How do we fix Zangief?
How do we fix Zangief?
There is literaly nothing wrong with Zangief in this cosplay.
>fix what is not broken
>Zangief will never crush your head like a sparrow egg between his thighs
why live
Well, first he has to sit on my face for 2 hours.
Get him some bears to wrestle. Things will sort themselves out.
Give him back green hand and make SPD comes out faster
>tfw look exactly like that
>tfw only gays like it
Give him fireballs
Wow, unfortunate
>give gief a fireball
That would be incredibly wierd from a character perspective.
But something to deal with fireballs would better
Sad how? For the faggot gief player spamming his CA hoping for the best. Literally no different to faggots who'd just do Ultras in USFIV.
That is not my husbando
He could have literally won with an ex air SPD. That thing has absurd range and would have grabbed Mika before the roundhouse came out.
>cinematics don't affect fighting games they said
By getting that ass banned
Stop forcing this unfunny faggot, you fuck.
Fuck you, he's perfect.
>being THIS mad you don't have BBC
>le ebin BBC cock meme
Fuck off, degenerate scum.
Oh look, its LowTi3rShill who has been ducking tournaments since he got his ass blasted by Viscant.
Said no one ever.
Grapplers have been fucked by timer scamming and supers since the 90s.
Lose some weight then fatso
full screen SPD 1f startup
>plays videogames
>calls others degenerates
Get fucked cuck-hold
Post some pics handsome
Gief is an honest character in a game where everything has gotten just a little bit fraudulent
I honestly don't know what you can do that won't take him over the top
Biggest real fix would be tightening up the innate lag
Better range on larete for more combos that is the biggest thing other then that better range on mediums would be nice. Maybe half damage vtrigger armor or faster gray health recovery
so is this a husbando thread or a SFV thread can somebody clear that up for me so i can shitpost in peace
Impove lariat and give him a decent wakeup
isn't there a fighter where as long as hits or damage is being taken, the timer doesn't count down or freezes during supers?
Zangief isn't about combos or range.
He's about getting in and staying in.
He needs his green hand
So you want to give him a "get-in free card"?
l prefer Zangief actually working for his damage.
Marvel and Skullgirls.
you know
the fucking move he has had for FUCKING EVER?
why don't we take away ryus fucking srk?
Bring back Mecha Gief.
fix 8f delay
here, u fixed zangief
Give him the k spd back. That's it.
What were the difference ?
give him a big fat cock
Faster SPD. At least 3 frames for EX.
Lariat has a slight vacuum effect, making it connect from further out so it's a more reliable combo ender.
Increased grey life recovery after v-skill.
They did take away Ryu's donkey kick.
>tfw no hairy bf
>tfw hairy bf
>tfw no hairy gf
give him back green hand and he's fine
>tfw cannot romance wreck-it-ralph verse zangief
So are all Gief players latent homosexuals?
>Crush Counter EX Green Hand into SPD
You already can dash forward after crush counter and spd
I know but if you could cc with an invincible green hand it would be stupidly broken
K spd has muh much quicker recovery time and it also dodges low fireballs
You also get better corner carry and oki.
>dodges low fireballs
Yeah, let's make him a copy of KoF's Raiden.
>Something retarded happens
Why am I unsurprised.
is k spd just strictly supperior to p spd or what
SPD is now 4 frames, EX is 3 and has armor
Lariat is better all around, give him a fast version in 4
he can dash out of V-skill
V-trigger isn't garbage
more combos
lp spd has the best range of any command grab in the game and did 180 dmg, and hp spd has the most damage (250).
If I'm not mistaken k spd does the same damage on all versions, just that if you did it far from the opponent it you'd get running bear grab instead.
Give him a reflector type move. It would give him a character appropriate way to deal with fireballs.
Give him a dp
Give him green hand again and a 4f lp spd.
I'd give him a dp alright
zangief a CUTE
Whats up with Nash players recently ?
3/3 I faced today, they sandbag and taunted me and left after one game. I'm not a bitch I don't care if you want to show your epenis with a taunt but stay for the best of 3 for fuck sake. Whats the point of doing a best of 1, it's fucking irrelevant, no tourneys ever is "best of 1". Fucking hell.
It's always the Nash and Necalli players that does this shit. Those characters attract edgy kids.