What happened to Troy Baker? He used to be a great guy in anime dubbing and JP games.
What happened to Troy Baker? He used to be a great guy in anime dubbing and JP games
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>Literally 'DELETE THIS' the petition
Why are sonycucks so pathetic?
He burned out.
he laid his bed with Konami and bad mouthed Guy Cihi
Uncharted 4 really was bad though. Should petition to remove the 90+ scores 2bh.
Who cares about him?
We have a literal clone Mercer which too this day i keep mistaking him for Troy.
>Why are sonycucks so pathetic?
objectively, why are you talking shit about shit you don't know ?
>we are not cucks, promise!
Can someone explain this? I can't give less of a shit about the whole console wars thing, but it's just mindblowing to see people make PETITIONS to remove A FUCKING REVIEW. Making petitons to remove a subjective opinion of someone written in words.
Modern contracts have clauses which pay bonuses for highly rated games. If he was in a 10/10 game that sold like Uncharted 4 did, then he would be paid more. A 9.9/10 game doesn't pay as ridiculously high.
I signed that petition and I don't even like Sony, I signed it because putting a joke review in a site where people actually uses for guide their purchase is just wrong.
>I don't like him because he's no doing my weebshit anymore!
It's a business. He's the most sought out VA in the industry now. Why would he do some obscure Japanese game when Ubisoft or Activision will pay him triple to be in their games?
It happens when you get famous after some popular hits the past decade. He's lucky talent I guess. But he's just as oversaturated in vidya as much as Nolan North as of late. I'd think I would struggle to play a Tales of.. game for hours and hours on end if he is casted to a main character of the party. He should get casted by someone in Toonami or something if he has to do anime. I heard they were thinking of picking up the license to air Jojo at some point. God forbid Troy goes to Funi, Sentai, or even Viz.
The fact that Metacritic is viewed by companies as a success ranking and taken into account on bonuses and such is something I find truly appalling, on a deep level within my soul.
... but he's Yuri from Vesperia.
That's what I'm saying. It'd be too soon to here him in another Tales of.. game or any weeb game in particular.
It was a joke review
A role in a Telltale Batman game seems to solidify him as doing mainstream stuff now.
Ooh. Well yeah, who's Sorey's VA anyway?
I wouldn't know. I played with the JP dub for Miyu Matsuki. rip;=;7
JoJo is going to air this October.
No fucking way. Is there a twitter post about this or something?
Hollywood turned him into an overpaid superficial prick, just like it does to everyone else who gets heavily invested with the kikes in LA.
There should be. I got the news from Toonami general. Part 1 is supposed to replace One Punch Man October 15th.
It wasn't a joke review
>OPM get's cucked
A great day. Too bad they're probably not gonna do anything about that horrible Viz dub.
This man gets it. Hollywood is poison. The kikes take you in and destroy you.
On the plus side we can all laugh about how bad the dub is while people get their first taste of Dio.
I don't think I want people's first taste in Jojo is bad italian and english accents. Which is ironic considering the villains and side characters had bearable to kinda okay acting.
>i swear in me wife's son
>Bryce Papencuck's Caesar
>JYB's Jonathan
>Patrick Seitz's Dio
Thank you for reminding me why I hate Viz.
Was there even a voice in the dub that was really good & not YMMV? Besides a couple Stardust Crusaders choices?
The uninitiated believe that "Hotel California" by the Eagles is about some mythical seaside inn full of ghosts, but Don Henley admitted that the song refers to the Hollywood lifestyle and what it does to you.
>Mirrors on the ceiling
Malignant Narcissism; Voyeurism
>The pink champagne on ice
Hedonism; Gay for Pay
>And she said, we are all just prisoners here, of our own device
Oppressive Contracts; Addition; Delusions of Grandeur
>And in the master's chambers
Prostitution; Indentured Servitude; Kike Worship
>They gathered for the feast
Ill-gotten Gains; Starving Artists
>They stab it with their steely knives
Rampant Competition
>But they just can't kill the beast
Withdrawal, Avarice
This is why Owen Wilson and so many other Hollywood shitheads have attempted suicide.
Is 93% not fucking good enough for you?
>>Troy Baker:
>starts off in anime
>gets his first taste of AAA & mainstream TV cock
>moves on over to exclusively AAA games & mainstream TV
>loses all humility & pride
>acts like a baby when his paycheck's threatened
>>Laura Bailey
>starts off in anime
>gets her first taste of AAA & mainstream TV cock
>tries to juggle her anime roles with her AAA vidya and big TV roles
>opts to do Glitter Force for Netflix, probably knowing full well it was gonna be a bomb
>plays DnD with Matt Mercer & Liam O'Brien on a daily basis
>occassionally takes to RPing with her VA coworkers
Is Laura Bailey the anti-Troy Baker? Why is she just the greatest?
I always found Cihi to be a pretentious egotistical dick.
Or at least I felt that way until the Silent Hill 2 LP. He kind of grew on me even if he's a little out there.
>Why is she just the greatest?
All the things you listed and her habit of voicing the best girls.
>play Persona 4
>'Damn, Kanji is very cool!'
>suddenly, fucking doubt about his voice
>check wikipedia
>Fucking Baker
>can't love the character now
Why is Baker fucking cancer?
>OPM get's cucked
I think what you mean is
>OPM is over so they need a new show to replace it's air time
Viz didn't dub parts 1 & 2. WB did and Viz just required the rights since nobody bought that garbage WB dvd
Laura is cute, cute!
Didn't the dub airing started like a month ago? How was it done so fast?
Are you me? I can't play P4 anymore just hearing his voice, and I find it increasingly hard to pick up Tales of Vesperia for the same reason.
He's like the Anakin of VAs, I swear.
Man never had any passion that's why he refused to come back for Golden as the role that started his fucking career.
Yeah, and btw he ruined Ocelot imo
OPM might replace Parasyte in the 2:30 time slot.
They were dubbing Dimension W even before the series was finished airing in japan. Some series just get picked up right from the start.
Daily reminder that Laura Bailey supported Performance Matters and is just as cancerous as Troy Baker if not more so. Their relationship to each other is quintessential cronyism anyway.
The fact that Metacritic deletes reviews, yet keeps their score should be even more horrifying. They can just add high or low numbers as they please.
>that armpit
Funny, considering how bad Dim W got by the end. It should've just been crazy coil collecting adventures with cute robot assistant at the front lines.
>God forbid Troy goes to Funi
Well, he was Greed in FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, which was a Funi Dub. So he’s worked with them in the past.
Best girl
Best voice
Seriously I don't give a shit if people say she's in too many games, there can never be enough games with her voice in it. Same goes for good old Liam, I always enjoy hearing him in my vidya.
OPM will be done with it's first series by the time Jojo airs, so it's probably just being moved to a repeat slot. When Season 2 is dubbed it will probably move into a block with Jojo.
That whole fucking campaign was retarded and it just shows how much of a whiny piece of shit David Hayter was for even starting it. Fuck him & fuck his hack directing.
Interesting. I liked the FMA dub to begin with, along some other projects like Space Dandy and Black Butler. But on a ratio of bad to good, and considering not much thought went into the cast whenever they simulcast currently airing shows, I have a long distrust for them. Especially after Prison School.
>This thread
Not sure what is worse. People watching nu-Toonami, or the fact that Toonami finally cleaned up its act, and I am massively behind on dubbed anime.
They got a while to go tbqh, too much safe bets. Naruto's been going on too long and Kai should take a backseat til Buu Saga or Super gets dubbed.
Adult Swim in particular should either start Toonami earlier & end at 3 AM, or go right from 12-6AM, showing reruns of YYH, Big-O, Inuyasha, Cyborg 009, etc. to add a bit more variety & nostalgia for fans watching. I dunno how everyone else feels, but I'm sick of flipping channels waiting for the 3 hours of Rick & Morty and Seth MacFarlane reruns to end.
you do know that Cihi is a very very very very big businesman? in Silent Hill 2, he's a director and a senior vice president of a big company.
so more or less, video games are beneath him
They tried the 12-6 thing in the beginning but the ratings got worse after 3, so they gutted the block to make room for more of Seth's shit.
>reviewer said that the Uncharted series should have stopped after 1
>when Among Thieves was objectively better in every conceivable way and was a landmark title to boot
I mean they're entitled to their opinion and everything but that review was garbage. It's like getting a child to critique Casablanca and then defending their opinion as valid when they said they were bored halfway through and couldn't understand anything.
That analogy was pretty terrible but thanks for not using a food analogy
>not reprising roles with Megami Tensei
After DaN, I'm sceptical since Nozomi is different VA.
Any more weebshit stuff she done this year?
A lot of notable VA did.
Did anything even come of that besides Hayter whining like a bitch?
>He's the most sought out VA in the industry
Uh. Nolan North wants some words with you.
Didn't Telltale use both him and Laura Bailey as the leads in Batman? Right after Borderlands?
No that's just manic depression mixed with drugs and a lot of money for other bad things.
Don Henley and any who talk about "what the lifestyle does to you" fail to bring into account all the people who AREN'T MANCHILDREN and can control themselves.
Matt Mercer is way better than that fucc boi
He's cool. If even he wants to remove a review then it probably doesn't belong there.
If he wants to remove a review then he's worrying about his paycheck.