Fallout 4 Music

Dear Fallout 4,

Please add more music to Diamond City Radio.


Every Player Who Has Played More Than 20 Hours While Listening To The Radio.

>Not listening to classic

>Every Player Who Has Played More Than 20 Hours
So no one?

>Playing Fallout 4

>playing fallout 4


I guess it's right what people say about Sup Forums.

>i don't like games that are popular BECAUSE they are popular, durh

>oh man, i also don't like games that are popular because they are popular for obviously good reasons!

>wanna dock?

>boy, do I!

Yeah but Fallout 4 is objectively shit
It's shit as a shooter
It's shit as an RPG
It even tried to be a minecraft clone which made it shittier
It can't decide whether to be a shooter or an RPG or a shooter with RPG elements
Expect the next Bethesda game to be objectively shit

Sorry you have shit taste in vidya. Try again with a not shit vidya, and you'll probably do better next time. Good luck.

Don't listen to them user, Fallout 4 is genuinely the best open world FPS ever made, they just hate it because they're too thickheaded to accept that bethesda does not care about fallout lore, it should have been obvious since Fallout 3 but alas some people cannot be helped.


See, you SAY "Objectively" like you're trying to actually pass off an opinion that you hold as actual, proven fact.

Now, I'm not an unreasonable person. I can accept, "Well, -I- think this game isn't good. Many agree with me, and these are the reasons."

I just can't help but notice you use "objectively" instead of "in my opinion" and "in the opinion of others" instead.

It makes what you're saying... objectively incorrect. Because all it takes is that ONE person who does like it, aaanyone in the whooole wide world who likes it... to prove you wrong.

Because, after all, objectively insinuates a place of certainty and one also without the burden of personal bias that you (and most folks here on /v) seem to have.

i played the game for 10 hours hoping to GOD it would get fun and it wasn't even worth the bandwidth i used to pirate it

I appreciate the upnod in an otherwise bleak environment. Go you, user! We could use more of your kind on the Sup Forums Optimism Task Force.

You're objectively from reddit.

>playing fo4
>playing fo4 not on a pc or Xbone

Enjoy the no mods sonyggers lol

xbone has mods lol?


I'm... I'm beginning to think that you people (that's right, YOU people) don't know what "Objectively" means.

Yeah, surprisingly alot of the ones on pc work on Xbox. The list is pretty substantial. Includes adding new radio stations to whole cheat rooms that let you play with console commands per say

Only lame part is that if you download one mod, achievements are disabled for that save. So the unofficial patch will disable achievements

there was a mod that re-enabled the achievements I think but I'm not sure because I pirated on PC so no achievements either way.

Also I'm surprised that xbone can handle them its probably the better than ps4 CPU I reckon

I'm surprised too, especially because there are graphics mods too. Too huge ENB mods but still pretties the game up a bit.

If there are mods that add skills back I may go back to the game