Why did Tom Clancy allow this shit?
Why did Tom Clancy allow this shit?
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He's dead.
Tom Clancy had no interest in anything but the value of his brand. There's nothing explicitly wrong with that.
Tom Clamcy is kill you dumass
>Why did Tom Clancy allowed Ubisoft to make perfect best FPS to date
Tom Clancy is died, Ubisoft owns the right to use his name in their military games through his estate.
He's dead, and Siege isn't bad
The Division is a massive pile of shit, though
Who Caviar here?
>only rainbow 6 to not be shit tier since black arrow
>why did Tom Clancy allow this shit
why did your father allow your mother to spawn you?
OP is obviously a noob who gets shit on in siege
>buying the season jew pass
you are everything wrong with videogames
The concept was cool, the broken game mechanics are infuriating though.
>find sniper rifle with massive DPS rating compared to other rifles
>go two blocks down the road where enemies are same level as me
>unload 6 shots between a guy's eyes to kill him
>2 of his 9mm shots are enough to waste me
Wow, so fun, I totally feel encouraged to pour time and effort into this!
Uh, because it's good?
Getting shit on because you're bad doesn't mean the game itself is bad.
He's dead, the tom Clancy brand is completely worthless now
>>only rainbow 6 to not be shit tier since black arrow
What? Siege sucks lol. Its a rainbow 6 game in name only. Fuck off casual bandwagoner.
Is Rainbow 6 still alive with an active multiplayer community?
I'm saving money to buy it but don't wanna waste it.
What? Siege has a big community. 20k people are playing in this very moment.
*runs to bathroom*
>dude this game dosent conform to what i think it should have been so its not this
Okay cool. It's weird because I never really see it get talked that much in Sup Forums compared to well, games like Overwatch.
Sup Forums is filled with people that don't play videogames, weeb/waifufags, and underages like op. Sup Forums's taste has been shit for a long time and will continue to be shit.
Just because it's not full of memes and slutty waifus to circlejerk around all day doesn't mean it's not a good game.
Frost and IQ are qts though
It's mostly played by bros who play cod and fifa.
This game is where it's at.
This game doesn't have any of the mechanics or features that were a staple to the rainbow six series so yes, I wouldn't consider it a very good Rainbow Six game at all.
On its own its an average FPS that doesn't really bring anything new to the table.
Or perhaps he's wondering you chucklefucks will only reply to threads with some kind of controversy in the OP.
Sup Forums doesn't play games. That's why there is so much talk about Overwatch, Pokemon Go, and Smash Bros.
It's surprising that cinematic experiences aka movies aren't the main discussion here.
i played the free weekend that just ended this monday
i have to say the worst thing about it is the matchmaking
literally 45 mins of gaming per hour and that's because people just wont rematch
people can play for hours in CS on the same server but they cant do the same for a 5v5 game? really now i thought it was all about playing the game not about padding scores
I'm new to the game, what's that website? I want to look up how bad I am. I promise to post stats.
Nothing like a 9mm going through a wall and insta killing someone even though they're wearing a helmet + face plate shield thing + neck armour. Cool game...
How do I unlock Tom Clancy?
Fuck off retard, Vegas was goat
> doesnt bring anything new to the table
have you even played the game mate?
player controlled drones alone is a game changing feature
i wish theyd make maps where every wall was destructible though
He's talking about the Division dumbass
Siege is good
git gud faggot cunt
SAS and Spetsnaz are the only acceptable choices. Huehues, Surrender monkeys, and Islamic-Reich sympathisers are not welcome.
350 hours into this game and still not tired of it. Ubisoft actually did DLC right this time. New HUE operators are crazy and the new map is even crazier. I'd give this game an almost perfect score if the hit detection and overpowered guns weren't so fucked up.
Far from perfect, it's fun to play a few games casually with friends but that's pretty much it. It doesn't have any staying power.
they did its called favella and its a fucking garbage map that supports this shitty rainbow 6 roamers meta.
They said this since release and it's only getting bigger ;p
>a year later
>doesn't have any staying power
>It's growing stronger each day
>frogs uncontested best chars next to fbi
roamers meta?
im not familiar with that expression
>It's a Fuze bombs the hostage episode
>It's a Thermite dies first episode
>It's a Castle locks everyone out episode
>It's a Skillbeard episode
The only people who think Siege is good are newfags who don't know shit about the series
>no staying power
>a year later and the community is only getting bigger
okay m8
roaming defender classes are currently the best in the game, there is no point in having more than one person on the objective at any time due to how broken 1armor/3 speed classes are.
Roamer is a defender outside the objective area, often Pulse or Valk just to make themselves extra annoying.
Why is it called Rainbow Six when there are only 5 operators on each team?
I don't give a fuck about your old ass busted mario parties
Get with the times grandpa
That's why it's pretty much abandoned by everybody. Now there is a surge of players because of the free weekend and new DLC.
>Netcode is still shit
>Most of the maps are dogshit
>uplay still works like shit
more like tom cringy
>it's a Pulse decimates the whole team through the ceiling/ground episode
At higher level play , you need 3 Roamers ( 2/3 speed operators ) to defend the objective. 2 stay and act as anchors
>you're the 6
It's literally the only good modern Clancy game.
Who gives a fuck if it's not like the other R6 games? It's a great game on its own and this is coming from someone who loved Vegas 1 & 2
oh is that what it is?
because i was doing that shit all the time during the free weekend
also i wanna add im mad they dont have a server browser like CS or something
match making needs to fuck off forever
>6k Steam only lowest in June
>Abandoned by everybody
Yeah yeah keep crying baby
It's the Rainbow 6 Siege official website, you log in and can check your multiplayer profile. They change the format once in awhile, so it might not look like that anymore.
I honestly think most maps are too big for the game, every round is basically the same as the attackers have spend few minutes to check every floor, behind every fucking bed and counter for lurkers, it gets really old really fucking fast. It's not that big of a problem on older small maps.
Really now
Why did John Madden allow this shit?
This game is horrible for it's shitty matchmaking and netcode.
Literally hasn't improved since the beta, how the fuck is that possible?
IQ has a great ass
That's literally it
>It doesn't have any staying power.
The biggest thing going for it is it's uniqueness, there's nothing quite like it so there will always be a playerbase.
CS is pretty much the same except tighter design focus.
>Inb4 plebs who've never played high level counter-strike and think it's run and shoot headshots only.
Tom Clancy is flipping in his grave due to this
>Havent played Siege in a while
>Decide to start playing again because of the new DLC
>Die like a little bitch every round
>Accidentally shoot teammate in the head during defusing
>Alt+F4 to avoid team rage
Now I remember why I stopped playing
>lag compensation is for fair and equal play
> xbox exclusive
why though
What's the best R6 on PC?
>It doesn't have any staying power.
lmao it's literally the ONLY ubisoft game with staying power
>CS is pretty much the same except tighter design focus.
fuck off underage CS fag
both games are completely different, apart from the fact that you shoot guns in both of them
It had more players during the free weekend than it had on launch and the playerbase has tripled since. on PC
Raven shield or rogue spear. Rogue spear has amazing missions but raven shield's mission planner is so fluid and fun to use.
it's not as bad as it used to be
>CS is pretty much the same
>CS is pretty much the same
>CS is pretty much the same
>CS is pretty much the same
>CS is pretty much the same
>CS is pretty much the same
Counter strike is shit. A game that revoles around who has the awp is horrible design. Its such a meme gun that people defend it at this point.
I'm 27 actually.
>Both games are 5vs5 tactical team based shooters
>In both games players have clear roles
>Both games have attack / defense scenario
>In both games teams have to take over a site by using tactics and invidual player skill
The only difference is that CS design has some thought put into it.
this is a better site than the official and gives you a lot more information
I'm 27 actually.
>Both games are 5vs5 tactical team based shooters
>In both games players have clear roles
>Both games have attack / defense scenario
>In both games teams have to take over a site by using tactics and invidual player skill
The only difference is that CS design has some thought put into it.
Rogue spear.
next time dont go running around in teh open noob
>players have clear rolls in cs
>in csgo
supreme here, shut the fuck up you silver retard. these games play nothing like each other and aren't even remotely the same fucking game.
player controlled drones like that have been in battlefield since BC2?
R6S has no "new" fps mechanics. The destruction system is the closest thing and even then its just a more refined version of existing destruction features found in games like Battlefield.
Meanwhile you're missing a whole single-palyer campaign, scenario editor, the ability to execute commands that you setup with your AI teammates. Shit, in the old R6 games, if you were good, you could beat a whole level just by planning a good scenario and letting AI do it.
Sure thing dude, have fun with your gambling simulator with autistic shooting mechanics. Let me know when you have different characters with different skills and items, destructible maps, actual tactical attack/defense and bullets that can actually go where you're aiming.
I'm global and MM is a joke. Supreme is a shit rank bro and nothing to be proud of and so is global.
Play faceit, CEVO or ESEA.
>have bad day
>last round
>team hates me
>play rook and hand out shirts
>team loves me
No it's not,
>CS has lane based maps without rapell feature or drones/cams
>CS doesn't have the same gadget focus tied to specific classes
>Siege has no buy system for weapons
>Siege has a down but no out phase
>all guns 1 hit headshot in Siege
>CS has only a few guns that can ADS
>CS has greater emphasis on controlling spray patterns
>CS has no lean function
>Siege has tons more destruction and bullet penetration on maps
>CS has longer matches
But yeah basically the same game because 5v5 fps with objectives and one life.
>le elm el gee league meme
>mfw i only used mac 10 and mp9
its a shit game and your a shit player if your spewing the pro league bullshit, go shill your shitty game back in csgo general where the trash like you belongs you worthless piece of shit.
yea but does CS allow you to deploy barriers, blow up walls, use drones or even use SHIELDS (not that im defending shields, i just dont like playing against them)
>shields are so shit tier at the moment that its detrimental to pick them
>don't like playing against them
how bad can you be?
Damn, LoL is VERY similar too.
>both games are 5v5
>both teams have team roles
>there are no hard scenarios, but defense/ofense is definetetly a thing
>you have to destroy enemy base too
>say games are almost the same
>point to the most general design choices
Get out, you're making a fool of yourself.
Cool, I'm bad woo!
So thanks for confirming that you've never played high level CS.
Good thing I said this in my initial post.
>Inb4 plebs who've never played high level counter-strike
The oldfags and nostalgiafags are the ones who completely forgot what the old games played like though.
You missing the third person meta peeking where you would could see the person around the corner and he cant see you? don't get me wrong I loved rogue spear for instance. But I wish it just was first person only. vegas games were absolute trash though.
>high level counterstrike
>in fucking csgo
you faggots will move the goal post any time someone says your terrible fucking game is the piece of shit that it is, go home