Battleborn goes head first against AAA Giant Blizzard's Overwatch with massive budget

>Battleborn goes head first against AAA Giant Blizzard's Overwatch with massive budget
>Utterly destroyed

>Starbound goes against AAA No Man's Sky with minuscule budget and one-fourth he studio attention
>Blows No Man's Sky out of the water

What's their secret? How did Starbound won?

Hello Tiy, both games are garbage

>How did Starbound won
Really makes you think

>few years ago
>liked terraria a lot
>heard starbound was like terraria in space
>bought it
>dropped it after a couple hours and never bothered with it again

Admit it, this happened to you too.

>He thinks Starbore won
The sales on console alone from pre orders blow that 2D game out of the water.

>both games are garbage
No game is garbage if it offers so much whackmeat material

What did he mean by this?

One has already been buyable for years

I understand the contrarian Sup Forums culture, and of course the butthurt of having to wait years for the release, but besides that, Starbound is getting a lot of success. Good reviews and nice sales. /sbg/ is back, new mods coming up, etc.

So at the end I am happy for that. No Man's Sky seems a different game, idk why compare them. Both probably never saw one to another as rivals or something.

Is No Man's Sky the new Star Citizen, except will actually be released?

The descriptions I've heard genuinely make it sound like 3d Starbound, but with each planet being only a single biome.

Starbound has been "out" for like two years and was kickstarted. They made their money before they even started development.

0/10 would not whack meat

Never heard anything about it after 1.0 release besides this thread, go home Tiy

Do you suck dicks?

6/10 might whack meat

They raid No Man's Sky threads

Star Citizen has multiplayer that isn't convoluted and if they deliver on their promises will be heavily customizable more so than No mans sky that's for sure with private servers and the like for single playey, coop, MMO, etc

That being said it reeks of a scam in which their promises will not be delivered fully.

No Mans Sky however is more like Elite Dangerous with actual content and ground combat and exploration and variety. The main problems with No Mans Sky seems to be lack of building variety, no base building, and the multiplayer is convoluted but still possible to play with friends.

That being said I hear they want to treat the game as a sort of minecraft situation where they constantly release new updates which will add new content, modes, features, etc.

>starbound flopped so hard all the good porn artists fucked off

it truly is sad

>implying NMS hype is dead

Everyone except for you autistic parrots is still hype

Star Citizen's development time thus far has been entirely reasonable considering the scope of the game. Three years is nothing to pitch a fit about considering what typical big budget AAA dev cycles are like (hint: it's typically longer than three years).

The only people who legitimately believe it is a scam are people who are being played by Derek Smart, who is a real, legitimate con man who has scammed people by releasing literally unplayable, broken out of the box games multiple times in the past.

Star Citizen will definitely not be the game a lot of its ardent fanboys are hyping it up to be, but it is also definitely not a scam. Anyone who has actually played the Alpha can see that.

Why do people always mention "it won in console sales" when there is never an official release or statistic that makes these claims, other than the companies that have the data and decide whether or not to reveal the real number?

No Man's Sky = No Man's knowledge on it's existance

Only good thing about starbound aside the quite pretty grafix is the porn that mas primarely made because WE HAD NOTHING TO FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT EXCEPT WRITE SMUT AND DRAW PORN FOR ONE FUCKING YEAR.

The same with FNaF and Undertale. You should get used to it

starbound might be the most boring fucking game I have ever played
the story is shit
the gameplay managed to somehow 1-up terraria in being shit
the building is "meh" tier because why bother when you could just minecraft it up for an extra dimension
the planet exploration is shit because there's fucking_nothing.jpg and the RNG was basically cut into 1/3 so there's nothing cool and new to find


Kill them all

Florans don't have tits

Fuck Floran
Kill Avian
Marry Hyotl

Hyotl doesn't look like she minds if I insert my dick in another species

>fuck floran
>marry hylotl
>kill birb

Marry, kill, fuck

Marry water, fuck air REPEATEDLY, kill plant

Kill floran before she eats me
fuck avian because she cant kiss
marry hylotl because she looks the most human and you cna actually kiss her

Stick to your own species faggot

God I wish that were me

>Not killing the furshit

fuck, fuck, fuck

rape if necessary

>only sexy human picture


first reply best reply

Starbound was good until release. Then they fucked everyhting up. Now its about as boring as edge of space. Neither game deserves any awards

I have a similar tale.
>few years ago
>liked terraria a lot
>heard starbound was like terraria in space
>heard it hadn't been updated in eons
>been in early access since the fall of Rome
>decide it would be best to never buy this product.

Draw it yourself you hack.

>didn't play it
>"I have vast knowledge on the gameplay"

Why does Sup Forums do this?


What do you think?

He literally never said this

now draw her sucking dick

Start a smut patreon right now

Muh dick

Where's her dick?

No man's sky was AAA? I thought it was just Indies.

I do too user.
>few years ago
>liked terraria a lot
>heard starbound was like terraria in space
>heard it hadn't been updated in eons
>been in early access since the extinction of the dinosaurs
>free terraria update again
>decide it would be best to never buy this product

Marry Hyotl
Fuck Floran

These replies are Aces

>no good porn mods
>no good porn pics I haven't seen two years ago already
I check at least once a month if Starbound got new porn but it's always fucking nothing. How am I supposed to whack meat?

more like
>few years ago
>bought terraria, thought it was stupid after 4 hours
>heard about startbound and how it was terraria IN SPACE
>sounds cool as fuck
>buy it and play it for 50 hours

the fuck did you do for 50 hours

I hated the game, started playing it again yesterday, still hate it, but... time dissapears. It's like MGSV

I've been hosting this shitty game for almost 14 days now
I want to pull the plug but I don't want to feel like a huge asswipe, but I have no idea what the fuck the players on the server are doing to keep themselves busy for fucking days upon days upon days.

The game leeches autism.

You might not even know you had it until this shit.
Most of my time was spent hopping to planet to planet just to explore the surface, for like days on end. No reason.

Building in the game is alright and they're talking to each other i'm sure. I can't see people doing much else.


Starbored was garbage on release and is litter at currently.

The opposite actually

Starbound and No Man's Sky are two completely different games you tard. That's like comparing Metal Gear to Assassin's Creed.

Also i thought No Man's Sky wasn't out yet until the 9th. Or did one guy get a copy and everyone saw it and automatically realized it was going to be shit?

>Install Frackin's overhaul
>Find a metallic moon
>Always dark, raining who makes me jump occasionally
>Enemies hit like a truck
>lakes with some kind of liquid who makes me loss gravity

This is good

Man I was thinking of installing that mod for the neat biomes but I heard from /vg/ it adds a bunch of superfluious garbage that bogs the game down.

Source on that pic?

The fun thing about mods is if you don't like them you can just get rid of them.

because /vg/ does nothing but fucking build
it took them nearly 1 month to figure out that one of their own fucking mod was missing basic essential crafting

Install it. The superfluous garbage is the science crafting who allows you to build a lab. You can deconstruct furniture, fuse materials, generate new species of plants and make new gear.

But the new biomes are great, stuff like Jurassic planets, abandoned Apex labs, bee biomes, new enemies, weapons, quest. It's a fucking must.

/vg/ is full of erpers anyways

Install it. One advice, Frackin's adds new planets, so you may need to create a new character to generate those planets.

Also install Frackin's races who adds racial bonuses, avians can glide and florans regenerate life during day, etc

NMS started development like 2 years later than Starbound.
Doesn't excuse either of them of their bullshit though.

Not anymore.
Not after a update that pretty much removed all breasts and hips from the character creator.


Now females character just have vaugely female features. Like hair and clothes.

Why, were people jerking it too much to pixels?

They got chest bumps

Jav code?

Yes. the porn for this game is nothing but pixel animations.

i've heard that most cut starbound content is due to developers leaving and because there was no contract for their work if someone leaves they lose the right to continue using whatever it is that they made. that was from an user in an old thread though so i don't have a sauce.




Kill Hylotl
Fuck Avian
Marry Floran

Partly vased on hips and thighs, also love Floran.

Seriously Tiy. NMS being a pile of shit does not make your game any less of a pile of shit.