W-why haven't you p-pre ordered your copy yet Sup Forums?
It's going to be good, you'll all see
I-It'll be the best, Sup Forums is, Sup Forums is always wrong,
W-why haven't you p-pre ordered your copy yet Sup Forums?
I'll pre-order if you get on all fours and lick my cunny like the filthy mongrel you are.
i've got a 30€ ebay coupon 5free mindestbestellwert is 35€
is it worth 5€ ?
I don't get hyped for new games anymore, at least, not hyped enough to pay full price at launch. Steam, GMG, trading, and G2A have spoiled me with their low prices. Also, I can't justify paying full price for a game that looks similar to other indie crafting/exploration games. Normies I know are excited for this but it seems shallow to me. Pass, and wait until it's $10.
Fuck off Sean, We are kicking you out and changing the key
i just did infact! looks pretty comfy
i've seen trailers for this game
looks nice and everything but i have no clue what the gameplay is supposed to be like.
I'll probably end up downloading the Steam release after it's been cracked. Looks interesting but my Internet connection is third world at the moment and cracked repacks are usually smaller.
It's on gog.
Either rip will do, depending on size and seeders.
>DRM free
My point was that since gog is drm free you'll be able to get it day one without having to wait for a crack. That's what I'm going to do
literally just bears
>gender: prime
Americans everyone
>the child is just an adult with an oversized head
it's like seeing that "don't talk to me of my son ever again" meme, but in an overhyped game
a fucking bear with spikes and tail.
just what the fuck.
Gender: Prime.
I want this SJW meme to end.
A completely unique procedurally generated alien species user. Do not steal.
There is no fucking way I'm giving money to GoG.
already did, friendo. looks good.
>tfw not stupid enough to listen to hype or shitposting
I just want to fly around space and occasionally explore some planets
How fucking retarded are you?
It's worth 60
What is the purpose of the chicken walkers other than being a shameless rip off of AT-STs?
There's hardly anything to do in space, so get ready to explore planets and occasionaly fly around space.
Americans everyone
Meant to quote
well Sup Forums was right about pokemon go dying and being normie trash...
what the fuck are those things.
just what the fuck.
are they 2 legged or 4 legged.
and those fucking tusks.
well, no man's sky i guess.
i did preorder
cant wait and genuinely hyped
keep trying to shitpost literally most hyped game in years im sure you honestly believe youre making a difference being a drop in a sea of shitters on Sup Forums the literal place with nothing but shitposters spamming shitposts
youre honestly pathetic i bet you even played souls games offline on pc and never once experienced an invasion or jolly coop and pretended thats how souls games are supposed to be played
I can't tell if you're serious. What does souls game have to do with NMS?
>he got a multiplat western open world game on console instead of PC
Why would anyone do that? Are you very poor?
But that's what children look like
Is this game really an unplayable buggy mess or was that guy with the leaked copy full of shit?
>Pre-ordering a digital indy game
Two massive gorilla arms and then two back bull legs. The algorithm doesn't have any rules so you'll see more retarded shit that has random body parts thrown on.
We'll know in a few days. Maybe the day 1 patch will address some of the instability.
>implying bears look like that
They are clearly SPACE bears, totally different.
-20 C
>Grass, wildlife and fauna
That is not how it fucking works
>different universe, different rules tho :^)
Oh fuck off.
at least i'll kek a bit while playing
I don't know, some of the shit seemed pretty deep-rooted. Like sea monsters spawning in ponds and gear upgrades doing exactly the opposite of what they claimed.
American logic everyone
Oh so it's going to be a universe filled with community-made spore creatures?
It's pretty obvious the game was very rushed despite taking 4 years to develop.
I suspect that they ended up in development hell at some point and had to cut back a lot on the projected features at some point to get the game out. What we've seen in leaked footage so far looks like a demo compared to what was promised.
That looks good, is it a real screenshot by a leaker or some promotional stuff?
Sounds exactly like Starbound's pre-release.
No need to stutter you piece of shit. are there even any alternatives to buy?
Atleast not on consoles..
There are hardly any games worth playing
It's such a shame how this game where launched. At the sony convention, last game, hype already high. It's NO MANS SKY.. "well what can it do?" I CAN DO EVERYTHING!" Wow really everything? thats alot. cool". But it can't It's just a pretty "walking simulator" like firewatch or promehsies or what ever that was called. If it just came out of no where it would have been huge. The hype killed the game.. the hype.. killed.. the game.
From what we've seen, very possibly. Except without the drastic skeletal structure modification. I think every stream I've seen has had nothing but the same one quadrupedal body type with different parts thrown.
Gamers have lost all sense of why people play games.
You can beat Super Mario Bros in 6 fucking minutes but people spend endless hours just having fun
>having fun
Also, you shouldn't quantify dollars to 'minutes played' on a game you haven't played yet.
he's a pc shitter who is forced to play in offline mode due to how cancerous pc playerbase is, sitting here spamming shitposts because of a hype ps4 game, delayed on PC
if i have to spell it out any more for you, your oblivious
im more rich than you are, and i have an i7 and 980, im still going to play on ps4, because i dont want the cancer that is the PC playerbase ruining the game for me, and having most of the content ruined and little faggots like yourself speedhacking to the center of the galaxy and naming half the planets to nigger and shit.
hopefully the planets will be on separate databases, and the cancer that is PC playerbase will be contained.
Nice buzzword.
my brother pre-ordered it, im not trying to hold out hope for it
I partly agree. But in the end these are your expectations that you built up.
I still see the same in NMS as when it first shown.. comfy exploring simulator..
Dont let v kill it for you
What's your point? We've seen a bunch of leaked footage of the game already, I think it makes sense to estimate how long it's going to keep us entertained.
What are you talking about, the game comes out only a few days later on PC. Why are you trying to turn this into a console war you mentally disabled piece of shit?
The game doesn't even have a real multiplayer mode and the likelihood of ever encountering a planet named by somebody else is quite small.
they are not community made.
>im more rich than you are
Why are you lying on the internet? No you're not, kid. And my dad is stronger than yours.
>There is no fucking way I'm giving money to a company that distributes DRM-less video games and doesn't try to fuck consumers in the ass
This was obvious from the start. They never even said you can do everything. They said the game doesn't tell you what to do. Hype happened because for whatever reason people can't tell the difference between the two.
Fucks your problem faggot?
Not literally, man.
Who the fuck are you calling faggot you little bitch?