this site is cancer and everyone at it
Fuck reddit and fuck kappa
>3494 upthumbs
epic, simply epic :DD
Anyone got the source on the image that shit heap uses for its banner?
Not that this site is any more viable for actual discussion, so what are you trying to say here?
It has good porn.
This board is fucking cancer wtf kind of thread is this where are the videogames
Yeah, I don't get this website elitism that goes on, everyone kisses 4chans ass but it's the most cancery autistic place on the net.
>Daily fluffy pony abuse threads
>Undertale generals
>Constantly talks about porn of most franchises (This is villified by most people when talking about other sites like tumblr)
>literally birthed bronies
Basically, if a site or whatever gets shat on for something, Sup Forums has it in spades but gets a special pass cause they used to bully children over the internet and that's super cool?
didi Sup Forums fly poongko anywhere
well as long as you realize this site is cancer and you are too
how many alts have you made this week OP
What's the point of this thread?
>Doesn't happen
>Doesn't happen anymore
>There's nothing wrong with talking about porn
>False again
If you weren't so new and autistic you'd never make this idiotic post. Now go back to /reddit.
To post fighting game asses
The nun was so perfect I stopped fapping to any other ino character I fucking swear.
Are you retarded?
You've just shown how much you don't use this site "I haven't seen these so they don't happen"
And then you have the gall to call me new? Haha go fuck yourself.
Plus I didn't say there was something wrong with talking about porn, but people sure love to vilify it.
r/kappa is just people butthurt about smash
r kappa is decent for porn but when they're terrible when they try to be serious.
also don't get why they have so many smash threads on the frontpage despite hating them
go back 2 reddit you fucking faggot.
>inb4 s-some subs are good!! just steer clear of the front page!
Fucking neck yourself
This is unprecedented knowledge OP
so i should stop using useful places like /r/gamedeals and /r/buildapcsales just because they're on reddit?
you're trying to fit in too hard
>it's a "user thinks the worst subreddit is representative of reddit as a whole" thread
no, you should stop using this place because you're fucking cancer
>redditor speaks in [template] memes
wow color me
so i'm cancer for using a other site for something useful?
This site is actually way more suited for discussion. Text and images are displaced easily and logically (top to bottom) and there's no upvoting, which seeks to eliminate dissenters and stifles discussion. That and it's relatively unmoderated.
You honestly won't find a better site for discussion
you're cancer for coming here from reddit
I don't know why people publicly say they use Plebbit on this site, do they want to be shamed? Just keep it to yourself and no one cares.
nah, browsed this site way before i even knew about reddit
not to mention threads lifespans are dictated by posts and discussion, not user voting. active topics get replies and stay alive longer. it's much better than the "teaching people how and what to think" setup reddit has where things the consensus don't like die right away.
whatever you say newfag