Have you pre-ordered yet?

Have you pre-ordered yet?

No, it was repetitive before, now it's just insulting with all the cartoonish stronk independent womyn being shoehorned in.

yes i did pre order zelda breath of the wild for both NX and Wii U.

Should be a good game to play with your wife's son.

At least the guy you control is a white man.

dumb fuck, he's hispanic. you can kill yourself now dumb Sup Forumsposter.

Fuck no. I won't be strong armed into preordering just to get CoD 4 remastered. I'll just wait until Jewstop has a used copy of MW for sale.

No he's white. His last name is just Spanish sounding.

when will this meme game die?


No, fuck off Actishill.


>non-Treyarch Cowadooty
>neo-Infinity Ward Cowadooty
Fuck no.
Kill yourself.

Shitty bait.

Unironically preordered the Legacy Pro Edition. When the Season Pass was included in just the Legacy Edition my Xbox account got credited $40 so I bought GTA V too.

Nice. I got the Digital Deluxe myself. Got GTA V for $15 from Best Buy.

Sup Forums is dead.

Wish both this and BF died already and stopped poluting this genre.
DOOM, Deus Ex or Wolfenstein are so much better its not even funny.
Even goddamn OW is more entertaining.

I'll wait few months for separate MW Remaster.

None of those are multiplayer shooters besides Doom. Doom has good multiplayer, I played the demo, but CoD tops it. You can't really compare Deus Ex in terms of the singleplayer because that's a first person RPG.

No I pre-ordered the good game.

>my CoD is better than yours

BF is clunky shit. It will never beat Call of Duty's smooth mechanics.

DOOM is better simply because theres no kilkstreaks and maps are big enough and have various ways so spawn killing is really hard to do.
Killstreaks alone made BO3 awful.
Then again, almost all modern online shooters are garbage, they are just different shades of shit.

They fucked this up in BO3

Both are horrible shooters with terrible mechanics, part of franchises that almost killed shooters in general and made the 7th gen so awful.

Backed in 2012, can't wait to fly around the universe kicking arse as a PMC member, flying ships and crewing on capital ships.

Will be the best MMO ever

Ghosts, AW and BO3 are shit, so i'm not even bother pirating it.
Plus, the PC port will probably be shit.

Your subjective "Smooth" vs bigger maps, bigger teams, vehicles, tactical gameplay, more weapons and upgrade options.

>terrible mechanics
>best selling fps of all time

Only BF is floaty. CoD has tight mechanics.

Why? Cowadooty is the embodiment of everything wrong in this industry.

I dunno I think BO3 was more fluid than AW. Feels more compact.

>this game is good because it sells
Might as well say that I could not make a gsme better than COD, drone.

I preordered the super special rehash edition just for the CoD4 remaster.

>Lel come play my niche or old-school shooter that has not aged well.

Both are pure garbage with obsolete forms of gameplay, trying to catch up to actually good shooters with their sad attempts like jetpacks, instead of getting their own personality and style.
Stale franchises milked to death that only kids keep playing.

You probably can't.

We've been getting stronk wimin since fucking Ghosts, you retard.

I hate women too! Nice one brother.

Yes, i'd rather play a good game instead of cowadooty #17566472837565838
And no, you kids need to stay in COD, that turd was made to contain you, and keep you away from other games.

It's sad to see Sup Forums having a genuine shitstorm over CoD vs BF. Both are garbage, though one is much better optimized despite bigger scale.

CoD is technical joke that manages to run like shit on modern machines, while recent Battlefront and BF1 beta is smooth and good looking even on 4 years old PC.

And this is all the "arguments" COD shills have to offer.
You'd think Activision couls afford something better than Pajeets.

Blackops 2 was the last good cod game.

>I can't enjoy as many things as you
>that makes me superior

Because COD keeps using the shitty, 20 year old Quake 3 engine and they are now showing the limits of how much you can push such an old engine.

Why would I enjoy the 9th mod of COD4 but with unbalanced gimmicks?

what , AW multiplayer was way better then BO3

The entire game was built so that if you weren't constantly bunny hopping you were going to die.
In BO3 both hopping and just running worked fine.

you might just like being in the air for copious amounts of time which is fine, but AW was not designed well at all.

BO3 is shit too, but its shit because of map design, the VMP, and skillless specialist weapons.

And straight up unfair killstreaks.

Why would I buy an uninspired soulless rehash that a bunch of suits made lmao?

The only unfair streaks are the RAPS, everything else proportionally to the amount of score they take to earn IMO.

RAPS drones drop like 16 drones that take a third of your clip to destroy, roll retardedly fast, and their blast radius is larger than MW2 grenade launchers. I know WHY they buffed them, but that buff is simply too strong.

The raps deploy ship is too strong as well.

everything else can be taken out with a couple RPGs or EMPs.

Good game so like battlefield. Your right the more kids that play cod the less in bffs there will be.


They should get rid of heli invisibility too.

No. Campaign looks fun but not worth 60 burgs. Multi is the same shit as always.

No, good game like any shooter but COD and BF.

I bought it. Can't wait, even pre-ordered the Legacy Edition for MW4.

>inb4 shill

Man, this franchise has really lost its way.
Feels the same as what has happened to the Simpsons.


>tactical gameplay

t. angry shill
Those webm's only work against you.


>something new
You mean gimmick vehicle sections in campaign? Yeah, really new.

I imagine the ship combat will be just as fun as the ground combat. Its lookinbg to be pretty fun, and even the multiplayer. With maps in space and on the moon like that Terminal remake. They're taking their time to reveal their multi because they know totons of people are excited for it , to see how it is.

Man, thats some of the worst vehicle design i've ever seen.

I think I'll wait to pre-order until after it's released.

Unless they add space combat in MP, its automatically dropped.

>but it still does nothing new its still the same game like 10 years ago but it still lost its way :^)

nah wraith invisibility is fair -- anytime it's invisible it won't shoot. the problem is that you can't lock onto it despite seeing its silhouette

Space combat, on foot and in air. Come on now, don't pretend that that's not new for CoD other than the single space level from Ghosts

u better quit it OP

It isnt. Faster heli section from BO1 and plane from BO2. With a black skybox.

are you fucking retarded? space warfare won't be the focus, it's going to be the same ol' garbage """campaign""" that we've got for the past seven years. the MP is going to be full of OP weapons and extremely low TTK, with browns and grays everywhere. pull your head out of your ass and think for ten seconds. I swear you anti-COD retards need to gas yourselves.

It has because now they add a gimmick and focus the campaign around it.
Not to mention all the specialist abilities, killstreaks and etc which they should get rid of.

>loot box system
>still has paid DLC
Jewish fucks.

>don't pay for the loot boxes
>don't buy the dlc
>even better, wait a few months when they release Cawadoody Gold Edition which comes with first map pack free

wow all it took was some willpower!

>tfw cod's one of my favorite series of games
>can spend hundreds of hours in multiplayer havin fun for the whole year, dozens of hours in the zombies/survival mode
>knew Ghosts was going to be bad, didn't preorder/buy at all
>still feels like I missed out on the cool predator and Jason multiplayer map DLC

and that is why despite Ghosts being bad and advanced warfare being shite, I'm still going to give cod a shot every year. It gives me hundreds of hours of entertainment so why not? Black ops 3 was fantastic and I still play it daily. Going to see if they announce a special collectors edition that isn't exclusive to gamestop. I want that steelbook but I don't want to pay full price for it.

nice shilling and or shit taste, every cod since MW3 has been literal shit with the exception of Hijacked on BO2. BO3 is only good in comparison to AW, but that doesn't take effort.

Space is the focus of this game retard.

they're literally both abominable

just like this thread and nu Sup Forums are

Infinite Warfare will pwn Ghosts. I think they've learned from their mistakes with that .02 second TTK in multiplayer. If anything I think it's going to feel like an Infinity Ward version of BO3 with similar mechanics, minus the wall-running, with space maps.

Or, release all the DLC for free and make money off loot boxes to keep the userbase alive, happy and not fragmented like Overwatch or Titanfall 2 will do.
But Activision must milk every pore of the rotten corpse of this cow.

No, it really isn't you goddamn retard. it's a setpiece right before you braindead shooting sections and pointless QTEs. just you wait. when the game launches you'll be shitting yourself saying "FUCK Sup Forums was right again"

i plan on getting a code off ebay for like $20

>learning anything
>after 9 years of broken and unbalanced crap in every game
Fuck off Redditor.

The only multi-player shooter that is more tactical is Arma. If you think cod need more your might be retarted.

>Inb4 some random niche shooter no one plays.

If they did that loot boxes would become OP, ruining the game completely. At least now it's maintained. At least when you pay for maps you get guaranteed content unlike Halo 5's remix maps.

That argument again.
>I play on 1000 servers at the same time.
>few thousands players is nothing

>release DLC for free
GOY do you not know what moneymaking is? hahaha no, you will pay for the maps and you are gonna like it! xD

listen, I totally agree with you that they should give this shit for free since ancient games like Delta Force Black Hawk Dawn have level editors, but as long as that jew fucker Bobby Kotick is in, we won't be getting good deals ever.

No one plays them because no one likes them you hipster fuck.

They wouldnt, Overwatch has no OP loot boxes because its just skins and shit, and retards eat that shit up.
At least on PC it would work since no one buys map packs.

It is you dumb nigger. They said space is the main focus of this game. Fucking idiot.
That's why you'll be on different planets and in space most of the time.

Of course, of course. I need 300000 players at the same time so I can play 6v6 game

Yea but CoD has guns in their packs. Imagine what they'd do. They'd triple the amount of guns you could get. On PC you can just pirate so it doesn't matter for that.

You can't pirate multiplayer shit, idiot.

>Preordering digital games

Face it, COD/Fifa/2K/Madden are the only games that are socially acceptable. I would love to see the look on whichever unfortunate woman you take home's face when you pull out your dumb weeb games and play them right in front of her. Fucking virgins.

PC Master Race you retard, BO3 is already hacked and we have mod tools.

Congratulations your not a normie. Is that what you wanna hear?