>I enjoyed the demo more than the full game

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Half-Life 2


what the heck is a demo?

>what the heck is a demo?

I actually liked the demo they had for Gears Judgement, beast mode is pretty fun. I never bothered to buy the full game though.


Warcraft 3 had a special demo campaign later included in the FT
It was great


Fallout: Tactics MP demo was better than the actual MP.


Sonic 2006 was this for me.

>Not a Raiden to be seen

The archetype.

Not sure if trolling or not (° >°) ?

kys summerfag

Holy shit, this. So much this.
Fucking snake oil bullshit.

They used the best part of the game, the only part that is actually incredibly open with multiple choices as the demo. Smart, jewish move right there.

I bought the game because of that tucking demo.
Sadly the game does a 180 degree turn and shits all over itself


Halo Demo

Blood Gulch was the only map I needed, you had 2000 people online all the time ready to play.

Fuck the campaign, Halo Demo was dope until they shut down the servers last year

The fucking file name you disgusting swine



mohaa what's that? google doesn't turn back any results. also, dumbass frogposer.

tfw i still have my really old PC Gamer demo cd with this, spent so many hours playing wake island. I wonder if there are any servers still around

Reverse image search?

how can you not recognise Medal Of Honor : Allied Assault?

is this what getting old feels like?

>Fuck the campaign


I'd tell you to suck my dick but I don't want to go to jail for child molestation.

medal of honor allied assault you fuck.
medal of honor frontline if you are a console cuck

fix your google desu senpai

Wolfenstein omaha beach mp demo

>Mohaa multiplayer
>Those fucking days.

Burnout Paradise demo online, that shit was awesome because the tiny map, in the full you have all the map and its more hard kill other players.

I actually liked Battlefield: Bad Company 2 a lot, but the demo will always be so goddamn good to me because my xbox had broken and couldn't read disks so the demo was basically all I had.

Project Snowblind

Back when the PS2 had those sick demo discs, I played the shit out of the SW Battlefront one. For some reason, the demo had a disguise kit that let you look like a stormtrooper to fool the AIs, but the full game didn't. It was such a cool feature tho



Time Commando

I remember playing the demo countless times and hyping myself up for the full release, only to completely forget about its existence a year later.

same with that Robin Hood Commandos clone

How does it feel that nowadays demos only come bundled with limited edition of shit games you don't want to buy?

this isn't new


Came in here to post this. Already had an image loaded up.

Dark messiah was great though

Those PS1 demos that came with the console.

The beta was a blast.

Feels good, as I mainly game on Steam. I can just purchase something, see if it's shit after an hour and refund it if it is.

Jedi knight 2: Jedi Outcast had a fantastic demo level. Wasn't included in the main game.


Stella Glow


MGS4 was so bad it didn't even have a demo.

>tfw when you spent way more time then you should have playing the halo ce, battlefield 2 and 1942 demos
>tfw the hardline demo was so fucking fun and then the full release was garbage

Saints Row 1 in Xbox360.
I spent so many hours that I still remember the streets

>implying you can get to the best part of a game in 2 hours

Are you playing flash games all the day?


Katawa Shoujo


kek, I played the demo to death more than 15 years ago and still haven't touched the full version yet

I remember it had demo.

I'm fucking retarded, I meant

Nah, fuck off


this so much

Skate's demo was timed but just the purity of it was so good

Just you, a board and a school playground for twenty minutes a go


Test Drive

But how is that more fun than free roaming a whole town?

"Best part" is not an existing concept, the point is to enjoy the game as a whole, or it would only consist of the "best part".

That argument is even less valid when you consider I play fighters and strategies, so it's possible to decide if I want to buy it or not based on the 2-hour experience.

The demo was so good famiglia

Though I think I'm the only one who played this one

>yfw Gangland 2 will never be released

Not exactly a demo, but I bought only the first episode of the new Hitman. I played it and got bored of it and now I won't waste $45 more on gameplay I'm already bored of.

Did anyone else have the demo disk with MGS and Cool Boarders 2 on it?

Good choice. It's shit.

ratchet & clank 3

Holy fuck I loved this demo
Gangland or something, right?
I never played the full game either, always wanted to but never saw it in stores back then.

Looks like The Sims 1

>mfw i know that doujin..

IIRC it's fully 3D with a rotatable camera rather than 2D with 3D character models.
Could be wrong though since it's been about 13 years since I played that demo.

sauce kind fellow?

Fuck.... I remember now

Oh man, fucking MGO beta days
I redownloaded the beta of it out of curiosity to see what it would say.
It went something like this
"Thanks for playing the metal gear solid online beta! We can't wait to see you again on the day of full release June 12, 2008!"

Fuck everything.

Fuck you, ZOE is a fun game.

I had a blast playing and replaying the demo with a friend. By the time the full game was out, I pretty much had my full and regretted my purchase.

I still can't believe there aren't any games with destruction on par with this game. Armageddon was a mistake.

They also fucked up by not making co-op open world.

just played it and its still fucking fun
also there's a multiplayer scene going on
you just need to patch your game for a new masterserver

MGO was the best part of 4.

Delete this.

there was an unlicensed football game for ps3 that wasn't blitz that was fun as hell. the demo let you play all of the dumb modes of the game but not an actual game of football.

best mode was couch co op where each player starts at opposite goal lines and defense gets like 6 ai players. you show off and break tackles to get points while the other guy tries to stop you.

does anyone know the name of this game? i can't find it on google.

Me too, but never touch the complete version.



The terrible AI wasn't readily apparent in a 1v2


Came here to post this.

Shadow of the Colossus.
I played the shit out of that demo to the point of climbing the castle you start in, going out of bounds of the demo and finding the secrets.
Then I bought the game, didn't finish it. Bought the HD remake and didn't finish it. Maybe one day I'll finish it.

Any of you guys remember getting these?

I still have a good 10 or 11 of these demo discs lying around.

I must have played each of them 500 times over... Sucks not being to afford video games a kid

American McGee Alice for me. The demo has a small section from every different kind of level and it was just great.
Made me realize that variety in small doses in a game is some times is a better choice than a long game with no real changes.

forgot pic derp

No, but i had a "100 shareware in one CD"

80MB of Singleplayer and Multiplayer goodness.
Oh and client side mods affected servers for some reason, so you could blow up the map by modding your pistol for example.

nah, that game was good all around.