Aladdin. Lion King and Jungle Book classics are now on GOG

Aladdin. Lion King and Jungle Book classics are now on GOG

Are they worth playing?

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Fuck yeah my son

You'll never beat the lion king

Where's pocahontas?

You just want to be a king, don't you OP?

how different is lion king from the snes game?

Well, it's the Virgin version of Aladdin, which was the superior of the two, but I can't get over that shitty UI that chops off the top of the screen.

Those games were hard as fuck. Only beat Aladdin SNES but never Lion King or Jungle Book.

No one ever did, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a Reptile Alien Freemason trying to consume your soul.

Aladdin was the easiest out of the bunch i think.

I remember beating Jungle Book as well (Or maybe fighting the final boss) and never made it past the skull graveyard in Lion King.

>those prices
>for roms

I must have played an inferior version of lion king somewhere because I remember beating it as a kid over the weekend I rented it. Maybe those are fake memories my mind came up with to shield me from the horror or something.

I could get all the way to the final boss (Scar) in Lion King pretty reliably, but I could never beat that fucker once I did.

Wait, there were PC ports?


Those games got PC versions.

Get out of here reptile!

Disney Genesis games were goat.

Thats even worse since there was 0 effort involved.

Thats wrong.
A PC game that worked flawless on Win 95 doesn't need to work flawless on Windows 7. You need to patch them.

>Windows 7
Lmao grandpa get windows 10

>OP text got me excited as fuck
>click pic

>those prices

10 eurodollaroos is a bit much.

Would have considered at 5 or lower.

They're the exact same game but the SNES version has shittier music

Enjoy wallowing in your shit, baby.

Only played the lion king one, but it taught me to love pain.

Well, it and Toy Story

I'm pretty sure the only way to beat it is to use an emulator and abuse save states, because back in the day you had three lives no continues to get through like fourteen levels of pure psychic terrorism

When you play them pretty much everyday eventually you progress further and further until you beat it. That was the deal back then.

>never made it past the skull graveyard

I think the farthest I made it was to the night level when you were an adult. A game where everything is trying to kill you and death means restarting from scratch should not have random jaguars popping out and boulders flying in from offscreen.

I did beat the game, eventually. On an emulator, after having given up like ten times.

>playing a game
>suddenly the computer restarts with no warning
>can't disable auto-restart or auto-update

modern technology :^)))

I beat Lion King. It's a lot easier than I remembered but the part where you rode that animal was pretty hard still. Was a lot shorter than I remember too. Never beat Jungle Book though.

Look, it's clear why no one of us could beat Lion King legit.

Because we are not worthy to be kings. It stands to reason that only the King would be able to beat it, right?

SNES or Genesis ports?

Once you get over the humps, it's not so hard.

2D platformers, how do they work

>look in Humble store
>no Alaadin to be found
Are you trying to ruse us?


Never mind I'm retarded just realized it's GOG.

Win95/DOS versions, which were made by Virgin, meaning the Genesis versions.

I remember dying a lot at the ostrich section but after that it was pretty easy.

mega or torrent link?

>9 immigrantbucks for a snes game

I've never played any of them, are they worth the buy? I've only seen bits of the lion king.


I never watched any of them.

fuck off the pc versions are better than those ninty farts

Dunno if they are for that price, but atleast Lion King and Aladdin are great platformers.



>Jungle Book
Never played, but yes

>Lion King
FUCK NO, you will make it to the second level with flamingos then rage quit.

>Fucking Jungle Book and not something that's actually good like Castle of Illusion
Why bother

Why not play the superior Dendi versions?

I'd say Alaadin and Lion King are worth playing.
Never played the Jungle Book.
I assume these are similar to the Genesis versions which were superior.

indeed that's a lot, but at least they're the definite versions



They were among the best games of that era. I still have the cartridges somewhere. I wouldn't pay anywhere near that much though. Very disappointing price.

I'll just say I'm very sad that you weren't able to play them as a kid in the height of the Disney hype in that era.

Play Toy Story too.


Lion king wasn't hard though..

>wanting Toystory

That game was pure bullshit

>Play Toy Story too
That's right, there was a time when Traveller's Tales wasn't just farting out Lego games every 6 months.

I don't care to know you

I see we got someone with shit taste here, lads.

I played Toy Story, I remember bits and pieces, don't think I ever got very far. i was shit

All I played was Sonic the Hedgehog. I wasn't much into games back then, no one in my family really was.

I'm still tempted to buy them. I loved the Lion King, didn't know there was a game until recently.


I remember getting to Scar in Lion King and I couldn't figure out how to knock his ass off the cliff.

I'm sure he's just being cute about the game's difficulty.

It is funny these """"kid""""""" games were immensely challenging though.

You could just read it in the manual--- oh, wait.

Ah, yeah.
Lotta games back then were like that.
I didn't beat many of my games when I was a kid.
I did get to beat Alaadin on Genesis at least.
Felt damn good too.

I started with Nintendo and SMB but I was still a Sanicmanic as a kid. Loved both dearly though.

The original Rayman is harder than any of those

I don't think so. My friend played most of it in front of me while I was half paying attention recently and he died nonstop. Later in the game he asked me to try(for the millionth time) and I said fuck it and beat the level pretty fast after never playing it before.

I had to put in the 99 lives cheat for him so many times. He is a few years younger though and didn't start with the nes/Genesis era. Started with PS1.

He means the side scrolling Woody game. That game was fucking impossibly hard. Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue, however, is great.

>He means the side scrolling Woody game. That game was fucking impossibly hard.
uhh yea, we know.

I never really played Nintendo games, I stuck with Sega and Sony growing up. Only thing I had was the handhelds, but I didn't even get a GBA. Which is a shame, because all the games looked super fun and I regret never getting to play them, ha.


if you get double dragon 2 on steam you can get these games for free on the workshop

Lion King = Yes

Jungle Book = Yes

Aladdin = Yes

one day while andy was masturbating


sid sleeps with his ass stickin out

what do you think the lore behind that is, kid obviously had issues.

is merc ded?

>this is all he does after he stopped nintendroning in Sup Forums
fucking sad tbqh

I just bought the Aladdin one, don't care about the others.





why not just play the emaladers?

Steam versions when?

>tfw I JUST completed Aladdin for MD 2 nights ago

Is there any actual reason to buy the PC version or should I stick to emulating it? like what enhancements or extras are we talking about here?

the only extras are the opportunity to spend 10 cuck bucks on it

cody's too underage to ever play emulators

he's even wants CEMU shut down

Think I'll stick with Kega then.


do they actually work?

Kega Fusion user. MD/Genesis emulator.

>buying from GoG

Nigger, you just pirate them.

holy shit cody

I still own the physical copies for PC from back in the day.

And fuck yes, they're worth playing.

Now if they'd add Cold Shadow aswell, then we'd have the toppest tier PC 2D platformers.

You are joking.


Just get Aladdin, the only solid game from the bunch

>ruggarell is back being a trip

at least he's not anonymous anymore

>can't disable auto-restart
patently wrong, have it disabled right now

That faggot deserved it for changing to a brand new OS which made it clear it doesn't give a fuck what you want.

He would have earned it just by changing to a brand new OS that just barely came out.