Jus bought this. What am I in for?

Jus bought this. What am I in for?

Other urls found in this thread:


fake leather, and bad inseam stitching.

these only cost about 50 dollars to make at my leather factory with real leather. If you paid more than 80 it was a waste of money.

isn't that thing over 1k or just obscenely expensive.

>leather factory

It's a factory where you make leather.

They released a really cool looking official Leon jacket a few years. This one looks like it was made by a Chinaman in a streetmarket.

>my leather factory
Fuck you, leather head.

If you're not Leon Kennedy you're going to look ridiculous in it

>What am I in for?
Mad puss. Bring floaties, you may drown.

please dont.
user where do you think leather is processed and cured for commercial use?

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board the leather factory is three clicks out

Yo that shit looks comfy af. I've never owned a leather jacket, doubt I could pull it off clashes, with my style of being an unfashionable white nerd.

made with cheap ass materials, you can get one similar that looks and feels better than some cosplay tier jacket

>user where do you think leather is processed and cured for commercial use?
idk at the butchers maybe

>What am I in 4


Remember to post a picture of you wearing it so we can all laugh at you

Alright, Thank you~!


fuck you

please stop this, This is my life passion!

Shit quality and fake leather. You should just have gotten a real jacket and not some video game merchandise jacket. Real sheepskin bomber jackets look much better.

buyers remorse

would rather wear this

To look like a fag.

it's a meme jacket favored by reddit


You can get one of these for $150 when they have sales. It's better quality and it has a detachable hood. I have one and it's super comfy

Sorry forgot link


1- You're going to look like a fag. You're not a video game character and even Brad Pitt would like like a dumbass in that thing.

2- A decent leather jacket costs $300+, that one is probably going to fall apart. But at least you won't look like a fag anymore when you throw in away after two weeks.

Here's a decent leather jacket for a decent price. You won't look like your favorite chinese game character but you can feel like him and not look like a fucking sperg.

>plus size

Just wear a fucking garbage bag or something. no one wants to look at you.

>be in italy
>try to buy cool jacket for leon cosplay
>300 euros

feels bad man

Who wants to bet OP is a fat fuck and that the jacket is ill fitted on him and looks horrible when he puts it on.

What leather factory is this? Not trolling. I'm genuinely interested.


The one which is two block down