Could Activision get away with this in 2016?
Could Activision get away with this in 2016?
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DESU i don't think they would try to do it with all that happened lately
Looking back it's kind of crazy it even happened.
I don't care what people say, the campaign was amazing.
Nobody in news actually cares about video games. They just use them to distract people when important votes are going in congress.
I really wish that last sentence was tinfoil satire.
Fuck no.
It was already a massive controversy back in 2009. Activision would probably get slapped with an AO rating and have to remove it.
>Looking back it's kind of crazy it even happened.
it's almost if this inspired ISIS
>they're all white
No way could they get away with that these days.
Anyone will and can get away with making another scene like this, even killing children.
But activision has too many advisors and they would ever consider making it again. It would be bad PR.
only if the shooter is white
if he was a slim they would be sued out of business
Don't think you understand how suing works.
Make Modern Warfare the movie, and they could.
There's like 4 diferent faces for all this people and 3 shirts
they're all white, rich and privileged
also russians, who are, like, the biggest shitlords in the world atm desu senpai~
>im a muslim
>activision implies im a terrorist
>sue them and win
wew lad
>Remember: kill the russians
The japanese dub was simply incredible.
>to be honest and famiglia is wordfiltered
wow what a bunch of candy-asses
If Hatred got shit on just for being a edgylord twinstick shooter, imagine this
>also russians, who are, like, the biggest shitlords in the world atm desu senpai~
Why does modern Russia get so much flak in vidya?
I guess they need bad guys
Fuck off with your nigger-speak
Hatred only got shit because SJWs were trying REEEAALLY fucking hard to somehow make it fit into their narrative of racism, sexism whatever else ism at the time
nobody really cared
Postal 1 was released on steam a few months ago which is pretty much the same game and nobody gave a shit
I was using them ironically
Son, you haven't seen how millennials text each other.
The entire American news network is used to distract people from important votes.
What have you heard about congress in the past 3 months? Flint is still in the shitter, people are forced to pay for water they can't use, because water companies are lobbying against fixing it.
But you sure know about how Trump's wife plagiarized a portion of her speech!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
t. angry citizen
Why hasn't anyone made a terrorist simulator? Not even some decent indie studio.
Something like Hatred, but less of a shooting spree and more of a planning/stealth operation, like Hitman but you plant bombs to blow lots of people up.
Each stage could have different ways to kill people, like explosives, guns, vehicles, setting the building on fire, poison gas and so on.
not after recent events
Calm your tits roody-poo
Shut the fuck up you fucking moron and stop trying to spread your insecurity bullshit on this fucking board. Literally immediately or I swear to god I will fucking fight you. Take every opportunity you can to MAKE SURE WE KNOW YOU HATE BLACKS, GAYS, TRANS PEOPLE!!!! WOW!!! YOU'RE SO EDGY! HOLY SHIT! OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO COOL!!!
Fucking kill yourself you pathetic piece of subhuman garbage. I am apoplectic and ABSOLUTELY sick of these kinds of posts. #19659317 Sup Forumspost was one too many. Time to go to a different website to spread your ignorance, shitbreath.
If you have to ask, you might want to seek help
Even people who care not a whit for human life know the answer
An airport? probably not
at least not after the attacks in Belgium or wherever it was a couple of months ago
even if I was a game developer I'd be paranoid about putting something like that in my game, even if it got past the rating board. Next thing you know you got a religion of peace disciple at your door demanding your head on a platter.
Is this some copy pasta? I don't lurk here too much.
>sue a multimillion dollar company for your own insecurites
>go against million dollar lawyers
>fill your ass up with huge legal fees even if you win
I wonder if someone made a game about the crusades, would the SJWs go nuts about it ?
Holy shit the shooter on the right and the male civ closest to him have the same face
>it's almost if this inspired ISIS
More like the weekly mass shooting in the US did
No, I took the time to type that out because political posters have been ruining this board since december and I'm fucking sick of reading alt-rightist bullshit, followed by generic liberal nonsense.
If these faggots don't shut the fuck up, I mean Jesus Christ.
>There's only conservatives and liberals
They're so fucking stupid.
Shit, really desu senpai
they probably have but its probably some flash game, i remember a bunch from newgrounds.
its games, stop taking things so fucking seriously user, its that kind of backward ass thinking that makes people go around shooting in the first place.
This is what killed it for me the first time I played.
Like mowing down an airport full of clones. Shit was stupid.
Games are an interactive medium and the last thing anyone wants is for some edgy fuck to draw a bunch of attention to their hobby with their ACTUAL terrorist simulator
It does nothing in the long run but short-term it's fucking annoying
No because Muslims won that war
>Oh my gosh the internet hate machine is RACIST!?!?!?!?!DX
hey shithead tumbrl and reddit is in the next corner
>"Le noo you gb2 Sup Forums abloo ablooo"
All boards since the beginning has some power level dont delude yourself that this hell hole was full of tolerant and libertard morons
Kinda made the whole thing hard to take seriously when there were 3 or 4 different animations total for all the people.
Oh, so you're one of those "Yeah X is bad, but isn't Y just as bad? I mean bla bla bla" type of people.
This place is not for you.
I dunno, what was the consensus in the last thread?
I felt it was weak. Should have been an American airport. They were just controversial enough to get a publicity thing going on, but not controversial enough to get a higher rating or a ban.
Fuck off r/Tumblr
>So you're a person who tries not to be biased towards two equally rigged parties?
Wow, fuck me, right?
Shut the fuck up with your buzzwords, newfag. I have no doubt you were linked here directly from Tumblr, Funnyjunk or Reddit yourself.
If you don't get the point, let me spell it out for you.
>Sup Forums - Video Games
>Sup Forums - Political
>posting political shit on a video games board
>not getting banned/warned for posting off-topic garbage
That's my problem. Also
>Thinking Sup Forums was genuinely racist/hateful before 2010
Jesus Christ, I fucking hate millennials.
and I thought we were past the 'vidya causes violence' 90's bullshit by now.
funny cause you have the same pattern of response as the guy who told me nuking megaton doesn't morally matter because its an offscreen kill.
oh well, if you seriously think playing a simulator makes you like your character in reality you probably need to off yourself before you hurt someone, just sayin.
>If someone disagrees with me, they're a libtard tranny nig who uses Tumblr
I've been here longer than you. You'd be surprised how often political posters have been posting here lately, compared to a few years ago, when Sup Forums actually discussed Video Games and porn
You're not even reading what I'm saying, you sperg
I'm saying I don't want fucking idiots (like you) drawing unnecessary attention to my hobby from other fucking morons (again, like you) because of something nobody will actually buy, because if they wanted to play Hitman, they'd just play Hitman.
I remember it being jerky but never noticed the fucking clones running around
tbf fammo, they were there to kill russians.
Why even reply. You just showed exactly how much you don't know and that you would lose.
Russia is white so no one will cry racism if you make them the bad guys, they're strong enough to be a credible threat to 'murica if we were at war with them, and lately they've been bad little boys who haven't been doing everything western liberal democracies have told them to do like in the 90's so the media villifies them.
>Postal 1 was released on steam a few months ago
lol retard postal 1 has been made fucking 20 years ago
lol nigger
>Tumblr, Funnyjunk or Reddit yourself.
Do you have shit in your brain?
I came from funnyjunk btw :^)
I understand avoiding speaking Russians so they don't get identified but what about the security cameras?
>Why hasn't anyone made a terrorist simulator?
Looks like a couple of white male cis scum wirh no woman in sight about to be shot down. So yeah they can probably get away with it.
Just dont put a woman or a muslim in there and it would be A OK
>I came from funnyjunk btw :^)
>saw le epic people of Sup Forums screenshot on funnyjunk
>decide to look it up
>holy shit what is this format cant handle this
>in a year browse occasionally, go away everytime wtf how can people browse this terrible format
>found out about the catalog a year later
>what have i done
>yfw Sup Forumsacks are the new furries
No, I think we have higher standarsd nowadays regarding lazy copy paste of NPCs.
Right here. Defend liberal ideals like BLM and equal pay with the power of mass shootings.
Any team that goes past the joking stage would have their doors kicked in by the Feds.
it was good, now i feel like playing all 3 MW campaigns right now even tho 3rd was meh
Can you imagine the shitstorm if you played a muslim guy
>This post was 3 years ago
>someone says nigger
>anti-Sup Forums flips the fuck out
Famiglia to be honest desu
Yeah this place is nice im here forever
no user
child killing is like, the ONE THING no company, not even AAA CD Projekt, would do because it would be a PR nightmare and destroy ANY company who even thought of it.
>Someone made a relevant political comment for the umpteenth time in the past 4 years on a Video Game board
>People are angry
Senpai pls desu
sure, those people are just freako clones with weird length arms and odd hands.
its a cleansing of the weak and freak
Didn't what was left of Infinity Ward kill a kid in Modern Warfare 3, but no one gave a shit because it was MW3?
no user
t. user since 2004
All he said was famalam is nigger speak, which it is.
That's a very loaded statement, like every other Sup Forumsack post, and probably intentionally so.
If you want the attention so bad, I'm giving it to you. Now you're rejecting me? Make up your fucking mind.
Nobody's trying to impress you by saying nigger homie
>german media tries to incite blame against killer games after the munich mall shooting
erry tiem
lol get a laod of this newfag
nigger has been used in Sup Forums since day 0
stop injecting your political shit into everything.
>muh flint was killed by corperashunz
No they didn't. Jews own Jerusalem.
and I don't want people like you holding back games because muh morality but lifes a bitch and we don't always get what we want.
now go back to your safe space where you can't be triggered namefag.
Yeah, yeah.
>1000 political posts a day
>I'm doing nothing wrong, I swear
Why is bad for content like this to be published, I mean even MGS2 took out small bits of content due to the 9/11 attacks but why do that, games aren't realistic or reflect modern times. Its just a bunch of pixels what the fuck does political correctness have to do with games in the first play
>that mission in MW3 with the chemical attacks on London
Because some special snowflakes get triggered and offended
I dunno, people get butthurt too easily. Like in this thread for example.
Wow, way to out yourself as a newfag. People were never this edgy especially on Sup Forums. I can't wait until you have to go back to school.
It was a cutscene. You don't control the character as he pulls the trigger or anything.
The talking point will come when a game lets you go out and kill kids yourself.
You fail to understand.
It was thrown around like any other insult. Now, the use of it (and various other political statements, like libturd, tranny, faggot) are being used in politically charged statements. The problem is that these posts are not related to video games. I am tired of reading off-topic bullshit. I don't care if you're calling me a nigger for no reason, but the original post was politically motivated and I am fucking sick of reading that shit. So fuck yourself.
Did Activation predicted the future?
Yes, it pushes the mainstream media narrative that white men are all psychopaths who can't stop shooting crowds of people every time they step out in public, therefore we must make "weapons of war" illegal on our streets.
They use they same engine they used back in yeah they could get away with those ugly graphics in 2016.
good work contributing to that derail, nigger.
next time do the right thing call him back a nigger instead of trying to inject political shit into it
There's a remake coming retard.
The actual topic of this thread is more political than calling familia nigger speak.