Cinematic game is evil

The Order 1886.
Gone Home.
TellTale games.
Naughty Dog games.
The Zero Escape trilogy.

All of these can hardly be considered ''''games'''' by any sense of the imagination. So why do we treat them as such?

Those games still have gameplay, user. Even if it is barely there. Visual Novels shouldn't be considered games.

Telltale games are cool, stfu

>le fugg le nawty doge xdxdxd


you bore me

Because we like to eat shit since 2008, remember?

u r gay

You disliking something doesn't make shit or your shit opinion right.

I fucking hate cinematic gaming.

Who even started adding ND to these lists? Was it when TLoU released? Because none of their games are less than 85-90% gameplay, although the Uncharted 4 ending was too long.

It makes me ignore anything else you say because you're blatantly uninformed. Don't speak if you are just going to be obviously stupid.

>These games have gameplay!

No they don;t. You can watch a TellTale game on YouTube and get the same experience.

>Your opinion is shit!

Because it's 'subjective' right?

Give me a break. Shit is shit. I explained why, you didn't defend yourself.

>. I explained why
Where exactly?

user, there is gameplay in those games. This isn't a grade 4 debate we're having, this is proven fact. I get your point but you need to come up with real arguments.

>Watching... watching cutscenes is gameplay, you guys!

I bet you think jacking off to porn can be considered a 'game.'

You have your hand on a tiny joystick, it must be true!

You sill haven't told me where you "explained" anything and now you result to 12 year old tier name calling. Enjoy your thread Op

I'm not having a discussion with someone that won't at least pretend they're older than 13.

Zero Escape obviously has gameplay so I don't get what you're trying to say.

Is this bait? I can't tell with Sup Forums anymore.
It's obvious all of these games have gameplay, even Telltale games has sections that require reflex input etc...

Like it or not, this is gameplay and it's in these games.

Ace Attorney

I mean that game is just dialog and you fuckers like it WHILE it being a game from Crapcom.

>Is this bait?
Yes it is, you dumb moron.

No, that actually works because you have to think about how to proceed.

It's linear, sure, but it works. It's a far cry from Until Dawn.

>dumb moron.

TLoU is literally shoverware without its story and narration.

>Naughty Dog games.

They may be cinematic, but they're still games you assblasted fuccboi. Try actually playing them someday. Yes, I said "playing", you mongoloid.

what the fuck is shoverware?

mediocre bait, see me after class

naughty dog games and the order were cinematic but had a lot of gameplay compared to the other things on that list

It is worse than shovelware.

I actually enjoyed the gameplay in TLoU. Especially when ramped up to survival difficulty.
It removed the hearing mechanic and actually felt like supplies were scarce and valuable and enemies felt like a real threat.

> Naughty Dog games
What about Jak and Daxter you fuckin faggot?

These are a bridge between games and movies. They are not very different to the movies with voting mechanisms that some cinemas in 80s had. So threat them like those. Saying that those are bad games or bad movies is like saying tablets are bad phones or PCs. Make a new category for those.

>those images
It's like somebody took a joke a step too far.

He clearly meant neo-Naughty Dog, not when they actually made video games.

Cartoony platform shit doesn't count.

The original J&D is fine. My problem with it is that it's a particularly blatant Banjo-Kazooie clone.

Jak II is where I feel they started to become cinematic garbage.

Congratulations, you have shit taste.

>Congratulations, you have shit taste.
I like what I like, if someone on Sup Forums of all places thinks my taste is shit, it's not exactly ground breaking.

I-i-i liked J&D 2 and 3

Zero Escape & TailTail games aint that bad.

They are, it's just that their non gamer fanbase talk about them constantly.

These aren't games, but if you've never played a real game before... well...

QTEs are gameplay in the sense that Simon Says is gameplay - it's a reaction or memory test, just that shit like The Order 1886 has a fancy multi-million dollar backdrop to it.

I don't think I could call a Telltale production a game, though, because the Simon Says segments are so few and far between - like in a David Cage game. It's a story that occasionally hands you a game of Simon Says to play to keep you interested and to justify itself with gameplay. If you don't even have a Simon Says equivalent element, such as QTEs, though, I wouldn't think to call it a game for a second.

Point and click games or games that ask you to put in real thought on dialogue to make a speechcrafting system or something similar, however, I would probably call games. You are forced to give thoughtful input. I suppose that they're games in the sense that reading through a whodunnit is a 'game' in the sense that you are testing yourself for fun, and that they do need some intellectual skill to solve. There are a lot of blurred lines in some genres, but I'm firm in my opinions about Tellt-alike games barely being games if at all.