ways of doing the same thing.


>banning people for saying ez / gg
cant believe i used to play this garbage

If you say gg in allchat it means you are telling the team that you just had a Good Game and that they are Bad and basically you are oppressing them and hurting their feelings.

I stopped around 2 months ago for two reasons:

Dynamic queue is a disaster with all these premades mixed with solo players for several reasons.

And over the patch direction over the last year became way too much like WoW, where they don't change things to improve, but just for the sake of change and don't care about balance at all. Their goal is to keep kids interested and sell skins instead having an good esports title

The dude was a feeding faggot that ran down lanes and died on purpose 9 times.

No quite, user. The reason this is banned is because people assume you're mocking them after an easy win or if they had an afk. It's stupid as shit, most people just say it was a good game and that they had fun. No need to ban

8/10 insult , would commend.

I'd have to disagree on the patching. I've seen extremely little that wasn't directly inspired by pro play and the scrub-queue experience. I mean, the entire reason Ryze got reworked is because he was worthless in the hands of the bads and an almost peerless pick in the hands of an expert. It's one thing to disagree with the changes made, it's entirely another to claim that they were made just of for the sake of change, when every indication points to this not being the case.

Cba to google but how exactly was he changed? Isn't he essentially still "le cooldown" mana mage or?

>someone get assblasted by batrider one too many times

Yeah in all honesty he deserved it but that didnt stop riot from hitting the ban button

Dunkey did nuthin wrong. He wuz a gud boi. Went to church evry Sunday.

>And you get a ban!
>And you get a ban!
>And you get a ban!
>g-guys why our playerbase is decreasing obviously we need to ban more people for this

I've said things eighteen billion times worse than that and I've only even gotten the "you have recently been reported" thing once, and I've been playing almost as long as the game has been out. You either didn't get a chat restriction or you did but it wasn't for what you claim. Stop making shit up, retard.

This dude is a shill. Everyone knows that Riot bans for petty shit. No way in hell you said worst stuff and didn't get banned to oblivion. They ban for shit like that. I know people who got banned for trying to tell people to not roam or get jungle buffs. It's apparently harassment to try and coordinate.

His whole kit was slowed down and he has a drastically different ult. You can still fire off a lot of spells in a relatively small amount of time, but they really went all-in on their "windows of power" philosophy, so don't expect to be shotgunning people down like you used to.

I frequently say worse things. Getting banned for toxicity is totally random. Which seems to be a worse thing than just cracking down.

I don't know desu.
Played since early season 2 but lately it just became a rage fest for everyone in our group of friends so we decided to move on and look for better games to play at night.
We rage less against each other playing a fighting game like blazblue than when we played league together, that should say a lot.
Also for some reason it just stopped being fun and it was just boring to play two games in a row.

I think bad balancing overall and retarded mechanics on new characters ruined it a lot, at least for me.

most people say that dynamic que in season 6 is killing it, as someone who has played since S2 up til recently, i'd say that while the balance of this season isn't as bad as most of the others, the game is just a lot less fun. a tank friendly meta is a boring game and it was a tank meta for months until the mage update that broke several mages and made them a pain

I know people who got banned for calling people niggers and faggots, I also know me who hasn't been banned for calling people brain-dead retards who should kill themselves. Some people get banned, other people sneak by.

The meme is that Riot bans for petty shit, if you actually ever look into the supposedly "petty" bans, they don't hold up and every single fucking time it was for crude language or something else explicitly against the rules. No one has ever been fucking banned for just saying "hey, could you please roam" or "come get this blue buff". No one. If you can prove otherwise I will shit my pants and mail them to Riot.

I'm out of the loop. If the game fucked up, what games are former LoL players going to instead?

most jumped shit to overwatch

the ones that still want to play assfaggots moved over to dota

Literally you can google it and prove yourself wrong

There are abilities that revolve around turn speeds and forcing a turn speed makes retreat more of a decision. Doesn't allow the kind of back and forth dancing that dominates LoL

Before this becomes a Dota vs League thread or a "Overwatch is killing League" thread let me share my experience with you.

I was a 5+ League player, started in Graves patch.
I didn't play ranked until my last 2 years.
Peaked at plat 1 because the meta revolved around assassins at the time and I despise them, Zed, LB, Ekko, Lee Sin, etc. They were not my style.

That being said, let me tell you why the game is "dying".

The game is not close to dying, in fact, its going to gather more and more players, just not players our age, but younger and younger players.
The primary effort of Riot since Tencent bought League has been to enforce a social interaction between players.
3 years ago you could basically take a champ you know how to play and carry the game alone, this is impossible nowadays due to the strict meta, champions designed to counter snowball and tweaks in gold, turrets, drake and baron.

Over the years they have changed League so much its not League anymore. The creativity and thought people put in the game is no more. Instead everyone follows guidelines by top players without questioning them, hence why people are worse by the day, because they pick let's say Janna or Soraka who are strong easy picks and play them the way pros do.

But what happens when those players don't get their star champ? This is when Dynamic queue comes around.
Years ago I would enter the lobby and just let my team pick whatever or call my roles, now you are forced to choose 2 roles, if you choose support as seccondary you will ALWAYS get support, you will never get mid or jungle as they are the most sought positions.

Having the player to focus in only 1 or 2 champs because they will always play A or B role dumbs down the level of the playerbase.

Ranks are meaningless aswell, as gold players can easily climb to plat now with the help of a plat friend, as them being gold v can be paired with a plat 1 without problem.

In shorts, League is not dying. Its spirit is.

Op here - Tbh this is the kind of response I was waiting for when I made the thread. Those reasons + the arbitrary ban system and thin skin that seemed to dominate the game are the reasons I quit.

I'm sure it was only for lelz last worlds that everyone picked darius and got pentas with after the brilliant bruiser update

>be dazzle
>0.00 rune spawn
>my offlane pa gets stunned
>i get the rune before the enemy weaver does
>my pa proceeds to flame me the entire game for taking it
>i babysit this retard till the end of the game
>entire enemy team mad at me because my team is literally unkillable thanks to me
>faggot PA spergs out and gets the entire enemy team to report me in exchange for commends
>enjoy low priority user ;)
>report him for language abuse
>"we recently taken action..."

If league would gain more players, riot would release numbers like they used to. They stopped that a while ago.
Just like blizzard and WoW, when it got downhill and they stated the amount of players is not importent to them, because that's not the best way to tell how much money they make, which is true.

game is getting stale
riot as developers are seriously far behind on everything it feels like (they're only just getting to an alpha on their new client and they STILL don't have an official replay system)
dynamic queue is a shitfest

>started banning people for saying "ez" or "gg"
That never happens faggot, stop being the fucking retard that's pretending that "innocent people" get banned.

The only tards get banned are raging manchildren which cannot control their anger and feelings. I've never once been banned despite talking shit on my opponents pretty much every game.

But then we have fucktards like you who probably wrote something like "FUCKING GAY ASS NIGGERS STOP FUCKING FEEDING" in 10+ games and then act surprised when you get banned. What's even more retarded is that you then act as if you wouldn't get banned in pretty much any online game except for on private servers when saying shit like this.

Fuck off and play some Tetris instead


user you don't know what you are talking about over here.
Don't make a fool of yourself and try to argue why someone should be punished for calling some guy fuckface over the internet.

I'm sure they said at some point that they gave up on the replay system, because third party sites have them.
They are not very reliant desu, sometimes replays are not showing up.

I got a warning for saying ez post game

How many Riot Point(tm) were you paid?

I hate how shitty junglers are these days

It's like if you're not in a duo with a jungler then they just play on auto pilot for the the entire game

If I'm playing a champ does deals a lot of damage early like Leblanc then fucking gank for me so we can kill this ass hole and stop afk farming

That shit is the worst

>Play top
>If your jungler ganks you before your opponent you win
>If their jungler ganks you before yours you lose
>Your jungler never ever ganks you first
>Even if he is a early gank champ
>He builds full damage
>Ends the game 1/4/2
>"wtf top no help"

Being a top main for 5 years is something I wouldn't recommend if you want to be free of tumors.

It depends more on what the opponent lanes are playing and how far people push. Ganking high mobility champions is a much bigger risk than camping something like an ashe or low mobility toplaner.

I despise LoL for the meta-slavery enforced by devs. Which is only one of the things where the gameplay freedom of DotA gets narrowed down to the simple choice, at best, in LoL. But surely the most infuriating. The very point of DotA was the plethora of different ways to play and win, both at individual level and team level. Sure, it involves a lot of retards and retardation, but overall it's interesting and fun. In LoL fun mostly gets down to playing the laning minigame better than your opponents and doing your part in teamfights, both in a mostly set-in-stone way. There remains some freedom still, but it gets smaller and smaller by the season.

And yet I never funking see any proof. You faggots can shout shill all the fuck you want in lack of having any actual counter argument. Come on, revv up those report cards and show me some proof because I've yet to fucking see any example over the past 3 years.

I googled "lol warning for saying ez" and got a whole page of people complaining about them getting banned or chat restricted

I played top lane exclusively in season 5 and switched to mid/bot lane in season 6 because of how fucking awful that lane is

It's literally whoever freezes the lane near their turret first wins because your ass is either getting ganked or you're getting no farm

user clearly works for Riot, don't reply

And yet in every goddamn instance it turned out that they were lying through their teeth, hence why I asked for report cards.

Since, you know, you actually fucking see what they were reported and banned for. You do realise that you get banned for doing shit constantly and not for a single instance, right?

Does Dota or Lol have better girls?

>most popular online game
>find a match the instant you press search
Nah nigga you're fucking retarded.

I'm sure waifus are one of the main things that keep the game alive

You mean instant when picking support as main role. Good luck with that instant invite when you want to be mid/top mate. I will be back in 10 minutes

>Pick a Melee bruiser/tank
>Against Lulu, Lissandra or Karma
>Your jungler never ganks

pretty sure I mean blind pick.

Honestly, the same reason that made them popular, now it's going to kill them: being a free game.
The more popular it gets, the more little kids you get ruining your games, and Riot's anti-feeding, systerm, anti-cheating, is basically garbage, and in the case they do manage to ban someone, you can just just a new account for cheap, or just make a new one for free.
There's also the fact that Riot's balance team doesn't seem to play the game at all or are complete retards.

Sometimes I think about reinstalling LoL but then I remember all of my favorite champs have been reworked into unrecognizability and all my favorite strats have been nerfed or removed.

>tfw you will never made pubbers mad with alistar millenaire stacking sotd and suicide pushing towers again

Why are there so many fucking champions? Christ give the game 2 or 3 a year at most, you don't need to pump em out on a biweekly basis or whatever the hell they do now a days. That roster way too fucking big. How in the hell can anyone expect a game to be balanced with that many characters.

I totally forgot this still exists

>SotD not in the game
>No more 3 shots Malphite

Life is pain.

Bc overwatch and pokeshit go

remember when ashe went mid
remember how mad that ashe would get if you went red pot q first shaco and one shot them right at level 1

But which has the superior waifus

everyone has already played it for 2-3 years.

I go with league. Dota characters look too much like power ranger monsters