What is your opinion of ero-dating sims? I personally feel the genre has a lot of potential and can be very addictive to rack up stats and optimize your workload, it's like playing a watered down micro-management game with sex as a bonus.
What is your opinion of ero-dating sims...
H-RPG are better
I will automatically love any eroge which gives me the option to fug my big sister.
don't really care make it yuri and im sold.
I'm generally in huge favor of nukige with gameplay elements. Not enough of those.
Sengoku Rance and Bunny Black best games
Agree with this user
>dating sim
Kamidori Alchemy Meister or Sengoku Rance or bust.
Artificial Academy 2 is still one of the best dating sims. Not because it has depth, or even makes the least bit of sense, but because it doesn't have art that looks like it was drawn in 1989.
I don't get the appeal at all
There's enough porn on the internet. Why click through 20 hours of cheesy dialogue?
Neither are nukige
Holy mother of shit taste
Cheesy dialogue is the point. Badly written or not, there's appeal in getting to know a character and them seeing them fucking. Feels intimate and shit.
For regular internet porn you click on it, whip your dick out, fap, and that's it.
Reminder that Rance VI will be out in English this year
>he doesn't find females attractive
wew lad
sauce? I'm mildly interested in playing it.
The genre of dating sims as a whole has slowed down to a trickle. You either invest in a full-blown game like Rance, or dumb it down to VN levels.
There's really no in-between with stuff from the 90s' like Tokimeki bombs and micromanagement that you actually had to do to play. And we will never get those games localized. The closest we'll get if it ever comes out is an Amagami translation, but that's more of a dating sim that has incorporated a lot of VN elements that only uses relationship and timing as the only factors to success rather than a host of stuff like looks and studies but still manage to be a dating sim.
>he assumes
Yuri is vanilla, bland, and boring. People who like Yuri are the people who don't put ketchup on their hotdogs, or play Skyrim without mods. Just absolute shit taste.
except you don't click for dialogue only in dating sims, they have way more gameplay than visual novels, some of them have even FPS minigames
It looks like it's made by the company who made pai touch
It's Haramase Simulator, another NEVER EVER tier game, the beta build is pretty fucking cool though, you can make a proud french woman slave to your cock.
>dark souls memes
>japanese developer
thanks, found the thread on about it and gonna try it out now. It looks like a cool project.