Yfw Skyrim came out HALF A DECADE ago

>yfw Skyrim came out HALF A DECADE ago

Why didn't you just say 5 years autist

and still no mods to make it a good game

You're yfw when witcher is a decade old, as is bioshock

>mfw it's STILL SHIT

Hasn't even been 3 months since the superior version released on console, PCeasant.

It should have never come out.

Enderal just game out my man

It adds an actual narrative!

>you can shock the water
bravo 2k

Bought it day 1

Still haven't started it.

I always hesitate to play long games like that. Playing shorter games on my huge backlog lets me knock out more and feel progress

Cant fucking believe it was 2011.

>5 decades ago
Wasn't that when the SNES came out though?
You weren't even born then.
Fucking idiot.

Its only fun with mods, and honestly idk how people can play 1000k hours of an offline game

skyrim wasn't surpassed until dragon's dogma came out

dragon's dogma sucks major dick

What are you talking about?

Remastered isn't out yet and its also on PC.

>Playing Bethesda games on console
Pic related


Skyrim sucks even more

i feel old

>yfw earth spawned 2016 years ago


>still as stable as a gold leaf wall
Bethesda Softworks...
you did it again.

>Fallout 4 came out 4 years ago

>5 years from now
>fallout 5 is coming out
>tes 6 is coming out
>millions of people have preordered both


>mfw the 80s were 10 years ago

>mfw I remember 2012 was a long time ago

You lied to me.

wow what the fuck I hate skyrim now!

Bitch needs to eat a sandwich if theyre gonna recast her for season 2. She was full skellington at the netflix premier event.

she was super QT in the show at least
all those flannel longsleeves and Disney eyes :3

Definitely could use some weight though furreal.

because we're not mindless robots who need to do the same thing over and over and over in order to feel satisfied.

>spider has a million hp
>player can die in one hit
Woah...so this is...the power of artificial difficulty.

don't fight giant spiders at level 1
welcome to RPGs

there is a giant spider in the first dungeon.

guess you can't fix everything

Skyrim has leveled enemies and is more of an action game than RPG.

Requiem removes leveled mobs and most leveled items.
The starts are really fun, though your power can snowball hard (much like Morrowind).

Does requiem add leveled enemies in logical places or do they just spawn ramdom?

If you add mods like Immersive Patrols, Warzones, etc. then they'll be random.