Valve doesn't make games anymore
>implying TF2 didn't become more popular and profitable with the addition of hats
Could've been a great "only one panel got text" comic, last one didn't need words.
it´s gabens fault he went full jealous pussy over other people creating games too, he´s a hipster fag and nothing else. if everyone made consoles he´d move from steambox to making user interfaces / bitcoin wallets or some shit
>one panel text meme
This is fucking tiring. Not everything has to be so fucking minimalistic, you fucking hipster.
200 hours in pdn just for you user
>Genji in the background
Unironic lol.
Literally me.
>haha look how introverted and non-normal i am ;) real life scares me xD
>this post
I am real at a loss for words, user.
dps shitter detected
Has dobsen started drawing himself fatter?
>DPS cuck who will never know the touch of a healer cumslut.
haha i've been here too long xDD. le loss edits are the pinnacle of comedy
But "How appropriate. You fight like a cow" isn't engrish.
>real life scares me
Did you read the comic, its more real life is boring.
I never got the whole idea of traveling and going sight seeing, sure some of it is cool, but its mostly boring. I'm convinced that most people do it just to take photos and brag to others where they've been.
haven't seen that in ages
not even subtle
Ronnie makes some good vidya comics huh
I feel this way too.
I've gone hiking with good company and friends and it just wasn't very appealing.
I've gone to the Ground Canyon, kayaked, and tried base jumping. They were all fun and as exhilarating as a roller coaster but those are things I'd only like to do once,twice or maybe three times in my lifetime.
I exercise, eat healthy, and regularly talk to a handful of my friends. But I'm happiest when I read, play videogames, watch movies and relax at at home.
It took me forever to make a routine so it could be my devotion to me-time. But I gotta say, traveling and outdoor experiences blow.
I feel like most people do it to say they did it. Doesn't provide much discussion unless you're a landmark historian or outdoors enthusiast.
Go hiking, camping, visiting landmarks, and traveling to other countries at least once in your life and you're all set. It won't make you "cultured" anymore than just reading about those experiences.
Why not play videogames or indulge in literature for immersive stories and experiences with plenty of room for discussion rather than wasting time visiting places everyone's seen before? Why not experience the media of man before it fades into obscurity? Those landmarks will always be there but videogames and most stories don't age as well as they could.
that fucking ending, i can't believe someone could pull that off in actual TV
I haven't seen this in forever. Talk about a blast fro the past.
>tfw you see todd everywhere now
guess what time it is!
>"I love travelling"
No you cunt you like Disney World and Hawaii
TF2 did, but cosmetics ruin most F2P games.
It's a sad truth.
what do you mean, user. I don't see mysel- I mean todd ever on here
How else would you keep the servers up after so long without money while keeping it free to play? At least cosmetics doesn't change the gameplay balance.
Wait, is that the real ending?
Oh shit, I was a bit too old when that cartoon was popular, but that makes me want to at least watch the last episode
>Her arm in the first panel
please tell me the "woman" who makes this comic doesn't exist and it's just a cucked man
>Sup Forumsirgins think this is how women work
That's funny man you remind me of him.
I want to fuck that third panel's face.
i am pretty sure that's actually the ending to St elswhere
Holy shit is this guy a fucking retard that missed the point or what
no, it was the ending of a live action hospital themed drama
It was an ending to a show called St. Elsewhere. The comic was just a reference and used Foster's Home as a joke.
It's not
As if you think I would spend my time in this shithole, I've got better things to do then shitpost with you faggots.
I'm jealous af
>not gain
huh... wait a minute.
Makes a lot of sense if you think about it
>I would
>I've got
You probably meant "he", right?
do they fug later
Just let him sniff your armpit it's not that hard.
Well, maybe a little.
Yes, on the train
yet he makes fun of mcdonalds in another comic
reading it right now, yes, they do.
Sure it did, it also became an infinitely worse game as a result due to the community absolutely going to shit and the game itself becoming a bloated mess.