Stellaris DLC

>Some new portraits
>Some stuff you're not zoomed in enough to see
>One new city art

Why is this allowed?

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just fucking buy it

is this your first paradox games?

I won't be arsed to play Stellaris even when it has a million expansions that finally give it some depth. Fuck Paradox.

Fuck Paradox

So it's ok to rip people off if they have done it before?

the fact that you'd probably buy that shit if it was cheaper says more about you than paradox IMO. it's a couple of portraits and city art- who fucking cares?

Never seen the don't trust the swede memes before?

They even launched fucking public domain e-books

ripping off stupid people is what keeps the economy going though

>mfw I'm going to buy it along with TW: Warhammer's blood DLC
Embrace the future, poorfags.

The only people getting ripped off is the ones who buy it. So don't.

Paradox can literally shit in fans faces and the fanboys will shout thank you master back.

> Buying Paradox DLC.

Nigger, the entire purpose of Paradox DLC is just to advertise piracy.

Forgot the pic...look at this shit

We might be poor but at least we aren't stupid

Who cares? Just go to /gsg/ and they'll have it for free.

same here

>have a job
>8$ is literally absolutely fucking nothing to me
>it makes my game more enjoyable

keep crying poorfags, while i buy all the content available and enjoy my video games to their fullest potential

There's a difference between being poor and allowing paradox to shovel shit into your mouth while you throw money at them.

>8$ for alien faces

Who in their right minds pays for this crap. When will they fix the game? It's so bare bones at the moment

>devs create more content for the game and support it post launch
>they expect you to pay for that additional content

How is it shit?

It's more art and content for my video game and boy do I not give a fuck about 8$

Do you take out a bank lone every time you buy food lmfao?

stellaris is literally the worst game I've played for full price. I feel better about buying titanfall than I do for stellaris. The gameplay is so fucking thin and garbage and then they release cosmetic dlc.

Thanks for nothing.

As a Swede, trust me, they are a double edged sword. On one side they want to help the fucking world and toss money around, while on the other they fucking laugh and smile while they pick your pockets clean and give no fucks about you. The worst Swedes is those who play the goody goody guy but give zero fucks about you.

If you buy Paradox DLC; you indirectly pay Swedish taxes and in the long run fuck the country over. I guess people love that.

I'm not poor but I'm not going to pay that much for fucking cosmetics. It should be less than 1 dolar

"Why is this allowed"

Nobody is forcing anyone to buy it, jagoof

If you weren't stupid, you wouldn't be poor.

That's an oxymoron you dip

I love the guys goign "lol u poor?" No, manbby aren't but thye dont want to buy a pink skin for 15 euros for some fugly ass character in some random shit game.

Titanfall was actually good though. It was a fun FAST shooter and a fun mech game. Stellaris tried to be a Gsg and a 4x game but failed at both

>Nobody is forcing anyone to buy it, jagoof

paid mods would like to have a word with you

Nobody is forcing you to buy them

If people want to pay 8$ for some stupid jpegs let them do it. Why do you care?

Want to retype that in English, Javier?

Because they should be fixing their fucking game, not charging $8 for some plant pictures.
If I wanted to look at some plants, I could look outside my window, but if I wanted to play a deep and engaging 4X space opera... well paradox isn't making that dream any easier.

ripping their customers on cosmetics and music packs is Paradox's MO

>buying a paradox game before the 21342 dlcs

You fall for the hype now live with the are part of the problem

Thanks for the reminder OP, bought it now..

I doubt graphical designers have much to do with designing new game mechanics and systems.

Just torrent the fucking DLCs like in any other paradox game.
They're not gonna stop no matter how much we complain, people love their grand strategy and most of it comes from paradox

I'm a huge Paradox fanboy and know their reputation for shit releases. Is Stellaris worth picking up yet, or should I wait for the first (actual) DLC?

That went a bit fast. in shorter words. Swedes are fucking assholes often. They can be all "WE MUST SAVE THE WORLD" to later be assholes who only care about their close surrounding when they need to borrow a book needed for class or suger for a cake and beyond that ignores you or shit talks everyone.

>Money flying out of peoples wallets for cosmetic shit in any other game
>This is fine
>Optional cosmetic DLC in a niche game with a huge modding community

never buy anything paradox at full price. Either pirate or wait for a sale.

Whales buy and I pirate. Paradox gets their money. All is good.

Here is the trick to every paradox game.

It launches under featured and 5 years down the road it will have assloads of DLC that turn it into what it should have been 5 years ago.

Then you buy it all on steam when it's 85% off during a summer sale.

In the mean time that nickel and diming they're doing to their diehards is keeping them afloat while they spend all this time developing stupid shit for an old game.

Just look at CK2, the original base version of that game as it came out in 2011 is fucking 1/10th the game it is now.

>people love their grand strategy and most of it comes from paradox
People might love grand strategy, but they sure as fuck don't like Paradox' crap. The only reason why Paradox' games are so often played is because they have a near monopoly on the genre.

They're a shitty publisher. Their games are pretty fucking shit. But it's that or nothing.

This, EU5 will suck balls, CK3 will be shit.

This, CK2 got so bloated it's unrecognizable and not even very good anymore.

DLC is basically just a filter for poor people. why should the devs hard work go unpaid because of some entitled children?

New from paradox, EUIV Microtransactions...1.99 for a mercenary cavalry, 3.99 to put your photo as the king!

>game i've never heard about
>OP creates a thread
>starts complaining

Why is this allowed?

>near monopoly

Nigga they're an up-and-coming developer/publisher that focuses on an incredibly niche genre. Get a dev team together and do it better if you think Paradox is so hated; they're a fairly well-liked company, (easily avoided) nickel-and-diming aside.

It wasn't even a very good game to begin with.

I think around Charlemagne was probably the high point. Rajas was a mistake, Conclave was terrible.

>Meanwhile they release a huge content update every single month for free with the promise that they will keep flowing so long as people continue to support the game.

I imagine the people complaining about this haven't played Stellaris for more than an hour

This game in particular needs to prove that it can improve its bare-bones mechanics and deliver additional content before cashing in on additional cosmetic crap is justified.

>DLC is basically just a filter for poor people

fortunately people can't just google '[game] free download' and instantly find what they're looking for

oh wait lol



>they're a fairly well-liked company
On the Parashill Plaza where every post you make is screened by hand before they are shown to the public to ensure that you don't wrongthink about your lord and savior. Yes.

Yes, Paradox Plaza actually does this.

It applies to all micro transaction DLC rip offs. Why is it allowed?

Is malware what they are looking for?

oceanofgames is legit as heck

They only promised 3 updates and most of it is just fixing their crappy balancing.

Paradox dosent expect you to buy all the dlcs for there games. Most are cosmetic "buy if you want mods"


>CK2 getting popular with normies killed Paradox and turned them into SJW Swede EA
It still fucking hurts

If I were to get mad every single time someone asked a ridiculous price for useless shit, I'd be dead by now. Vote with your wallet or just fucking pirate it.

Picture of all the new portraits?

It's okay when paradox does it

johan needs his cut

>I'm buying heaping bags of shit for 5 grand each!
>suck it poorfags!

Yet CK2 is still as shallow as it was on launch.
They never fix anything, just keep adding more shallow theme park experiences to divert retards' attention.
>very few unique features for Christian Europeans
>look u can play as a muslim!
>look u can play as doge!
>look u can play pagan!
>look india!

>why should devs make good content when they can nickel and dime retards with useless shit?
How many micro-transactions have to made today?

reminds me of this guys drawings

how fitting

This is standard operating procedure for Paradox. Release a broken, unfinished game, followed by 30 pieces of DLC. In the end, the game hasn't significant improved, many things remain unfixed, and Paradox is off on their next project.

it really isnt you fool

This. Victoria 2 is now fairly stable but still imba as fuck (liquor)..

fuck off steamgroup

In their defense though, grand strat spergs are utterly and completely impossible to please no matter what happens.

True but imagine what would happen if you deepen Victoria 2 even more.

Right now, the crisis system is rudimentary as fuck which leads to ridiculous outcomes. But 'huur Jan Mayen' meme and I guess they'll soon announce Vicky 3.

You think that's bad? take a look at this:

Why does OP not get any (You)s?

Train sim is totally different though. It's made for model train autists who want a virtual train collection. Model trains are stupid expensive so they know what they're getting into.
Nothing at all like charging 5 bucks for some middling quality pngs

DESU I'd rather have a real train set though

>rip off
How is entirely optional, nongameplay features ripping off anyone

They could charge a billion dollars for it and its still not a rip off. Its not necessary at all.

I mean it's just a skin, it's not like it has an impact on gameplay anyway.
That doesn't really make it a great DLC but at least you can safely ignore it without really missing out on too much.

Have you SEEN the designs?

This shit alone is worth a dollar, god damn, I never knew I wanted a cactus monster before

And its not even the best one

Paradox is trying so hard to make daddy Battlefront proud.

Look at this.

They actually made lettuce look scary

10/10 DLC

every second or third patch for combat mission games is a "upgrade" from which thereafter patches made for that don't work without the """upgrades"""

Welcome to fucking paradox where your money is all they want

You're killing my sides.

look at this thing

You want to cuddle, fuck and eat it

God damn, look at that velvety mouth.

KEK. You have got to be shitting me Johan.


Yeah but what if you live in a small apartment but have the money to buy trains? You can't fit a model set anywhere but you have a computer.

Please buy Stellaris

Stellaris is okay

Most 4x space games are just 70000 autistic menus shoved in your face.

So this is your definition of ripping off? Fucking portraits and shit that doesn't affect gameplay? Man, you haven't seen anything yet.